M. Sc. Jonas Kollmen
Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Process Engineering

Personal Data
Since 07/2021 | PhD thesis at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau at the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering |
10/2018-07/2021 | Master of Science in Bio- and Chemical Engineering at the TU Kaiserslautern |
10/2014-09/2018 | Bachelor of Science in Bio- and Chemical Engineering at the TU Kaiserslautern |
Research Topic and Task Field
Application of phototrophic biofilms in the agricultural sector for the improvement of plant growth
Production of natural pigments with cyanobacteria
Task field
- Laboratory responsibility: Photo lab
- Ion chromatography
- Photobioreactors
Boards, committees and organization
- Representative of the academic staff of the MV department in forum of academic staff
- Deputy doctoral student representative of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
- Kollmen, J., Rech, M., Lorig, F., Di Nonno, S., Stiefelmaier, J., Strieth, D.: New easy lab methods for the extraction of phycobiliproteins and pigments from cyanobacteria. J Appl Phycol (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-024-03414-8
- Strieth, D., Kollmen, J., Stiefelmaier, J., Mehring, A., Ulber, R. (2024). Co-cultures from Plants and Cyanobacteria: A New Way for Production Systems in Agriculture and Bioprocess Engineering. In: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/10_2023_247
- J. Kollmen, J. Stiefelmaier, R. Mofrad, D. Strieth; Cultivation of Cyanobacteria on Sustainable Dried Luffa cylindrica (2023) Phycology. 2023; 3(4):472-483. https://doi.org/10.3390/phycology3040032
- S. Wallrath, A. Engl, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, D. Strieth, B. Risch.: Mikrocontroller als Low-Cost Technologie: Monitoring von Wachstumsparametern bei Mikroalgen in einem 3D-gedruckten IoT-Photobioreaktor, MNU Journal - Ausgabe 05/2023
- M. Witthohn, D. Strieth, J. Kollmen, A. Schwarz, R. Ulber, K. Muffler (2022). Process Technologies of Cyanobacteria. In: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/10_2022_214
- J. Kollmen and D. Strieth, The Beneficial Effects of Cyanobacterial Co-Culture on Plant Growth, Life2022, 12(2), 223; https://doi.org/10.3390/life12020223
- D. Strieth, A. Weber, J. Robert, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, M. Volkmar, M. Lakatos, V. Jordan, K. Muffler, R. ulber (2021); Characterization of an aerosol-based photobioreactor for cultivation of phototrophic biofilms, J. of Life, vorläufige: https://doi.org/10.3390/life11101046
- D. Strieth, S. Di Nonno, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, D. Geib, R. Ulber, Co-cultivation of diazotrophic terrestrial cyanobacteria and Arabidopsis thaliana, 2020, Engineering and Life Sceinces;
Cover Pictures
- Inside Back Cover Engineering and Life Sciences: Co-Cultivation of diazotrophic terrestrial cyanobacteria and Arabidopsis thaliana. D. Strieth, S. Di Nonno, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, D. Geib, R. Ulber
- J. Kollmen, F. Lorig, D. Strieth; Expanding the value chain for the sustainable production of natural dyes with cyanobacteria (2024); DECHEMA Forum 2024; Friedrichshafen; Germany
- D. Strieth, J. Kollmen, J. Stiefelmaier; Aerosol-based Photobioreactors - A new generation of photobioreactors for the cultivation of phototrophic biofilms (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- J. Kollmen, R. Mofrad, D. Strieth; A new aerosol-based PBR for the cultivation of cyanobacteria on Luffa (2023); AlgaEurope; Prag; Tschechien
- L. Geuer, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, S. Wallrath, A. Engl, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Strieth, B. Risch, R. Ulber (2023), Biotechnological approaches for science outreach - Cultivation of microalgae in photobioreactors and extraction of their natural dyes, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2023- Novel production routes and processes for bio-pharmaceuticals and industrial bioeconomy; Weimar, Deutschland
- J. Kollmen, R. Mofrad, S. Di Nonno, D. Strieth; Luffa - die optimale Lösung als biologisch abbaubarer Aufwuchskörper für terrestrische Cyanobakterien; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
- D. Strieth, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, N. Erdmann, A . Mehring; Phototrophe Biofilme: Invasive und nicht-invasive Methoden zur Charakterisierung; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt, Deutschland
- D. Strieth, J. Kollmen, N. Erdmann: Phototrophic biofilms: Invasive andnon-invasive tools for characterization; (Bio)Process Engineering – a Key to Sustainable Development (2022), Aachen, Germany
- J. Kollmen, R. Mofrad, S. Di Nonno, D. Strieth; Luffa – the optimal biodegradable carrier for the adherent cultivation of terrestrial cyanobacteria?; (Bio)Process Engineering – a Key to Sustainable Development (2022); Aachen, Deutschland
- J. Kollmen, M. Faul, D. Strieth, Influence of phototrophic biofilms on plant growth promoting properties of soil; Biofilms 10 (2022); Leipzig, Deutschland
- D. Strieth, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, N. Erdmann, A. Mehring; Comprehensive characterization of phototrophic biofilms; Biofilms 10 (2022); Leipzig, Deutschland
- J. Kollmen, S. Lenz, J. Walther, D. Strieth, R. Ulber, GEnomic and phenotypical screening for antibiotic substances in cyanobacteria, ECCE & ECAB 2021, Digital
- D. Strieth, J. Stiefelmaier, S. Di Nonno, J. Kollmen, R. Ulber; Diazotrophic terrestrial cyanobacteria as nitrogen supplier for Arabidospsis thaliana, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2021 - New Bioprocesses, New Products (2021), Digital
- J. Kollmen, F. Lorig, D. Strieth; A new (cost-)efficient extraction method for natural dyes from cyanobacteria (2024); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
- D. Strieth, J. Kollmen; Cultivation of cyanobacteria on sustainable carriers (2024); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
- D. Strieth, M. Faul, J. Kollmen; Does the Age of Pre-culture influence the main Culture? (2023); AlgaEurope Prag, Tschechien
- D. Strieth, J. Kollmen; Comprehensive characterization and analysis of phototrophic biofilms (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- J. Kollmen, K. Wastian, D. Strieth; Effects of cyanobacterial inoculation on wheat cultivation (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- J. Kollmen, R. Mofrad, D. Strieth; Adherent cultivation of cyanobacteria on luffa (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- S. Wallrath, A.Engl, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, D. Strieth, Björn Risch; Establishment of two low-cost do-it-yourself photobioreactors for cultivation and monitoring of cyanobacterial growth (2023); International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts; Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA
- J. Kollmen, K. Wastian, D. Strieth; Influence of phototrophic biofilms on nutrient availability in soil; InterPore 2023; Edinburgh, Schottland
- D. Strieth, J. Stiefelmaier, J. Kollmen, N. Erdmann, A . Mehring; Phototrophe Biofilme: Invasive und nicht-invasive Methoden zur Charakterisierung; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt, Deutschland
- J. Kollmen, M. Faul, D. Strieth; Use of phototrophic biofilms to improve plant growth; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering (2022); Mainz, Deutschland
- D. Strieth, N. Erdmann, J. Kollmen, J. Kalisch, B. Risch, Development of a plug-in system for photobioreactors; Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2022 - Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry (2022); Mainz, Germany
- J. Kollmen, D. Strieth; Cyanobacteria as a natural alternative to artificial fertilizers; 5th Young Researchers Symposium (2022); Kaiserslautern, Deutschland