Prof. Dr.-Ing. Menwer Attarakih

Prof. of Chemical Engineering
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
Email: attarakih[at]
Research and main points of work
Mathematical, numerical, dynamic modelling, process optimization, and analysis of chemical engineering processes using the Population Balances framework and CFD. Current work is on coupling the discrete population balance equations (Primary and Secondary Particle Method (PSPM)) to CFD solvers (Finite Point set Method (FPSM) & FLUENT) so that a detailed description of chemical processes can be realized:
- Population Balance Solvers:
- Extended bivariate fixed-pivot technique for multicomponent mass transfer.
- Conservative discretization approach of the population balance equation.
- SQMOM: Hierarchical discrete framework for particulate systems.
- OPOSPM: an efficient reduced population balance model with only two transport equations.
- CQMOM: Strong Integral formulation of the PBE with cumulative moment reconstruction.
- NQMOM: A new stable formulation of the PBE with stable version of QMOM.
- Constrained Maximum Entropy Solution Solver for the PBE.
- CFD Solvers
- Adapting a nonoscillatory central difference and Riemann free solvers (based on the work of Kurganov and Tadmor) for the coupled hydrodynamics and bivariate population balance equation describing droplet size and solute concentration evolving in space and time.
- A mesh-free Lagrangian multivariate population balance model for the simulation of liquid extraction columns.
- Coupling CFD and Population Balances: It is a joint DFG (German Research Foundation) project among the University of Kaiserslautern (Institute of Separation Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Mathematics & Institute of Informatics) and Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics.
- Extending LLECMOD to simulate industrial scale Pulsed Sieve and Packed Extraction Columns: It is an industrial project granted by the BASF the Chemical Company/ Germany, due to the successful simulation of RDC and Kuhni extraction columns using LLECMOD program.
- Extending LLECMOD to Simulate Dual Solvent Extraction columns: This project is granted by NOVARTIS (pharmaceutical company/Switzerland) to simulate an industrial scale Kuhni extraction column with 180 compartments.
- Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Adsorption Column: In this project, a multicomponent differential model is developed and solved for a pilot plant adsorption column belonging the laboratories of the University of Kaiserslautern/ Germany.
- Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Multicomponent Glycerin Distillation plant: In this project, an industrial multicomponent glycerin distillation plant (packed column) is modelled and simulated using CHEMCAD. The plant belongs to the Jordan Industrial Resources Company in Amman/ Jordan.
- Steady State Modelling of Chlorine Drying Plant: This is a steady state modelling, simulation and economic analysis of an industrial scale chlorine drying plant belonging to the National Chlorine Company (NCI) in Jordan using CHEMCAD.
- Retrofitting, Design and Economic Analysis of Semicontinuous Multicomponent Glycerin Distillation Plant: This is a process design project used to retrofit an existing semicontinuous multicomponent glycerin refining plant owned by the Jordan Industrial Resources Company in Amman/ Jordan using CHEMCAD.
- Mathematical Moldelling and Simulaiton of Two-Phase High Pressure Oil splitting Reactor: In this project a mathematical model is developed for an industrial scale high-pressure oil splitting reactor owned by the Jordan Industrial Resources Company in Amman/ Jordan.
- LLECMOD MATLAB Version: this is a challenging project with special features: New numerical solvers based on the QMOM and the integration of the CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamic package into the program.
- LLECMOD Coalescence Optimization Package: This is an independent package used by LLECMOD to extract empirical model parameters using small scale devices.
- Dynamic Simulation and Control of Binary Gas Absorption Column using MATLAB and SIMULINK: This is a full SIMULINK flowsheet for open and closed loop simulation of Gas absorption column.
- LLECMOD: An effective Simulation Tool for Liquid Extraction Columns using Bivariate Population Balance
LLECMOD: A windows based program for the simulation of coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer of liquid-liquid extraction columns based on the population balance framework (the 13th in the top 25 hottest articles in the chemical engineering and processing journal (2005)). - LLECFRACT: A windows based program for the simulation of coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer for dual solvent extraction based on the population balance framework (the SQMOM). The program is supported by NOVARTIS pharmaceutical company/Switzerland. It is developed during my research stays at the Institute of Process Engineering/The University of Kaiserslautern/Germany during 2007 to 2008.
