
Chair for bioprocess engineering at the "Traum MINT-Messe" in Stuttgart!

Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse
Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse
Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse

We were excited to participate in Germany's largest fair for future-oriented STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) study and training programs, the "Traumberuf MINT-Messe" in Stuttgart! Representing RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, our team from the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering introduced visitors to the degree programmes in Mechanical and Process Engineering with a focus on Bio- and Chemical Engineering.    

Our algae bioreactor captured the attention of numerous curious students. Through engaging conversations and insights, we shared how our innovative study programs prepare students for cutting-edge careers in biotechnology and beyond. We enjoyed connecting with so many young people exploring their paths in the STEM fields.

You can find more information about Bio- and Chemical Engineering here. For more informations about other degree programmes at the department for Mechanical and Process Engineering click here.

We look forward to welcoming some of you to RPTU next year!

Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse
Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse
Quelle: GUBN – Traumberuf MINT Schülermesse
