Microalgae - sustainable heroes
(German title: Mikroalgen - Nachhaltige Helden)
As a natural alternative, microalgae can contribute to making processes in anthropogenic areas (e.g. agriculture, industry) more sustainable. For example, they photosynthesize and bind CO2 (10 times more effectively than plants), while producing oxygen, biomass and other valuable products such as pigments. Microalgae can also be used as food supplements and for the production of antimicrobial compounds. In addition, some microalgae (diazotrophic cyanobacteria) are able to fix nitrogen from the air and convert it into bioavailable nitrogen for plants in the form of ammonium. Microalgae could therefore be used as a natural fertilizer to reduce the use of artificial fertilizers. In turn, the reduction of artificial fertilizer reduces the amount of ammonium in runoff into surface waters, but also minimizes the release of nitrous oxide. The DFG-funded project (STR1650/1-1) is currently looking for suitable microalgae candidates for nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere, which will then be grown in co-culture with plants to investigate a potential artificial symbiosis. Given the increasing demand for food and the need for sustainable agricultural practices, large amounts of biomass are needed that can be used as biofertilizer to obtain appropriate agricultural yields. Biofilm cultures on biodegradable carriers exposed to air in aerosol-based photobioreactors therefore represent an interesting way to achieve this goal.
The project will now investigate whether submerged cultivation is possible in conventional PBR systems on carrier materials. The influence of different nitrogen contents and nitrogen sources on the cyanobacteria will be investigated (TUK). In addition to the comprehensive characterization of the biomass (TUK), the composition of the microbial community and the metabolic pathways of the biofilm will be investigated using molecular tools under different growth conditions (University of Landau). The results will then be compared with the results obtained in the DFG project in order to determine the optimal cultivation strategy.
For the topic of microalgae, the aim is to break down the scientific findings obtained in this and the DFG project for educational use, to design story-based VR software that implements these findings with the help of hands-on mechanisms and to integrate the research questions and accompanying findings in order to provide an insight into gaps and approaches in current university research (University of Landau). To put it simply, a VR game is to be developed in which interested parties are introduced to the potential of microalgae in a playful way.
As part of a cooperation between young scientists at the University of Landau and the TUK, subject-specific and didactic skills are combined in order to present current research trends to the public in an appropriate way and make them accessible. This can lead to a better awareness of sustainable issues among the general public. The funding serves to combine the core competencies of young scientists at Landau University and TUK. The aim is to create joint research projects based on the knowledge gained.
Partner | |
Status | Completed project |
Funding organization | Carl Zeiss sustainability fund |
Funding period | 01.05.2022-30.04.2023 |
Funding code | - |
Employee | M. Sc. Jonas Kollmen |
Publications and conference papers
- L. Geuer, N. Erdmann, M. Lorenz, H. Albrecht, T. Schanne, M. Cwienczek, D. Geib, D. Strieth*, R. Ulber; Colourful diversity – Modified methods for extraction and quantification of photopigments and phycobiliproteins isolated from phototrophic micro- and macroalgae; The Journal for Chemical Education, 2022; https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00899
- D. Strieth; Nachhaltigkeit in der Bioverfahrenstechnik; Chem. Ing. Tech. 94, 8, 1–11, 2022; DOI:10.1002/cite.202200053
- A. Engl, I. Jupke, T. Przywarra, D. Strieth, S. Wallrath, I. Zachert, B. Risch; CEASEless – Circular economy with Algae as a student laboratory Exploration (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- S. Wallrath, A.Engl, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, D. Strieth, Björn Risch; Establishment of two low-cost do-it-yourself photobioreactors for cultivation and monitoring of cyanobacterial growth (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- N. Erdmann, L. Geuer, J. Kalisch, B. Risch, D. Strieth; Mikroalgen gegen den Klimawandel – ein Science Outreach Projekt; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch (2022); Frankfurt, Deutschland
- L. Geuer, N. Erdmann, M. Roth, G. Liese, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Strieth, R. Ulber; „Die Kiste macht´s einfach“ – Entdecke die Vielfalt bei Mikroorganismen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit forschungsbasierten Experimenten aus der Kiste; Abschlussveranstaltung "Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens“, Deutsche Telekom-Stiftung (2022); Berlin, Deutschland
- I. Zachert, A. Engl, T. Przywarra, D. Strieth, B. Risch; Circular Economy Begreifen - Algen im Schülerlabor Erforschen; Gesellschaft der Chemie- und Physikdidaktk (2022), Deutschland
- N. Erdmann, L. Geuer, J. Kalisch, B. Risch, D. Strieth; Mikroalgen gegen den Klimawandel – ein Science Outreach Projekt; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch (2022); Frankfurt, Deutschland
- N. Erdmann, L. Geuer, J. Kalisch, B. Risch, D. Strieth; Microalgae against climate change – a science outreach project; Biofilms 10 (2022); Leipzig, Deutschland
- D. Strieth, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, J. Kalisch, B. Risch, Development of a plug-in system for photobioreactors; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2022 - Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry (2022); Mainz, Germany