
Publication: Co-operation structures at networked interfaces along the teacher training chain

The BioVT group published together with partners from the project U.EDU the chapter "Co-operation structures at networked interfaces along the teacher training chain" in the book "MILESTONES FOR A TIME-APPROPRIATE TEACHER TRAINING".

The current challenges require close cooperation between all those involved in teacher training in order to ensure fair educational opportunities and adequate preparation for the demands of the digital world. The associated change requires effective networking and collaboration as well as the maintenance of interfaces to enable a smooth transfer of knowledge and building blocks both interdisciplinary and inter-institutional. This is crucial in order to take into account all aspects of the multi-level system of teacher training. The project "Unified Education: Media Education along the Teacher Education Chain (U.EDU)" has developed strategies and approaches on the vertical and horizontal levels of teacher education. These approaches are structurally integrated into the three phases of teacher education to ensure a holistic solution.

Lena GEUER, Claudia GÓMEZ TUTOR, Frederik LAUER, Norbert WEHN, Roland ULBER (2024): Kooperationsstrukturen an vernetzten Schnittstellen entlang der Lehrkräftebildungskette. In M. Jungwirth, J. Haarmann, N. Harsch, F. Haupts, J. Marks, Y. Noltensmeier (Hrsg.): Wegmarken für eine zeitgemäße Lehrkräftebildung – Konzeptionelle Ansätze im Fokus. Tagungsband des 16. Bundeskongresses der Zentren für Lehrer*innenbildung. In: Schriften zur allgemeinen Hochschuldidaktik, Band 9. Münster: WTM-Verlag, S. 68-78.
