
BioVT goes "Hacking School"

On 30 October, the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering took part in the ‘Hacking School’ at the Frauenlob-Gymnasium in Mainz. The workshops ‘No funghi, no pizza - biotechnology in everyday life’, ‘Water Campus - analysing domestic waters using photometric methods’ and ‘DNA extraction from fruit and vegetables’ were offered, in which pupils in grades 5 to 12 carried out their own experiments.

In addition to the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), the University of Education Freiburg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, the University of Stuttgart and the University of Trier took part in the programme. Over 80 students and academic staff were involved as workshop leaders, promoting dialogue between universities and schools and jointly shaping new educational approaches. The project was coordinated by the Didactics in technology working group at the Department of Computer Science at RPTU.


Further information about our activities for pupils and teacher can be found here.