- LLECCOALPARAM: A digital visual FORTRAN parameter estimation (optimization) package for the hydrodynamics of extraction columns based on laboratory scale devices.
- GFPBVQMOM: A MATLAB package for the simulation of the coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer in short segment (5 compartments) liquid-liquid extraction columns based on the population balance modeling framework. The generalized fixed-pivot technique and the QMOM are utilized in this package.
- CSTMOD: A Digital Visual FORTRAN package for the simulation of the hydrodynamics of interacting liquid-liquid dispersions in batch & continuous stirred vessels based on the population balance framework.
- ADSORPTION: A MATLAB package for the simulation of single and binary gaseous organic component adsorption on activated carbon using fixed-bed columns.
- ABSORBTION: A SIMULINK & MATLAB for simulation and control of gas absorption column.
- BDISTMAT: A visual MATLAB program for the dynamic simulation of batch and continuous binary distillation columns.
- M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine & H.-J. Bart (2017). On the Solution of the Population Balance Equation by Orthogonal Expansion of the Maximum Entropy Functional, Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering, 4, 2053-2058.
- S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2017). CFD Modelling of pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction columns using OPOSPM as a reduced population balance model, Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering, 40, 61-66.
- S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine & H.-J. Bart (2017). Steady state modeling of Kühni liquid extraction column using the Spatially Mixed Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SM-SQMOM), Chem. Eng. Res. Design, 117C, 549-556.
- Korb, C., Alzyod, S. S., Attarakih, M., & Bart, H.-J. (2017). SQMOM-Modellierung der Hydrodynamik in Kühni-Kolonnen bei der Reaktivextraktion, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 89, 1-12.
- Alzyod, S. S., Korb, C., Attarakih, M., & Bart, H.-J. (2017). Steady state population balance modelling of zink extraction in a Kuhni liquid-liquid extraction column ISEC2017- The 21th International Solvent Extraction Conference. 05-09-11, Miyazaki, Japan
- M. Timedjeghdine , A. Hasseine, H. Binous , O. Bacha , M. Attarakih (2017). Liquid–liquid equilibrium data for water + acetic acid + solvent (dichloromethane + methyl isobutyl ketone) at T = 301.15 K, Desalination and Water Treatment, 67, 125-132.
- Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Steady state modeling of Kühni liquid extraction column using the Spatially Mixed Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SM-SQMOM), Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 117, pp. 549–556.
- Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), The Sectional Quadrature Method
of Moments (SQMOM): An extension to nonhomogeneous bivariate population balances,
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 115, pp. 195-203. - Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Dynamic Modelling of Kuhni
Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM),
Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 1-12. - M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine & H.-J. Bart (2016). CFD Modelling of Bubbly Gas Flow using Coupled OPOSPM-Two-Fluid Model, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 38, 403-408.
- M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2016). CFD Modelling of Bubbly Gas Flow using Coupled OPOSPM-Two-Fluid Model, 16th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering (ESCAPE26), June 12-15, 2016, Bernardin Congress Center, Slovenia.
- M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine & H.-J. Bart (2016). Modelling of an RDC extraction column using the differential maximum entropy method (DMaxEntM), Proceedings of International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOM’16), 17-20 May 2016, La Rochelle, France.
- S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih, H-J. Bart, (2016), Detailed Modeling of an RDC liquid extraction column using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM), proceedings of young researchers symposium (YRS), Fraunhofer verlag, Kaiserslautern, 9-14.
- A.Hasseine, M. Attarakih, R. Belarabi and Bart H-J. (2016). On The Semi-Analytical Solution of Integro-Partial Differential Equations, Proceedings of International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOM’16), 17-20 May 2016, La Rochelle, France.
- S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2016) Population Balance Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 38, 427-432.
- S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2016) Population Balance Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), 16th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering (ESCAPE26), June 12-15, 2016, Bernardin Congress Center, Slovenia.
- M. Attarakih , S. Alzyod & H.-J. Bart (2016). A new population balance module for pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction column using PPBLab software, 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2016 Prague, Czech Republic, 28-31 August, 2016.
- M. Attarakih , S. Alzyod O. Aldmour, O. Markarian & H.-J. Bart (2016). Steady state modelling and parametric optimization of drying oil process using COCO as A CAPE-OPEN flowsheet simulator, 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2016 Prague, Czech Republic, 28-31 August, 2016.
