
Summer Colloquium 2024

The Summer Colloquium, held on September 7, 2024, was a resounding success, attracting around 30 participants. This year's event offered a valuable platform for fruitful exchanges between industrial and academic representatives. Attendees engaged in stimulating discussions on a range of current topics, demonstrating the relevance and importance of collaboration between these sectors. The event also provided a wonderful opportunity for networking, as both former and current members of the institute gathered to share experiences and insights. It was not just a chance to discuss technical matters but also to reconnect with colleagues and build new relationships.

Talks presented during the Summer Colloquium 2024:

  • News from the Institut (Roland Ulber)
  • Process analytics (Sarah Di Nonno)
  • Biotechnology at BASF (Dorinna Strieth)
  • News from the Bee Club (Elisa Könnel)
  • News from the Beer Club (Janik Haffelder)


Looking forward, the next Sommerkolloquium is already scheduled for 2026, promising another great occasion to foster innovation and collaboration in the field. Overall, the event was highly appreciated by all who attended and is seen as an essential fixture in the institute's calendar.
