Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Melanie Roth

Chair of Bioprocess Engineering

Department of Mechanical & Process Engineering

Gottlieb-Daimler Str.
Gebäude: 49, Raum: 517
67663 Kaiserslautern


+49 631 205-4312


Melanie Roth

Personal Data

Since 2011Technical employee in the Department of Bioprocess Engineering at the RPTU (TU) Kaiserslautern
1999-2004Technical employee at the DKFZ Heidelberg and the German Resource Center for Genome Research. Field of work: molecular genome analysis

Studies at the University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Design in Mannheim, Degree program biotechnology (Diploma: 1999) 

Topic of the diploma thesis: Programming with LabView - Development of a calibration module for the control of a multi-signal probe

1992-19941992-1994 Education as a biological-technical assistant in Ludwigshafen/Rhein



Task Field

  • GC/MS analytics
  • Coordination of the iLAB project (experimental kit hire, teacher courses, MINT workshops)
responsibility at the department
  • Contact person for HiWi recruitment
  • Electrotechnically instructed person (EUP)
  • Supervision of laboratory practicals and courses for school students
  • First aider
  • Responsible for: Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, centrifuges