- M. Attarakih , S. Alzyod & H.-J. Bart (2016). Steady state modelling of a Kühni liquid extraction column using the Spatially Mixed-Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SM-SQMOM), 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2016 Prague, Czech Republic, 28-31 August, 2016.
- M. Timedjeghdine, A. Hasseine, H. Binous, O. Bacha & M. Attarakih (2016). Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for water + formic acid + solvent (butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and isoamyl alcohol) at t = 291.15 k. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 415, 51-57.
- O. Bacha, A. Hasseine & M.Attarakih (2016). Measurement and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibria for water + ethanol + mixed solvents (dichloromethane or chloroform + diethyl ether) at t = 293.15 k. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 54, 1-13.
- M. Attarakih, Hlawitschka, M., Abu-Khader, M., Al-Zyod, S., Bart, H.-J. (2015). CFD-Population Balance Modelling and Simulation of Coupled Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Liquid Extraction Columns, Applied Mathematical Modelling Journal, 39,5105-5120.
- A. Hasseine, Senouci, S., Attarakih, M. & Bart, H. J. (2015) Application of two analytical approaches for the solution of the population balance equations: Particle breakage process. Chemical Engineering & Technology, Accepted.
- M. Attarakih, Hasseinr, A. and Bart, H.-J. (2015): A Meshfree Maximum Entropy Method for the Solution of the Population Balance Equation, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 197-202.
- M. Attarakih, Al-zyod, S. Hlawitschka, M. and Bart, H.-J. (2015): OPOSSIM: A population balance-SIMULINK module for modelling coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid extraction equipment, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 257-262.
- M. Attarakih, AL-Slaihat, F., Hlawitschka, M. and Bart, H.-J. (2015): Modelling the hydrodynamics of bubble columns using coupled OPOSPM-maximum entropy method, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 203-208.
- A. Hasseinea, Z. Barhouma, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2015). Analytical solutions of the particle breakage equation by the Adomian decomposition and the variational iteration methods, Advanced Powder Technology, 26, 105-12.
- H. Jildeh, F. Gebauer, M. Mickler, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2015). Influence of inlet droplet size distribution on column hydrodynamics. Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Extraktion und Mischvorgänge, 16.-17.03.2015, Heidelberg, Germany.
- M. Attarakih & Bart, H.-J. (2014). Solution of the population balance equation using the Differential Maximum Entropy Method (DMaxEntM): An Application to liquid extraction columns, Chemical Engineering Science, 108, 123-133.
- M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2014). A Novel MaxEnt Method for the Solution of Two-Dimensional Population Balance Equation with Particle Growth, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 33, 901-906.
- F. Gebauer, H. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2014). Coalescence behavior - from lab scale to pilot plant, Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering, Hamburg, Germany. CD only.
- T. Waechtler, H. B. Jildeh, M. W. Hlawitschka, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, A. Klar, H.-J. Bart (2014). A Meshfree Extraction Column FPM Simulation using the NQMOM-Population Balance Method, Computers & Chemical Engineering Journal, Under review.
- M. W. Hlawitschka, M. M. Attarakih, S. S. Al-Zyod, H.-J. Bart (2014), Computer Aided Simulation of Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns, Proceedings of ISEC2014, 7-11-Sep. 2014, Wuerzberg, Germany.
- H. B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2014) Modelling Approach to Estimate Droplet Interaction Parameters, Proceedings of ISEC2014, 7-11-Sep. 2014, Wuerzberg, Germany.
- Jildeh, H. B., Attarakih, M. & Bart, H.-J. (2014). Parameter optimisation and validation for droplet population balances. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 92, 2010-219.
- Mickler, M., Jildeh, H. B., Attarakih, M. & Bart, H. J. (2014). Online monitoring, simulation and prediction of multiphase flows. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 92, 307-317.
- M. Attarakih, Abu-Khader & Bart, H.-J. (2013). Modelling and dynamic analysis of an RDC extraction column using OPOSPM. Chemical Engineering Science,, 91, 180-196.
- M. Attarakih, (2013). Integral formulation of the population balance equation: Application to particulate systems with particle growth. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 48, 1-13.
