Thematic project overview

On this page you will find the research projects of the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering organised by topic. Further information on the individual focal points can be found on the pages of the respective projects. The project-related publications are also linked there. Some projects deal with cross-sectional topics across several research areas. However, these projects are not listed twice, but are assigned to the area in which the project is focussed. For example, projects in the field of cyanobacteria often also deal with aspects of biofilm formation. 

Current projects are marked with an (*) in the list (as of 07/2024).

Sustainable bioprocesses (biorefinery, energy efficiency, renewable raw materials)

GreenProScale - Process integration and scale-up of a biorefinery for green waste, taking into account the robustness of the system* (German title: GreenProScale - Prozessintegration und Scale-Up einer Grünschnitt-Bioraffinerie unter Berücksichtigung der Robustheit des Systems)*BMBF
Smart batches in the energy system of the future*
(German title: Smart Batches im Energiesystem der Zukunft
Carl-Zeiss Foundation
Production of ethyl-butyrate in a self-sufficient reaction cascade (PEBcascade)*German Research Foundation (DFG)
Development of a fed-batch method for the optimal propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the fermentation of grape must*
(German title: Entwicklung einer Fed-batch-Methode zur optimalen Vermehrung von Saccharomyces cerevisiae zur Vergärung von Traubenmost (EFMoST)

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank - Research for innovation in the agricultural sector

Sustainable building - biosandstone through microbiologically induced calcium carbonate precipitation*
(German title: Nachhaltiges Bauen – Biosandstein durch mikrobiologisch induzierte Calciumcarbonatfällung
Basic funding Rhineland-Palatinate

Establishment of a sequentially coupled cascade utilization of perennial ryegrass
(German title: Etablierung einer sequentiell gekoppelten Kaskadennutzung von Deutschem Weidelgras

GreenToGreen - municipal green waste as the basis for green chemistry
(German title: GreenToGreen – kommunaler Grünschnitt als Basis für eine grüne Chemie
Development of a smartphone analysis system for process control in wine production and in the biotechnology industry
(German title: Entwicklung eines Smartphone-Analysensystems zur Prozesskontrolle in der Weinproduktion und in der biotechnologischen Industrie
Potential area of nanostructured catalysts (NanoKat)*
(German title: Potentialbereich Nanostrukturierte Katalysatoren (NanoKat)
State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Implementation of a value chain based on brewery residues
(German title: Implementierung einer Wertschöpfungskette auf Basis von Brauereirückständen
BERBION: The city of the future - a demand-driven ZERO-WASTE biorefinery
(German title: BERBION: Die Stadt der Zukunft – Eine bedarfsangepasste ZERO-WASTE-Bioraffinerie
Lignocellulose biorefinery - Digestion of lignocellulosic raw materials and complete material utilization of the components
(German title: Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie – Aufschluss lignocellulosehaltiger Rohstoffe und vollständige stoffliche Nutzung der Komponenten
Joint project: Pilot project lignocellulose biorefinery
(German title: Verbundvorhaben: Pilotprojekt Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie
Use of novel, regioselective halogenases for biotransformations
(German title: Nutzung neuartiger, regioselektiver Halogenasen für Biotransformationen
Denitrification of whey and whey products - combination of chromatography and biological nitrate degradation
(German title: Denitrifikation von Molke und Molkeprodukten – Kombination von Chromatographie und biologischen Nitratabbau
Extraction of lactic acid and 1,2-propanediol from grass silage
(German title: Gewinnung von Milchsäure sowie 1,2-Propandiol aus Grassilage
Center for Resource Efficient Chemistry and Raw Material Change (RCR)
(German title: Zentrum für ressourceneffiziente Chemie und Rohstoffwandel (RCR)
Carl-Zeiss Foundation
Research network: SynRg - Systems biotechnology for the production of renewable raw materials
(German title: Forschungsverbund: SynRg – Systembiotechnologie nachwachsender Rohstoffgewinnung
The biorefinery - contributions of white biotechnology to environmental protection
(German title: Die Bioraffinerie – Beiträge der weißen Biotechnologie zum Umweltschutz
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)
Collaborative project Utilization of silage and silage press juice as a raw material for the production of basic and fine chemicals
(German title: Verbundvorhaben Nutzung von Silage und Silagepresssaft als Rohstoff zur Gewinnung von Grund- und Feinchemikalien
From recyclable material to active ingredient - conversion and fine purification
(German title: Vom Wertstoff zum Wirkstoff – Konvertierung und Feinreinigung
Rhineland-Palatinate Foundation for Innovation
From natural material to recyclable material
(German title: Vom Naturstoff zum Wertstoff
Ministry of Economy, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture
Catalysis at the center of sustainable chemical processes
(German title: Katalyse im Zentrum nachhaltiger Verfahren der Chemie
Rhineland-Palatinate Foundation for Innovation
Analytical Techniques for Biorefineries EU-COST-Project

