About us

The Chair of Bioprocess Engineering is one of the four process engineering departments at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau. In the field of teaching, bioprocess engineering is largely responsible for the Bio- and Chemical Engineering program. The facilities of the chair are constantly being further developed to provide excellent conditions for teaching and research. Details on current and previous research activities can be found under Research

In the area of basic research, we are currently working on the biological activity of heteropolysaccharides (fucoidans) and the identification of antimicrobial compounds from cyanobacteria, for example. The chair conducts intensive research in the field of productive biofilms and was involved in the SFB 926 Bauteiloberflächen Morphologie auf der Mikroskala in the years 2011-2023. As part of the Carl Zeiss Breakthrough Project Smart batch processes in the energy system of the future (German title: Smarte Batchprozesse im Energiesystem der Zukunft), we are working on intelligent solutions for energy- and raw material-efficient bioprocesses until 2029. In the Research Training Group Recyclable wastewater - recovery of critical raw materials using the example of phosphorus (German title: Wertstoff Abwasser (WERA) – Rückgewinnung kritischer Rohstoffe am Beispiel Phosphor), we will be working on the use of magnetic separation to process phosphorus compounds from mid-2024. In addition, the chair is significantly involved in the Potential area Nanostructured Calaysts and is a member of the Profile area Advanced Material Engineering

The focus of the more applied research activities is on the development of bioprocess engineering processes for the production of pharmacologically active compounds and the efficient use of renewable raw materials (provision of basic and fine chemicals for the chemical industry). We are open to direct industrial collaborations, which have so far been successfully implemented with companies such as Abbvie, Biolac, Clariant, Evonik, GEA, Grace, Sandoz and Trace Analytics. In addition, modern tools for digital education and training in the field of bioengineering are being developed. 

We also always have interesting topics for bachelor, master, diploma or student research projects. Just get in touch with us!

