M. Sc. Ludovica Varriale

Chair of Bioprocess Engineering

Department of Mechanical & Process Engineering

Gottlieb-Daimler Str.
Gebäude: 49, Raum: 518
67663 Kaiserslautern


+49 631 205-4312


Ludovica Varriale

Personal Data

Since 05/2021PhD student at the University of Kaiserslautern at the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering



Master degree in Industrial and Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Naples "Federico II"
Topic of the master thesis: "Development of innovative anti-microbial molecules for cosmeceutical application"


Bachelor degree in Industrial and Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Naples "Federico II"
Topic of the bachelor thesis: "Succinic Acid production by Actinobacillus succinogenes in a batch reactor"



Research Topic and Task Field

  • Cascade use of the German ryegrass for the production of valuable bio-products (organic acids) with a view to a biorefinery

Task field

  • Supervision of seminar Brewery technology and of Brewery group
  • Biorectors
  • laboratory responsibility: "Kleines Technikum"


Journals (peer reviewed)


  • L. Varriale and R. Ulber; Fungal-based Biorefinery: from Renewable Resources to Organic Acids; ChemBioEng Rev. (2023), 10, 3, 1-22. DOI: 10.1002/cben.202200059


  • L. Varriale, M. Volkmar, J. Weirmüller, R. Ulber; Effects of Pretreatment on the Biocatalysis of Renewable Resources; Chem. Ing. Tech. (2022), 94 (11). DOI: 10.002/cite.202200137


  • L. Varriale, K. Kuka, N. Tippkötter, R. Ulber; Use of a green biomass in a biorefinery platform. (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to a Sustainable Development (2022); Aachen, Germany
  • L. Varriale, R. Ulber; Production of organic acids from a perennial ryegrass with a Biorefinery view. Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (2022); Bruges, Belgium
  • L. Varriale, K. Kuka, N. Tippkötter, R. Ulber. Perennial ryegrass: a suitable lignocellulosic biomass for the development of a biorefinery platform. Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (2023); Riga, Lettland


  • L. Varriale, K. Kuka, N. Tippkotter, R. Ulber; Cascade use of a German ryegrass for the production of valuable bioproducts with a view to a biorefinery; 11. Himmelfahrtstagungen (2022); Mainz, Germany