Search for and use of enzymes of marine origin for the targeted hydrolysis of sulphated polysaccharides

(German title: Suche nach und Verwendung von Enzymen marinen Ursprungs zur gezielten Hydrolyse sulfatierter Polysaccharide)

In the search for alternative sources of substances with high bioactivity and fewer undesirable side effects, the focus is increasingly on substances from nature. The oceans are an interesting source of biologically active compounds due to their high biodiversity and almost inexhaustible resources. One of these substances, which is extracted from marine brown algae, is fucoidan. Fucoidan is a sulphated structural polysaccharide that is found in the amorphous fraction of the cell wall of brown algae and has promising applications as a drug or functional food. Fucoidans have been shown to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. 

Fucoidan from the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus is an α-1,3-1,4 linked high molecular weight polysaccharide, mainly consisting of the monosaccharide fucose. The sulphate esters located at positions 2, 3 or 4 are essential for bioactivity. For intracellular, e.g. anti-inflammatory effects, it is necessary that these polysaccharides are present in smaller molecular weights as only then is transport or diffusion through the membrane possible. Acid hydrolysis to reduce the molecular weights of sugars is not advisable in the case of sulphated polysaccharides, as the effect of heat in low pH ranges leads to the cleavage of the sulphate esters and thus to an impairment of bioactivity.

The method of choice for the gentle hydrolysis of fucoidans is the use of specific enzymes. Although these so-called fucosidases or fucoidanases are also components of terrestrial flora and fauna, they are mainly found in marine bacteria and fungi that live in the habitat of algae. Attempts at whole-cell transformation of fucoidans showed only low enzyme activities. Furthermore, the growth rates of the marine organisms are unsatisfactory. The preferred further procedure is therefore the recombinant expression of these enzymes in E. coli. Through literature research and sequence alignment with published fucosidase genes, the fucosidases from the bacteria M. fucanivorans, S. erythraea and P. atlantica T6c were selected for heterologous expression. The purification of the histagged enzymes is carried out by metal chelate chromatography. The characterisation of the enzymes with regard to activity and chemical properties is just as important as structural investigations. 


Prof. i. R. Dr. Siegmund Lang (TU Braunschweig)

StatusAbgeschlossenes Projekt
Funding organisationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Funding period

07/2008 - 06/2011

Funding code

UL 170/3-3

Publications and conference papers

  • T. Hahn, S. Kelly, K. Muffler, T. Tippkötter, R. Ulber; Extraction of lignocellulose and algae for the production of bulk and fine chemicals, in: H.-J. Bart (Ed.) Industrial Scale Natural Products Extraction; Wiley-VCH (2011) 221-245
  • T. Hahn, S. Lang, R. Ulber, K. Muffler: Novel procedures for the extraction of fucoidan from brown algae, Process Biochemistry 47/12 (2012) 1691-1698
  • T. Hahn, K. Muffler, R. Ulber; Isothermal microcalorimetric studies of Toluidine blue O - sulphated polysaccharides interactions; Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, DOI 10.1007/s10973-015-5101-3
  • T. Hahn, A. Zayed, M. Kovacheva, R. Stadtmüller, S. Lang, K. Muffler, R. Ulber; Dye affinity chromatography for fast and simple purification of fucoidan from marine brown algae; Engineering in Life Sciences (2015) DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201500044
  • T. Hahn, M. Schulz, R. Stadtmüller, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; A Cationic Dye for the Specific Determination of Sulfated Polysaccharides; Analytical Letters (2016) DOI:10.1080/00032719.2015.1126839
  • T. Hahn, R. Stadtmüller, L. Kilian K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber, Isolation of fucoidans from brown algae using innovative extraction and purification strategies, 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin
  • T. Hahn, R. Stadtmüller, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; Erste heterologe Expression einer Fucosidase; Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (Aachen 2010)
  • T. Hahn, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; Purification, Structure and Bioactivity of Fucoidans from Fucus vesiculosus and Laminaria digitata; Renewable Resources & Biorefineries 5 (Ghent 2009)  
  • T. Hahn, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; Molekulare Werkzeuge zur Identifikation von Fucoidanasen; Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (Mannheim 2009)
  • T. Hahn, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; Extraktion sulfatierter Polysaccharide aus Braunalgen; Processnet (Mannheim 2009)
  • T. Hahn, L. Kilian, K. Muffler, S. Lang, R. Ulber; Extraction of sulfated polysaccharides from brown algae; European Society of Marine Biotechnology (Concarneau 2009)