- M. Attarakih, Albaraghthi, T., Abu-Khader, M., Al-Hamamre, Z. & Bart, H.-J. (2012). Mathematical modeling of high- pressure oil-splitting reactor using a reduced population balance model. Chemical Engineering Science, 84, 276-291.
- M. Attarakih, Abu-Khader, M. & Bart, H.-J. (2013). Dynamic analysis and control of sieve tray gas absorption column using MATALB and SIMULINK. Applied Soft Computing, 13, 1152-1169.
- Jildeh, H. B., Attarakih, M. & Bart, H.-J. R. (2013). Droplet coalescence model optimization using a detailed population balance model for RDC extraction column. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, 1317-1326.
- M. Attarakih, M. Abu-Khader, T. Saeiq, & H.-J Bart. (2013). Ethane production plant for better energy integration and cost reduction in Jordan. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 48, 265-276.
- H. Jildeh, M. Mickler, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2013). A Comparison of droplet interaction models, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85, 1390-1391 (doi: 10.1002/cite.201250676).
- Attarakih, M., Al-Zyod, S., Abu-Khader, M. & Bart, H. J. (2012). PPBLAB: A new multivariate population balance environment for particulate system modelling and simulation. Procedia Engineering, 42, 1574-1591.
- Attarakih, M., Abu-Khader, M. & Bart, H. J. (2012). Synthesis and control analysis of gas absorption column using MATALB and SIMULINK, Procedia Engineering, 42, 1796-1804.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2012). RDC Extraction column simulation using the Multiprimary One Secondary Particle Method: Coupled Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 37, 22-32.
- H.B, Jildeh, Hlawitschka, M.W., Attarakih, M. & Bart, H.-J. (2012). Solution of Inverse Problem with the One Primary and One Secondary Particle Model (OPOSPM) Coupled with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Procedia Engineering, 42, 1692 1710, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.07.562.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih, T. Steinmetz & H.-J. Bart (2012). LLECMOD: A bivariate Population Balance Tool for Pulsed Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns, The Open Chemical Engineering Journal, 6, 8-31.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2012). Population Balance Modeling of Pulsed (Packed and Sieve-Plate) Extraction Columns: Coupled Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50,14121-14135.
- Jildeh, H., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.J. (2012). Simulation von Extraktionskolonnen mit LLECMOD. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84, 1282-1282.
- Jildeh, H., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.J. (2012). Inverse Populationsbilanzen bei Extraktionskolonnen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84, 1228-1229.
- M. M. Attarakih, (2010). System and method for simulating and modeling the distribution of discrete systems, United States Patent Application: 0100106467, April 29, 2010.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2011). Advanced Prediction of Pulsed (Packed and Sieve) Extraction Column Performance using Population Balance Modeling, Chem. Eng. Res. Design J., 89, 2752-2760.
- M. Mickler, S. Didas, M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2011).Tropfenschwarmanalytik mittels Bildverarbeitung zur Simulation von Extraktionskolonnen mit Populationsbilanzen, Chem. Ing. Tech.,(83), 226-237.
- M. Abu-Khader, O. Badran & M. Attarakih (2011). Ballast water treatment technologies: Hydrocyclonic viable option. Clean Techn. Environ. Policy (13), 403-413.
- D. Zeidan, M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, S. Tiwari, V. Sharma, C. Drum and H.-J. Bart (2010). On a high-resolution Godunov method for a CFD-PBM coupled model of two-phase flow in liquid-liquid extraction columns. International Journal of Computational Methods, 7, 421-442.
- C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, M. W. Hlawitschk and H.-J. Bart (2010). A one-group reduced population balance model for CFD simulation of a pilot-plant extraction column. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49 (7), 3442-3451.
- M. Jaradat, M. M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2010): Effect of Phase Dispersion and Mass Transfer Direction on Steady State RDC Performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 165 (2), 379-387.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2010), Simulation gekoppelter Hydrodynamik und Stofftransport mittels einer Populationsbilanz, Chemie Ing. Technik, 82, pp. 1390.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2009), Dynamische Simulation von Extraktionskolonnen auf der Grundlage einer multivariaten Populationsbilanz, Chem. Eng. Technol. 81, No. 8, 1061.
