
Publication: Portable photometric measurements in wine analysis - Improving quality and competitiveness

The BioVT group published the article "Portable photometric measurements in wine analysis - Improving quality and competitiveness" in the Journal Wiley Analytical Science.

Small and medium-sized wineries face the challenge of ensuring high product quality and sustainability with limited resources. To help these businesses, the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau  and the Weincampus Neustadt a.d.W. have developed a low-cost, portable photometer. This device, controlled by a smartphone app, can be used to measure important wine parameters such as color, oxidation potential, and crystal stability. Studies show that the portable photometer delivers results comparable to laboratory spectrometers. This technology enables winemakers to make informed winemaking decisions in the field, improving their competitiveness and product quality. In addition, the photometer has potential for other industrial and scientific applications, demonstrating how innovative solutions can support smaller businesses.

Sarah Di Nonno, Roland Ulber: Portable photometric measurements in wine analysis - Improving quality and competitiveness, 2024, Wiley Analytical Science
