Publikation: Process Technologies of Cyanobacteria
Das Lehrgebiet BioVT publiziert zusammen mit der TH Bingen in der Reihe Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology einen Beitrag zum Thema "Process Technologies of Cyanobacteria".
Although the handling and exploitation of cyanobacteria is associated with some challenges, these phototrophic bacteria offer great opportunities for innovative biotechnological processes. This chapter covers versatile aspects of working with cyanobacteria, starting with up-to-date in-silico and in-vitro screening methods for bioactive substances. Subsequently, common conservation techniques and vitality/viability estimation methods are compared and supplemented by own data regarding the non-invasive vitality evaluation via pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry. Moreover, novel findings about the influence the state of the precultures have on main cultures are presented. The following sub-chapters deal with different photobioreactor-designs, with special regard to biofilm photobioreactors, as well as with heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation modes. The latter topic provides information from literature on successfully enhanced cyanobacterial production processes, augmented by own data.
M. Witthohn, D. Strieth, J. Kollmen, A. Schwarz, R. Ulber, K. Muffler; Process Technologies of Cyanobacteria; Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (2022) im Druck