Terrestrial cyanobacteria


Use of phototrophic biofilms in the agricultural sector to improve plant growth*
(German title: Einsatz von phototrophen Biofilmen im Agrarsektor zur Verbesserung des Pflanzenwachstums

German Research Foundation (DFG)
iProcess: Intelligent process development - from modeling to product
(German title: iProcess: Intelligente Prozessentwicklung - von der Modellierung bis zum Produkt
State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Optimizing the production of antimicrobial agents by terrestrial cyanobacteria 
(German title: Optimierung der Produktion antimikrobieller Wirkstoffe von terrestrischen Cyanobakterien
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Investigation of the adhesion of terrestrial cyanobacteria on different surfaces
(German title: Untersuchung der Adhäsion terrestrischer Cyanobakterien auf unterschiedlichen Oberflächen
Next generation biofilm - the “Rose of Jericho” of biotechnology
(German title: Next Generation Biofilm – die „Rose von Jericho“ der Biotechnologie
Utilization of carbon dioxide as a resource for the production of valuable materials with phototrophic biofilms
(German title: Nutzung von Kohlenstoffdioxid als Ressource zur Produktion von Wertstoffen mit phototrophen Biofilmen
Carl-Zeiss Foundation
Nutrient-poor emersed fermentations of terrestrial cyanobacteria for the production of biotechnological materials
(German title: Nährstoffarme Emers-Fermentationen terrestrischer Cyanobakterien zur Produktion biotechnischer Wertstoffe
German Research Foundation (DFG)

Training and further education concepts in the MINT field (with digital media)

Microalgae - sustainable heroes
(German title: Mikroalgen - Nachhaltige Helden)
Carl-Zeiss Sustainability Foundation

Fighting climate change with microalgae - Do it Yourself (MikaDo)
(German title: Mit Mikroalgen gegen den Klimawandel – Do it Yourself (MikaDo)

Carl-Zeiss Sustainability Foundation
EcoLab - Understanding and applying photometry in the sense of environmental education
(German title: EcoLab - Photometrie im Sinne der Umweltbildung verstehen und anwenden
German Federal Environmental Foundation
U.EDU - Unified Education: Media education along the teacher training chain
(German title: U.EDU - Unified Education: Medienbildung entlang der Lehrerbildungskette
The future of MINT learning
(German title: Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens
German Telekom Foundation
MINT using the example of bioprocess engineering - experience research in theory and practice at first hand
(German title: MINT am Beispiel der Bioverfahrenstechnik – Forschung in Theorie und Praxis hautnah erleben
State of Rhineland-Palatinate (TUKjunior)
Argus: Perspectives on instruction
(German title: Argus: Perspektiven der Instruktion
State of Rhineland-Palatinate (LehrePlus) SmartGlass as an examination tool for process-related assessment in scientific and technical laboratory practicals
(German title: SmartGlass als Prüfungstool zur prozessbezogenen Beurteilung in naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Laborpraktika
State of Rhineland-Palatinate (LehrePlus)
Vacation courses “Process technology - from gene to technical product”State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Vacation courses “Bioprocess engineering - from DNA to application”State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Experimental environmental education programs in school laboratories with the development and use of new smartphone experiments 
(German title: Experimentelle Umweltbildungsangebote in Schülerlaboren unter Entwicklung und Verwendung neuer Smartphone-Experimente)
German Federal Environmental Foundation
Vacation courses “Biorefinery - Industrial use of renewable raw materials”State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Voting(@)TUKL State of Rhineland-Palatinate (LehrePlus)
Vacation courses “Renewable raw materials - raw material change in the chemical industry”State of Rhineland-Palatinate
“Catalysis” vacation course for high school students (advanced courses in biology, chemistry and physics)State of Rhineland-Palatinate