Publication: Portable photometric measurements in wine production
Our institute published the paper "Portable photometric measurements in wine production" in the journal "GIT Laborfachzeitschrift" (publication only available in German).
Small and medium-sized wineries face the challenge of ensuring high product quality and sustainability with limited resources. To help these businesses, the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University (RPTU) in Kaiserslautern and the Weincampus Neustadt an der Weinstraße have developed a low-cost, portable photometer. This device, controlled via a smartphone app, measures important wine parameters such as colour, oxidation potential and crystal stability.
S. Di Nonno, R. Ulber; Tragbare photometrische Messungen in der Weinproduktion; GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 7 (2024) 39-41 (publication only available in German)