- S. Tiwari, C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, and H.-J. Bart, (2008). Coupling of the CFD and the Droplet population balance equation with finite poinset method. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV, M. Griebel; M.A. Schweitzer (Eds.), Vol. 65, Springer Verlag.
- M. M. Attarakih, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart & N. M. Faqir, (2009). Solution of the population balance equation using the sectional quadrature method of moments (SQMOM). Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 742--752.
- C. Drumm, M. M Attarakih and H.-J. Bart, (2009). Coupling of CFD with DPBM for an RDC extractor. Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 721 - 732.
- M.M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, T. Steinmetz, M. Dietzen & N. M. Faqir (2008). LLECMOD: A Bivariate Population Balance Simulation Tool for Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns. The Open Chemical Engineering Journal, 2, 2008, 10-34.
- H.-J. Bart, C. Drumm & M.M. Attarakih (2008). Process Intensification of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns. Chemical Engineering & Processing J. (47), 745-754.
- M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir (2006). A hybrid scheme for the solution of the bivariate spatially distributed population balance equation. Chem. Eng. Tech. J. 29,435-441.
- C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, M.M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2008): CFD -PBM coupled model using finite pointset method and SQMOM, in: Solvent Extraction: Fundamentals to Ind. Applications, B.M. Moyer( Ed.), 1177-1182, Can. Inst. Min. Met., Montreal.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H.-J., & Faqir, N. M. (2006). Numerical solution of the bivariate population balance equation for interacting hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid extraction columns. Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 113- 123.
- Schmidt, A. S., Simon, M., Attarakih, M. M., Lagar, L. G. & Bart, H.-J. (2006). Droplet Population Balance Modelling: Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer. Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 246-256.
- M. M., Attarakih, Bart, H.-J., & Faqir, N. M. (2006). LLECMOD: A windows-based program for hydrodynamics simulation of liquid-liquid extraction columns. Chem. Eng. Procc., 45, 113-123.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H. J., & Faqir, N. M. (2004). Solution of the droplet breakage equation for interacting liquid-liquid dispersions: a conservative discretization approach. Chem. Eng. Sci., 59, 2547-2565.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H.-J. & Faqir, N. M. (2004). Numerical solution of the spatially distributed population balance equation describing the hydrodynamics of interacting liquid-liquid dispersions. Chem. Eng. Sci. 59, 2567-2592.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H. J., & Faqir, N. M. (2004). Berchnung von fluessig-fluessig Extraktionskolonnen. Chem. Ing. Tech., 76, 1412-1413.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H. J., & Faqir, N. M. (2003). Optimal moving and fixed grids for the solution of discretized population balances in batch and continuous systems: droplet breakage. Chem. Eng. Sci., 58, 1251-1269.
- Abu-Fara, D. I., Abu-Reesh, I. M. & Attarakih, M. (2003). Effect of the type of input on the periodic operation of a bioreactor with input multiplicities. Mu'tah Lil-Buhooth wad-Dirasat 18, 57-72.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart & Faqir, N. M. (2002). An approximate optimal moving grid technique for the solution of discretized population balances in batch systems. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 10, 823-828.
- M. M. Attarakih, Abu Fara, D. & Sayed, S. (2001). Dynamic modeling of a packed-bed glycerol-water distillation column. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, 4857-4865.
- Faqir, N.M. Attarakih, M. M. (2001). Optimal temperature policy for immobilized enzyme packed bed reactor performing reversible Michaelis-Menten kinetics using the disjoint policy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 77, 163-173.
- Faqir, N.M. Attarakih, M. M. (1999). Optimum design of a series of CSTR's performing reversible Michaelis-Menten kinetics, Bioprocess Engineering, 20, 329-335.
- M. M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2012). Integral Formulation of the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation using the Cumulative Quadrature Method of Moments (CQMOM), Computer-Aided Process Engineering, 31, 1130-1134.
- M. M. Attarakih & H.-J. Bart (2012). On the Constrained Maximum Entropy Solution of the Population Balance Equation, Ian David Lockhart Bogle and Michael Fairweather (Editors), Proceedings of the 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 17 - 20 June 2012, London.
- H. B. Jildeh, Menwer Attarakih, Matthias Mickler & Hans-Jörg Bart (2012). An Online Inverse Problem for the Simulation of Extraction Columns using Population Balances, Computer Aided Process Engineering, 30, 1043-1047.
