Development of a smartphone analysis system for process control in wine production and in the biotechnology industry

(German title: Entwicklung eines Smartphone-Analysensystems zur Prozesskontrolle in der Weinproduktion und in der biotechnologischen Industrie)

With the project "Development of a smartphone analysis system for process control in wine production and in the biotechnology industry", the AiF is funding the further development of BioVT's smart photometer. Together with the Weincampus in Neustadt a. d. W., a practical system can now be developed over the next three years.

With around 9 million hL of wine produced per year, Germany is one of the 10 largest wine-growing nations in the world. The turnover of the German wine industry for domestically produced wines amounted to 3.1 billion euros in 2015 (Deutsches Weininstitut, 2016). A special feature of the German wine industry is the wide variety of products and the large number of small wineries. Although the number of wineries is declining, 43,400 wineries still cultivated the 102,000 hectares of vineyards in Germany in 2015 (Deutsches Weininstitut, 2016). This means that German wineries are on average 50 times smaller than those in Australia or California, for example. All of Germany's wineries are SMEs that do not have their own research resources.

Wine production is a biotechnological process in which consistent conditions cannot be guaranteed in wine cellars, which can lead to fermentation stagnation and fermentation errors. To prevent this, analysis during and after wine production is important. However, due to the lack of laboratories in German wineries, this cannot be carried out internally, but usually has to be outsourced to external laboratories, which is time-consuming and costly.

Due to the diversity of photometric analyses in viticulture, which cover practically all relevant parameters from yeast vitality and chemical characteristics to the precise description of coloration, the development of a cost-effective photometer for use on site represents a great opportunity to significantly improve wine quality and thus the competitiveness of small wineries. In order to be able to use the system independently, an Arduino-based system will be developed during the project using inexpensive phototransistors and light-emitting diodes.


PartnerWeincampus Neustadt a. d. W. 
StatusLaufendes Projekt
Funding organizationAiF (BMWi)
Förderzeitraum12/2019 - 11/2023
Fördernummer20964 N / 1
MitarbeiterInnenM.Sc. Sarah Di Nonno

Publications and conference papers

  • S. Di Nonno, M. Scharfenberger-Schmeer, D. Durner, M. Hensel, R. Ulber; Photometrisches Analysesystem für die Weinanalytik; Der Lebensmittelbrief 2023 (34) 2, 26-27
  • Hensel, M.*; Di Nonno, S.*; Mayer, Y.; Scheiermann, M.; Fahrer, J.; Durner, D.; Ulber, R. Specification and Simplification of Analytical Methods to Determine Wine Color. Processes 2022, 10(12), 2707;
  • Di Nonno, S.; Ulber, R. Portuino-A Novel Portable Low-Cost Arduino-Based Photo- and Fluorimeter. Sensors 2022, 22, 7916.
  • S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber, Smartphone-based optical analysis systems, 2021, The Analyst, 10.1039/D1AN000025J 


  • S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber; Portable low-cost multiple-LED photometer for histamine measurement in wine, 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (2023), Berlin, Germany

  • S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber; Use of low-cost sensors for process control in wine industry, RPTU Verfahrenstechnik Doktorandenseminar (2023), Annweiler, Deutschland

  • S. Di Nonno; R. Ulber; Arduino-based photo- and fluorimeter for application in wine analysis and bioprocess industry, (Bio)Process Engineering – a Key to Sustainable Development (2022), Aachen, Germany

  • M. Hensel, S. Di Nonno, M. Scheiermann, Y. Mayer, R. Ulber, D. Durner, Neue Impulse und Einblicke in die Farbbestimmung von Rot- und Weißweinen, 10. Anwendertreffen der Weinanalytik (2022)

  • M. Scharfenberger-Schmeer, A. Moraru, C. Dietzel, P. Wegmann-Herr, M., D. Durner, S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber, T. Schwarz, K. Boonrod, G. Krczal, Überwachung von Bakterien in der Weinbereitung, 10. Anwendertreffen der Weinanalytik (2022)

  • S. Di Nonno, Y. Mayer, D. Strieth, R. Ulber; Portable photo- and fluorimeter for application in wine industry; 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (2021), Digital


  • S. Di Nonno, E. Könnel, M. Hensel, M. Scharfenberger-Schmeer, D. Durner, R. Ulber; How to implement simple and affordable process analysis for specific applications?; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2024 - Novel Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Bioprocesses and Bioproducts; Regensburg, Deutschland
  • S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber, Portable multiple-LED photometer for application in bioprocesses, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering -Novel production routes and processes for bio-pharmaceuticals and industrial bioeconomy (2023); Weimar, Deutschland
  • S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber, Arduino-based photo- and fluorimeter for histamine measurement in wine, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2022 - Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry (2022)
  • S. Di Nonno, D. Strieth, R. Ulber, Arduino-based photo- and fluorimeter for measurements on site, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2021 - New Bioprocesses, New Bioproducts (2021) Digital