Unsere Partnerhochschulen in den Städten:

Hauptstadt: Madrid

Amtssprache: Spanisch

Bevölkerung: ca. 47,3 Mio.

(Quelle: Eurostat)



Mehr Informationen & Details:


In Catalonia, the main communication languages are Catalan and Spanish. Catalan is the language of Catalonia, a region of great importance in Spain, due to its historical and cultural richness.

At UPC, the usual language of teaching of the classes (lectures) can be Catalan (which is the official language of the university), Spanish or English. Depending on the programme that you follow, and the specific group of your class (your professor).

For more information about the use of languages at UPC, please refer to: 

Language requirements at EEBE: 

English or Spanish proficiency (minimum B1) is required

    • If you are planning to take courses taught in English -> English B1 level.
    • If you are planning to take courses taught in Spanish -> Spanish B1 level.
    • If you are planning to mix courses taught in both languages -> English & Spanish B1 lev

More information here

Orientation week UPC
Welcome session at EEBE are offered at the begins of each semester.


The universities of Barcelona have an agreement with Resa Housing, an accommodation service for students, researchers, and university professors
that need a place to stay for academic purposes. More information here:


Spanish/Basque Courses

UPV/EHU´s Vice-Rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization offers free Spanish and Basque courses to all our incoming exchange program students (Erasmus +, SICUE, Latin America and Other Destinations).

Contact and more information:

Bilbao School of Engineering

Language requirements: B2 of language proficiency in Spanish or English

Additional requirements: Exchange students are expected to take a minimum workload of 20 ECTS per semester. At least 50% of those credits should correspond to courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao.


For more information:


Academic Requirements

It is strongly advised that students make a LA that conforms to between 20 ECTS and 30 ECTS at ETSII-UPM per term. Studies at other UPM Centre are not recommended by the International Office and the maximum numbers of ECTS the students could follow in another UPM Centre is 4.5 ECTS.

As the language of instruction is Spanish, International Students are expected to have a good command of the language. Required level of Spanish language to be accepted at ETSII-UPM is B1 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).
If you are interested in improving your Spanish during your stay: UPM though PROLINTER offers intensive language courses at the beginning of each semester, or you can attend at ETSII-UPM during the academic year the course "Spanish for Foreigners" free of charge for Exchange Students. It is compulsory to do a test in order to be assigned to a group.


Students requiring information on accommodation should contact: international.incoming(at)

Language of instruction

As we mention in our International Guide, we do not require any certification or a determinate level of language, although students are expected to be able to follow lectures in Spanish. In accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, a B1 Spanish level is advisable.

Besides, those students who do not speak Spanish usually experience difficulties of communication during their stay in Malaga.

Spanish is the language of instruction of our institution, but there are some subjects offered in English. However, these are highly demanded since there is a limit of students per course. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that these courses will be available. More information here.

Spanish course for Erasmus and international exchange students

we also have Spanish courses for Erasmus students all year round. For further information, please click here


  • Incoming exchange students are obliged to choose, at least, 50% of the courses from the main faculty where they have been nominated by their home institution (relative to the Field of Study included in the Erasmus Bilateral Agreement signed between institutions). The other 50% of courses can be selected from a different faculty. Any doubts should be clarified at the home university before the selection of candidates.
  • There is limited number of students per course, therefore please consider different options  in order to have more possibilities

Informative Meeting

A welcome meeting for exchange students takes place at the start of every semester in order to provide all relevant and useful information about the main administrative and academic procedures, as well as inform about support services and other activities offered to exchange students.


UMA does NOT offer accommodation to students, but offers help in finding accommodation through the International Hub, the Accommodation Service or ESN Malaga.

More information here.


The International Relations Office of the University of Murcia offers a  service to find accommodation in Murcia. This service is for all international students, who come to study at the University of Murcia. Please, contact with vimur(at) in order to know more information about the options that proposes the University of Murcia and to avoid scams. 


The Language Service at the University of Murcia offers a free Intensive Spanish Language Course for all incoming students participating in international programmes in order to help them get to grips with social and academic life both at the university and in general.

The course is NOT compulsory. A certificate will be issued at the end of the course stating the level and hours.

Format of the course: 30 hours = 1 ECTS credit

-       20 hours face to face

-  10 hours workload

More information at


Find accommodation at and notify your address to the Office of International Relations (Oviedo) via the email address: inter.accom(at)

Language requirements

A good level of Spanish is needed in order to work in groups, attend courses and take exams (no certificate required). We strongly recommend that undergraduate incoming Erasmus students have at least a B2 level of Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Spanish Programs for exchange international students

Spanish classes

You can register at: Unidad de Programas de Español para Extranjeros, Casa de las Lenguas. Campus de El Milán - C/ Amparo Pedregal, Oviedo, e-mail clenguas2(at) Web:

Minimum ECTS/Credits

We don´t requiere a minimum number of credits for Erasmus students.

Anzahl Austauschplätze

Barcelona22-2à 6 Mon.0711
 22-2à 12 Mon.0715
Bilbao22-4à 5 Mon.0710
Madrid 0522-2à 6 Mon.0715
Malaga22-4à 12 Mon.0715
Murcia2222à 6 Mon.0711
Oviedo22-2à 12 Mon.0711

Partner Erasmus+ Codes

STADTErasmus+ Code

* Liste mit der Bedeutung der ISCED Codes siehe Downloads