- M. M. Attarakih, H. B. Jildeh, M. Mickler & H.J. Bart (2012). The OPOSPM as a Nonlinear Autocorrelation Population Balance Model for Dynamic Simulation of Liquid Extraction Columns, Computer-Aided Process Engineering, 31, 1216-1220.
- H. B. Jildeh, M. M. Attarakih & H.J. Bart (2012). Coalescence Parameter Estimation in Liquid Extraction Column using OPOSPM, Computer-Aided Process Engineering, 31, 960-964.
- M. Jaradat, Hussein, A. , Bart, H.-J. & Attarakih, M. (2012). Dynamic modelling and simulation of Kühni extraction columns, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, p.1073-1077, Jan 2012, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-59520-1.50073-7.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, M. Hlawitschkah, H.-J. Bart and J. Kuhnert (2011). Integral Formulation of the Population Balance Equation using the Cumulative Quadrature Method of Moments (CQMOM). Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 81-85.
- M. Jaradat, M. M. Attarakih, M. Hlawitschkah and H.-J. Bart (2011). Detailed Mathematical Modelling of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 1-5.
- M. Hlawitschkah, M. Jaradat, M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart and J. Kuhnert (2011). A CFD-Population Balance Model for the Simulation of Kuehni Extraction Column. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 66-70.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, V. K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert & A. Klar (2010). A multivariate sectional quadrature method of moments for the solution of the population balance equation, Computer Aided Chemical engineering, Vol., 28, pp. 1551-1556.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, V. K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert & A. Klar (2009). Solution of the population balance equation using the One Primary and One Secondary particle Method (OPOSPM), Computer Aided Chemical engineering, Vol., 26, pp. 1333-1338.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, V. K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert & A. Klar (2009). A multivariate population balance model for liquid extraction columns. Computer Aided Chemical engineering, Vol., 26, pp. 1339-1344.
- V. K. Sharma, S. Tiwari, M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, A. Klar, J. Kuhnert & H.-J. Bart, (2009). A meshfree CFD-PBM coupled model. Computer Aided Chemical engineering, Vol., 26, pp. 1345-1350.
- M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir (2006). Solution of the population balance equation using the sectional quadrature method of moments (SQMOM). Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, pp. 209-214.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H.-J., & Faqir, N. M. (2005). The Bivariate Spatially distributed Population Balance Equation: An Accurate Reduction Technique. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol. 20, pp.163-168.
- M. M. Attarakih, Bart, H.-J., & Faqir, N. M. (2003). Solution of the population balance equation for liquid-liquid extraction columns using a generalized fixed-pivot and central difference schemes. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 13, 557 - 562.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, H. Allaboun, H.-J. Bart & N. M. Faqir (2008). Dynamic Modelling of a Rotating Disk Contactor Using the Primary and Secondary Particle Method (PSPM). Proc. Of the 18th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 18),Linon/ France, June 2008.
- M. Attarakih & Bart, H.-J. (2014). A Novel MaxEnt Method for the Solution of Two-Dimensional Population Balance Equation with Particle Growth, 24th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE24), June 15-18, 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
- M. Attarakih & Bart, H.-J. (2014). Modelling of an RDC Extraction Column using the DMaxEntM , The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2014), Kish, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014.
- M. W. Hlawitschka1, Jildeh, H. B., Attarakih, M. M., Al-Zyoud, S. & Bart, H.-J. (2014). Computer Aided Simulation of Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns , 20th International Solvent Extraction Conference 2014, 7-11 September 2014, Würzburg, Germany.
- M. Attarakih, Hlawitschka, M. W., Al-Zyod, S., Abu-Khader, M., Bart, H.-J (2013). A Hyperbolic Population Balance Model for Dynamic Analysis of Liquid Extraction Columns, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Process Systems Engineering (PSE ASIA) 25 - 27 June 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
- M. Attarakih & Bart, H.-J. (2013). On the Constrained Maximum Entropy Solution of the Bivariate Population Balance Equation for Liquid Extraction Columns, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, 11-13 Sep., Bangalore, India.
- H. Jildeh, M. Mickler, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2013). A Comparison of Droplet Interaction Models, Jahrestreffen derFachgemeinschaft Fluiddynamik und Trenntechnik, 25-27 September 2013, Vogel Convention Center, Würzburg, Germany.
