MINT using the example of bioprocess engineering - experience research in theory and practice at first hand

(German title: MINT am Beispiel der Bioverfahrenstechnik – Forschung in Theorie und Praxis hautnah erleben)

The project explains various areas of bioprocess engineering in theory and practice to pupils and teachers at secondary school level. For example, the term “biorefinery” is explained and practical examples are used to show which products made from renewable raw materials are already an integral part of our everyday lives. Here, the connection to all STEM sub-areas is established and the interdisciplinary nature of this subject area is explained. Various experiments are carried out in small groups in the department's laboratories. For example, yeast cells are fermented at different temperatures in the “Microbial Basics” experiment. By observing the growth, conclusions can be drawn about the optimal cultivation conditions and the relationships can be explained using a simple mathematical model. In the “Instrumental analysis” part of the experiment, students prepare solutions with a specific sugar concentration and then check this content using a photometric rapid test. In the “molecular biology” part of the experiment, DNA is isolated from plant tissue, such as tomatoes. This can be taken home as an illustrative object. In the “Bioanalytics” experiment, heavy metals are measured using an enzymatic reaction, with a smartphone photometer being used as a detector. This also addresses the major impact of heavy metals on humans and the environment. The experiments are designed in such a way that teachers can discuss them in advance in relation to specific subject areas in lessons (biology or chemistry). Appropriate teaching materials are provided for this purpose. In addition, the BioVT department lends out experimental kits on the topics of catalysis, renewable raw materials and fermentation. Sustainable use in the classroom is therefore guaranteed.

Link to all offers of the teaching area for schools

StatusCompleted project
Funding organizationState funding Rhineland-Palatinate (TUKjunior)
Funding period01/2019-12/2019
Funding code-

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Doris Geib

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Melanie Roth