Federal Ministries - Current projects

GreenProScale - Process integration and scale-up of a biorefinery for green waste, taking into account the robustness of the system

The present project pursues an ambitious overall objective aimed at the sustainable development and utilisation of innovative biotechnological processes for the efficient use of low woody biomass. The focus is on the cultivation of Cupriavidus necator, Clostridia and Ustilago maydis in robust and scalable processes for the production of humulene, butyric acid and itaconic acid as well as the extraction of enzymes, each of which is to be established on a pilot plant scale. 

Further information


KIT, Electrobiotechnology

ifn FTZ GmbH

StatusCurrent project
Funding periode04/2024 - 12/2025
Funding code031B1497A

M.Sc. Wolfgang Laudensack

M. Sc. Marianne Volkmar

Microbially catalysed electrosynthesis of succinic acid (eSuccinate)

(German title: Mikrobiell katalysierte Elektrosynthese von Bernsteinsäure (eSuccinat))

The aim is to utilise electrical energy for the microbial production of the plastic monomer succinic acid. The innovative approach of microbial electrosynthesis is being pursued here. Electrical energy is transferred to the microorganism Actinobacillus succinogenes, which simultaneously utilises renewable raw materials to synthesise the catalysts and the product. Further information



Lehrgebiet Bioverfahrenstechnik und Downstream Processing
(Prof. Nils Tippkötter), FH Aachen

StatusCurrent project
Funding organisation


Funding period02/2023 - 01/2026
Funding code221NR021B
EmployeesJan-Niklas Hengsbach

Development of a fed-batch method for the optimal propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the fermentation of grape must (EFMoST)

(German title: Entwicklung einer Fed-batch-Methode zur optimalen Vermehrung von Saccharomyces cerevisiae zur Vergärung von Traubenmost (EFMoST))

As part of the project "Development of a fed-batch method for the optimal propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the fermentation of grape must" (EFMoST), a process for separating the aerobic propagation process of the yeast from the actual fermentation phase in the grape must is to be developed. The aim is to obtain a yeast that has a sufficient cell count and is highly vital. Further information



Chair for Process analytics and cereal science (Uni Hohenheim) 

Winery Lauth & Sohn

KERAFOL Keramische Folien GmbH & Co. KG

StatusCurrent Project
Funding organisation

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Research for innovation in agriculture

Funding period08/2022 - 09/2024
Funding code1 012 183

Elisa Könnel 
Dr.-Ing. Sarah Di Nonno

Federal ministries - Completed projects

Development of a smartphone analysis system for process control in wine production and in the biotechnological industry (German title: Entwicklung eines Smartphone-Analysensystems zur Prozesskontrolle in der Weinproduktion und in der biotechnologischen Industrie)AiF/BMWi
Funding period: 12/2019-11/2023
Funding code: 20964 N / 1 
Establishment of a sequentially coupled cascade utilisation of perennial ryegrass
(German title: Etablierung einer sequentiell gekoppelten Kaskadennutzung von Deutschem Weidelgras
Funding period: 07/2020 - 09/2023 
Funding code: 2220NR026B
GreenToGreen - municipal green waste as the basis for green chemistryBMBF
Funding periode: 02/2020 - 11/2023
Funding code: 031B0903B
U.EDU - Unified Education: Media education along the teacher training chain BMBF
Funding periode: 01/2016 - 12/2023
Funding code: 01JA1616 and 01JA2029
Biomimetic adhesive made from lignin-containing plant residues
(German title: Biomimetischer Klebstoff aus ligninhaltigen Pflanzenresten

Funding period: 10/2015-03/2019
Funding code: 22030514

Next generation biofilm - the "Rose of Jericho" of biotechnology
(Germen title: Next Generation Biofilm - die "Rose von Jericho" der Biotechnologie
Funding period: 10/2015-03/2018
Funding code: 031B0068D
Extraction of lactic acid and 1,2-propanediol from grass silage
(GErman title: Gewinnung von Milchsäure sowie 1,2-Propandiol aus Grassilage
Funding period: 2/2013-07/2014
Funding code: 22018512
Research Centre "Magnetic Enzymes" ("MAGNENZ"), Subproject 1
(German title: Forschungskolleg "Magnetische Enzyme" ("MAGNENZ"), Teilprojekt 1
Funding period: 10/2011-09/2014
Funding code: 0316057A
Development of a technologically new recycling process for nano- or microscale magnetic particles
(German title: Entwicklung eines technologisch neuen Recyclingverfahrens für nano- oder mikroskalige Magnetpartikel
Funding period: 09/2010-08/2012
Funding code: KF2031212FRO
Lignocellulose biorefinery - Digestion of lignocellulosic raw materials and complete material utilisation of the components (phase 2)
(German title: Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie - Aufschluss lignocellulosehaltiger Rohstoffe und vollständige stoffliche Nutzung der Komponenten (Phase 2)
Funding period: 05/2010-04/2013
Funding code: 22019409
Research network: SynRg - System biotechnology of renewable raw material extraction: Coordinator of sub-project 6 
(German title: Forschungsverbund: SynRg - Systembiotechnologie nachwachsender Rohstoffgewinnung: Koordinator Teilvorhaben 6
Funding period: 07/2009-06/2012
funding code: 22023008
BERBION: The city of the future - a demand-driven ZERO-WASTE biorefinery
(German title: BERBION: Die Stadt der Zukunft - Eine bedarfsangepasste ZERO-WASTE-Bioraffinerie
Funding period: 01/2009-12/2013
Funding code: 03SF0345A (Subcontractor of the TU Hamburg-Harburg)
Collaborative project Utilisation of silage and silage press juice as a raw material for the production of basic and fine chemicals; sub-project 1: Hydrolysis and conversion to alcohols 
(German title: Verbundvorhaben Nutzung von Silage und Silagepresssaft als Rohstoff zur Gewinnung von Grund- und Feinchemikalien; Teilvorhaben 1: Hydrolyse und Konvertierung zu Alkoholen
Funding period: 06/2008-05/2011
Funding code: 22025407
Collaborative project: Pilot project lignocellulose biorefinery, sub-project 1: extract processing, enzyme technology, process engineering investigations, life cycle assessment, economic feasibility studies
(German title: Verbundvorhaben: Pilotprojekt Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie, Teilvorhaben 1: Extraktverarbeitung, Enzymtechnologie, verfahrenstechnische Untersuchungen, Ökobilanzierung, Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnungen

Funding period: 06/2007-05/2009
Funding code: FNR 22027405 (Subcontractor of DECHEMA e. V.)

Utilisation of novel, regioselective halogenases for biotransformations
(German title: Nutzung neuartiger, regioselektiver Halogenasen für Biotransformationen

Funding period: 07/2005-06/2008
Funding code: VIII D2-404240/7

Denitrification of whey and whey products - combination of chromatography and biological nitrate degradation
(German title: Denitrifikation von Molke und Molkeprodukten - Kombination von Chromatographie und biologischen Nitratabbau
Funding period: 08/2004-12/2006
Funding code: 14038N
Development of immunoanalytical rapid test systems for algal toxins
(German title: Entwicklung von immunanalytischen Schnelltestsystemen für Algentoxine
Funding period: 10/2003-09/2005
Funding code: KF 0479001 KMD3