- H.-J. Bart, Hlawitschka, M. W. & Attarakih, M. & (2013). Mass transfer and Population Balance Modeling using 3D-CFD, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, 11-13 Sep., Bangalore, India.
- H. B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2013). Modelling and Simulating of Liquid Extraction Columns using Optimized Droplet Interaction Models, 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 2013), 21-25 April 2013, Hague, Netherlands.
- H. B. Jildeh, M. W. Hlawitschka, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2012). Solution of inverse problem with the one primary and one secondary particle model (OPOSPM) coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Proceeding, 25-29 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Attarakih, M., Abu-Khader, M. & Bart, H. J. (2012). Synthesis and control analysis of gas absorption column using MATALB and SIMULINK, 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Proceeding, 25-29 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
- T. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih & Axel Klar (2012). Counting Droplets: A solver for the droplet population balance equation, 83rd Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26-30 March, 2012, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
- T. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert , M. M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, A. Klar & H.-J. Bart (2011). The Normalized Quadrature Method Of Moments coupled with Finite Pointset method, II International Conference on Particle-based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2011, E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (Eds), 26-28 October, Barcelona/ Spain,
- M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert ,T. Wächtler, M. Abu-Khader, H.-J. Bart (2011). Solution Of The Population Balance Equation Using The Normalized QMOM (NQMOM), Proc. of the 8th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim, Norway,21-23 June 2011.
- T. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert , M. M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, A. Klar & H.-J. Bart (2011). The Normalized Quadrature Method Of Moments coupled with Finite Pointset method, II International Conference on Particle-based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2011, E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (Eds), 26-28 October, Barcelona/ Spain,
- M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert ,T. Wächtler, M. Abu-Khader, H.-J. Bart (2011). Solution of The Population Balance Equation Using The Normalized QMOM (NQMOM), Proc. of the 8th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim, Norway,21-23 June 2011.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2011). Advanced Prediction of Pulsed Extraction Column Performance using LLECMOD, (CM)2-Young Researcher Symposium Proceedings: 22-27, 15 February 2011, Kaiserslautern-Deutschland.
- H. B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih and H.-J. Bart (2011). An Inverse Problem Method for RDC Simulation, (CM)2-Young Researcher Symposium Proceedings: 45-49, 15 February 2011, Kaiserslautern-Deutschland.
- M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, M. Hlawitschkah, H.-J. Bart and J. Kuhnert (2010). Solution of the population balance equation using the Cumulative Quadrature Method Of Moments (CQMOM). 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling hosted by the Max Plank Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, 15-17.09.2010, Berlin, Germany.
- J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, M. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart(2010). Finite Pointset Method (FPM): Meshfree numerical solution of Population Balance Equations, The 16-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, July 26-30, 2010 Wuppertal, Germany.
- V. K. Sharma, S. Tiwari, M. M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, A. Klar, J. Kuhnert & H.-J. Bart, (2010). A spatially meshfree population balance model for the simulation of liquid extraction columns. 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling hosted by the Max Plank Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, 15-17.09.2010, Berlin, Germany.
- M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih, M. Hlawitschka and H.-J. Bart (2010). A multivariate population balance model for liquid extraction columns. 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling hosted by the Max Plank Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, 15-17.09.2010, Berlin, Germany.
- .M. W. Hlawitschka, C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2010). Simulation of a Kühni extraction column using a CFD and population balance model. 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling hosted by the Max Plank Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, 15-17.09.2010, Berlin, Germany.
- M. M. Attarakih, H. Allaboun, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari & J. Kuhnert (2008). Dynamic Modelling of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns using the Direct Primary Secondary Particle Method (DPSPM). Proc. of the 6th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim Norway,10-12 June 2008.
- S. Tiwari, C. Drumm, V. K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, A. Klar and H.-J., Bart (2008). A Meshfree CFD-Population Balance Equation Coupled Model, Proc. Of the 6th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim Norway,10-12 June 2008.
- C. Drumm, M., Attarakih, S., Tiwari, J.,Kuhnert, & H.-J., Bart (2008). Implementation of the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments in a CFD code. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim Norway,10-12 June 2008.
