M. Sc. Andrea Schmeckebier
Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Process Engineering
Andrea Schmeckebier

Personal Data
Since 04/2021 | PhD thesis at the university of Kaiserslautern at the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering |
| Master programm in bio- and chemical engineering, TUK |
10/2014-10/2018 | Bachelor programm in bio- and chemical engineering, TUK |
Research Topic and Task Field
- Biofilms on microstructured surfaces
- Smart batch processes in the energy system of the future
- Fermentation of Aspergillus niger for the production of citric acid
Task Field
- Responsible for the biotechnology center and CLSM laboratory
- Collaboration in teaching
Journals (peer reviewed)
- R. Ulber, S. Antonyuk, J. C. Aurich, T. Beck, M. Bozoglu, G. von Freymann, S. Kieren-Ehses, C. Müller-Renno, K.Muffler, A. Schmeckebier, C. Schönecker, J. Seewig, M. Smaga, J. Stiefelmaier, D. Strieth, A. Zayed, C. Ziegler, S. Zimmermann, Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships for Biofilms; in: J.C. Aurich, H. Hasse (Eds.); Component Surfaces - Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships; Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35575-2_17
- Schmeckebier, A., Ebel, C., Haffelder, J. et al. Short communication: a method for cell separation of Ocimum basilicum CMC cells for AFM measurement. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 156, 86 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-024-02708-6
- A. Schmeckebier, A. Zayed, R. Ulber, Productive biofilms: from prokaryotic to eukaryotic systems, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/jctb.7208
- D. Strieth, J. Stiefelmaier, B. Wrabl, J. Schwing, A. Schmeckebier, S. Di Nonno, K. Muffler, R. Ulber, A new strategy for a combined isolation of EPS and pigments from cyanobacteria, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-020-02063-x
- A. Schmeckebier, R. Ulber, Aspergillus niger biofilms for the production of citric acid, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2024 – Novel Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Bioprocesses and Bioproducts (2024); Regensburg, Germany
- Erik von Harbou, Daniel Görges, Florian Sahling, Stephan Köppel, Andrea Schmeckebier, Roland Ulber: „Smart Batch Processes in the Energy System of the Future“, Achema Congress, 10th of June 2024, Frankfurt (M), Germany
- A. Schmeckebier, A. Zayed, R. Ulber, Influence of different surfaces on Aspergillus niger biofilms, 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (2023); Berlin, Germany
- A. Schmeckebier, R. Ulber, Productive Biofilms on microstructured surfaces, Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2022 - Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry (2022); Mainz, Germany
- Schmeckebier, A. Zayed, R. Ulber, Influence of the surface on eukaryotic biofilms, ProcessNet and DECHEMA-BioTechNet Jahrestagungen 2022 together with 13th ESBES Symposium – (Bio)Process Engineering – a Key to Sustainable Development (2022); Aachen, Germany
- A. Schmeckebier, D. Strieth, R. Ulber: Flexibilisation of the batch fermentation for the production of citric acid in the energy system of the future, DECHEMA FORUM 2024, Friedrichshafen, Germany
- A. Schmeckebier, A. Zayed, R. Ulber: Productive Biofilms on Microstructured Surfaces, International Conference on Microscale Morphology of Component Surfaces - MICOS (2023); Bad Dürkheim, Germany