Production of ethyl-butyrate in a self-sufficient reaction cascade (PEBcascade)

With this project, the applicants want to investigate a self-sufficient biotechnological reaction cascade for the production of the fuel ethyl butyrate. In our approach, an artificial anaerobic mixed culture of clostridia and yeast or bacteria is used in combination with a surface-dissociated lipase for the production of the ester in a reaction system. While the clostridia are responsible for the production of butyrate, the yeasts or bacteria produce ethanol. The lipase is expressed on the cell surface of the ethanol-producing strain. This approach is expected to achieve optimised productivities, as each organism is used for the production of one component and can thus be brought into an optimal process state. Biological research (microbiology, molecular biology) will be combined with bioprocess engineering (process development, modelling) in order to realise a novel production route for the development of a biofuel process as part of the PEBcascade project. 

Production of ethyl-butyrate in a self-sufficient reaction cascade (PEBcascade); German Research Foundation; UL 170/26-1



(Prof. Dirk Holtmann), THM Gießen

Chair of Powertrains in Automotive Engineering
(Prof. Michael Günthner), RPTU Kaiserslautern

StatusCurrent project
Funding organisationGerman Research Foundation
Funding period10/2022 - 09/2025
Funding codeUL 170/26-1
EmployeesKatharina Oehlenschläger

Publications and conference papers


  • K. Oehlenschläger, M. Volkmar, J. Stiefelmaier, A. Langsdorf, D. Holtmann, N. Tippkötter, R. Ulber; New insights into the influence of pre-culture on robust solvent production of C. acetobutylicum. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol(2024).
  • K. Oehlenschläger, E. Schepp, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Holtmann, R. Ulber; Simultaneous fermentation and enzymatic biocatalysis—useful process option?; Biotechnol Biofuels (2024).


  • K. Oehlenschläger, E. Schepp, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Holtmann, R. Ulber; Coupling fermentation and enzymatic biocatalysis for ester production; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2024 - Novel Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Bioprocesses and Bioproducts; Regensburg, Deutschland
  • K. Oehlenschläger, E. Schepp, D. Holtmann, R. Ulber; Butyric acid production by clostridia as part of a reaction cascade for ethyl-butyrate production; 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology ECCE&ECAB 2023; Berlin, Deutschland
  • K. Oehlenschläger, E. Schepp, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Holtmann, R. Ulber; Projektüberblick „Production of ethyl-butyrate in a self-sufficient reation cascade“; Kickoff Meeting DFG SPP 2170 “Interzell” 2023; Stuttgart, Deutschland


  • K. Oehlenschläger, E. Schepp, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Holtmann, R. Ulber; Production of ethyl-butyrate in a self-sufficient reaction cascade; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2023; Weimar, Deutschland