M. Sc. Winda Soerjawinata
Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Institute for Biotechnical Process Design (IBioPD)
Building 9913 Room 118
55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach
Phone: +49(0) 678217-1196
E-Mail: w.soerjawinata(at)umwelt-campus.de
Winda Soerjawinata

Personal Data
Since 07/2019 | Cooperative PhD student with the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering at TU Kaiserslautern |
2014 - 2018 | Master studies Food Microbiology and Biotechnology at Univeristy of Hohenheim Master Thesis: „Screening and characterization of putative cellobiose 2-epimerases“ |
2008-2012 | Bachelor studies Biotechnology at University of Surabaya Bachelor Thesis: „Influence of spores concentration of Mucor miehei NRRL 3310 on the characteristics of semi-hard cheese made from cowpeas milk“ |
Research Project
Fungi like e. g. Penicillium antarcticum (IBWF 040-09) can produce substances of pharmaceutical interest. For example Penicillium antarcticum (IBWF 040-09) is capable to produce a substance that can inhibit proteases. Therefore, it is possible that in the future this protease inhibitor can be used to cure diseases like e. g. the sleeping sickness. Since the protease inhibitor is intracellularly produced by P. antarcticum, the first aim of the project is to optimize the cultivation process in order to achieve higher biomass. Furthermore, models for the growth of P. antarcticum and the production of the protease inhibitor have to be developed. As P. antarcticum can grow by forming pellets and mycel, the effect of the shear stress from the agitation is critical. Thus, the application of biocarrier in submerged fermentation of P. antarcticum will be tested.