Thematic project overview

On this page you will find the research projects of the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering organised by topic. Further information on the individual focal points can be found on the pages of the respective projects. The project-related publications are also linked there. Some projects deal with cross-sectional topics across several research areas. However, these projects are not listed twice, but are assigned to the area in which the project is focussed. For example, projects in the field of cyanobacteria often also deal with aspects of biofilm formation.
Current projects are marked with an (*) in the list (as of 07/2024).
Active ingredients from macroalgae and plant cell culture
Project | funding |
Characterisation of drought tolerance and water storage of phototrophic biofilms* (German title: Charakterisierung von Trockentoleranz und Wasserspeicherung phototropher Biofilme)* | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Biofilms on microstructured surfaces | German Research Foundation (DFG) - Subproject C03 in SFB 926 |
Profile area Advanced Material Engineering (AME)* | State of Rhineland-Palatinate |
Investigation of the process behavior of productive biofilms (German title: Untersuchung des Prozessverhaltens von produktiven Biofilmen) | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Project | FUNDING |
Elektrobiotechnology* | Basic funding Rhineland-Palatinate |
Magnetic particle systems for processing and catalysis
Sustainable bioprocesses (biorefinery, energy efficiency, renewable raw materials)
Terrestrial cyanobacteria
Training and further education concepts in the MINT field (with digital media)