- C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, and H.-J. Bart, (2008). CFD-PBM coupled model using the finite pointset method and the SQMOM. Proc. of ISEC 2008 conference. Tucson, Arizona, USA, 15-19 Sep. 2008, pp. 1177 - 1182.
- Steinmetz, T., Schmidt, S., Attarakih, M. & H.-J. Bart (2005). Droplet Population Balancing for Column Simulation. International Solvent Extraction Conference, Proc. Of ISEC '05, CD-ROM (ISBN 7-900692-02-9), China Acad. J. Electronic Publ. House,
- Bart, H-J., Schmidt, S. & Attarakih, M. (2005) Advanced Column Modelling for Reactive Extraction. The 8th conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Polution Reduction. Klemes, J. (Ed). Chemical Engineering Transactions (7), 297-302.
- M. M. M.Attarakih, Bart, H. J., & Faqir, N. M. (2004). Berchnung von fluessig-fluessig Extraktionskolonnen auf Basis bivarianter Populationsbilanzen. DECHEMA/GVC - Jahrestagungen, 12-14 Oktober 2004, Karlsruhe, Duetchland.
- M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir (2004). Numerical solution of the bivariate population balance equation for interacting hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid extraction columns. Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Population Balance Modelling, 5./7.5.2004, Valencia, Spain, 94-97, J. Nopoens, K. Malisse, C.A. Biggs, J.J. Dcoste (eds.) EUROSIS, Ghent, Belgium.
- S.A. Schmidt, M. Simon, M. M. Attarakih, L. Lagar Garcia, H.-J. Bart (2004). Estimation of Populance Parameters in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Column. Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Population Balance Modelling, 5./7.5.2004, Valencia, Spain,55-58, J. Nopoens, K. Malisse, C.A. Biggs, J. J. Dcoste (eds.) EUROSIS, Ghent, Begium.
- M. M. Attarakih, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart & N. M. Faqir. (2007). Solution of the population balance equation using the sectional quadrature method of moments. Proc. Of the 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, Quebec, Canada, 19-21 Sep. 2007.
International Symposia & Conferences:
1. PSE 2015 & 25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE25), May 31-June 04, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2. 24th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE24), June 15-18, 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
3. 20th International Solvent Extraction Conference 2014, 7-11 September 2014, Würzburg, Germany.
4. 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, September, 2013
5. 6th International Conference on Process System Engineering: PSE ASIA 2013, Kuala Lumpur, June, 2013.
6. 83rd Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26-30 March, 2012, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
7. CHISA: 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012
8. The 11th International Symposium on Process System Engineering, 15-19 July, 2012, Singapore.
9. The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-22, (2012), University College London, London.
10. 8thi European Congress of Chemical Engineering, September 25 - 29, 2011, Berlin, Germany.
11. II International Conference on Particle-based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2011, E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (Eds), 26-28 October 2011, Barcelona/ Spain.
12. 8th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim Norway,21-23 June 2011.
13. The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-21, (2011), Chalkididki, Greece.
14. The 16-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry July 26-30, 2010 Wuppertal, Germany.
15. 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (2010), Berlin, Germany.
16. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-20, (2010), Ischia, Italy.
17. The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-19, (2009), Cracow, Poland.
18. International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008. Tucson, Arizona, USA, 15-19 Sep. 2008.
19. 6th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim Norway,10-12 June 2008.
20. The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-18, (2008), Lyon, France.
21. Third International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, (2007), Quebec City, Canada.
22. The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-16, (2006), Garmish-Partinkirschen, Germany.
23. The 8th Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for Energy saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES' 05, Giardini di Naxos, Italy, May 15-18, 2005.

Prof. Menwer Attarakih is honoured to be named one of the top 10 percent of peer reviewers in Chemical Engineering for the year 2016 on Publons. He was awarded a medal on his profile on Publons:
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Professor Attarakih has accomplished peer review process for the most prestigious journals in Chemical Engineering such as Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research, Computers & Chemical Engineering and more.
Also, Prof. Attarakih is honoured to be an outstanding peer reviewer for the prestigious journal: The Journal of Computational Physics for the year 2016
“The Journal of Computational Physics thoroughly treats the computational aspects of physical problems, presenting techniques for the numerical solution of mathematical equations arising in all areas of physics. The journal seeks to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary boundaries.