
  • D. Schlehuber, M. Ahlers, H.-J. Bart, C. Eloo, I. Gehrke: Laser-Oberflächenstrukturierung zur Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Bauteile, In: Tagungsband 12. ThGOT Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächentechnik und 5. Kolloquium Dünne Schichten in der Optik (2017) INNOVENT e.V., ISBN 978-3-00-055614-2.

    M. Ahlers, D. Schlehuber, C. Eloo, I. Gehrke, M. Koch, J. Menges, H.-J. Bart: Tropfenkondensation auf superhydrophoben Polymeroberflächen; 13. ThGOT Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächentechnik, 13. - 14.03.2018, Zeulenroda.


    S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, (2018), CFD Modelling of pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction columns using OPOSPM as a reduced population balance model: hydrodynamics and mass transfer, The 28th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), June 10th to 13th, 2018, Graz, Austria.

  • Jens Heine, Felix Gebauer, Christian Wecker, Eugeny Kenig and Hans-Jörg

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, (2018), Solution of the Population Balance Equation by the Meshless Moving Particle Method (MMPM), The 28th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), June 10th to 13th, 2018, Graz, Austria.

  • Bart, Binary Droplet Coalescence – Influence of Ions and Mass Transfer, ISEC 2017 – The 21st International Solvent Extraction Conference, November 5 – 9, 2017.

  • Samer Alzyod, Christian Korb, Menwer Attarakih and Hans-Jörg Bart, Steady state population balance modeling of zinc extraction in a Kühni column, ISEC 2017 – The 21st International Solvent Extraction Conference, November 5 – 9, 2017.

  • Pohl, M. Madzgalla, W. Manz, H.-J. Bart, Biofilm Formation on Polymeric Heat Transfer Surfaces, Proceedings of International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning, 07.-12.06.2015, Enfield (Dublin), Ireland.

  • M. Attarakih, F. Al-Slaihat, M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J: Bart, Modelling the Hydrodynamics of Bubble Columns using Coupled OPOSPM-Maximum Entropy Method, Proceed. 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 31.05.-04.06.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • M. Attarakih, A. Hasseine, H.-J. Bart, A Meshfree Maximum Entropy Method for the Solution of the Population Balance Equation, Proceed.  12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 31.05.-04.06.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  • M. Attarakih, S. Al-Zyod, M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, OPOSSIM: A Population Balance-SIMULINK Module for Modelling Coupled Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Liquid Extraction Equipment, Proceed. 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 31.05.-04.06.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  • F. Gebauer, J. Villwock, M. Kraume, H.-J. Bart, „ Binary droplet interactions and coalescence - Superposition of hydrodynamics and ionic effects”, Proc. of ICMF 2016 International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2016) 798-803, Fierenze, Italy. CD only

  • M. W. Hlawitschka, S. Drefenstedt, J. Schäfer, H.-J. Bart, Modelling of Mass Transfer and Chemical Reactions in Bubble Column Reactors Using OpenFOAM., 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016), Florence, Italy, 22-27 May 2016, Proceed. CD

  • M.M. Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, H.-J. Bart, CFD Modelling of Bubbly Gas Flow using Coupled OPOSPM-Two-Fluid Model, Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Comp. Aid. Proc. Eng., 403-408 – ESCAPE 26, 12.-15.06.2016, Portorož, Slovenia.

  • Samer Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, H.-J. Bart, Population Balance Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Comp. Aid. Proc. Eng., 427-432 – ESCAPE 26, 12.-15.06.2016, Portorož, Slovenia.

  • S.S. Alzyod, M.M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, Detailed Modeling of an RDC liquid extraction column using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM),  Proceedings of young researchers symposium (YRS), Fraunhoferverlag, Kaiserslautern (2016) 9-14.

  • A. Weber, H.-J. Bart, Euler-Lagrange simulation of bubble hydrodynamics using a stochastic approach. In: Young Researchers Symposium 2016 (YRS 2016). Proceedings: April, 14th-15th 2016, Fraunhofer-Zentrum Kaiserslautern. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, S. 154–159.

  • M. W. Hlawitschka, T. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart, Bubble Interaction Simulations using a Meshfree CFD Code, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering Proceedings (MMPE), 24.-27.09.2014, Hamburg, Germany.

  • M. Lichti, M. W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, Bubble size distribution of aqueous media in bubble columns, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering Proceedings (MMPE), 24.-27.09.2014, Hamburg, Germany.

  • M. W. Hlawitschka, M. Lichti, H.-J. Bart, Multi-Scale Investigations of Reactive Bubble Columns, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering Proceedings (MMPE), 24.-27.09.2014, Hamburg, Germany.

  • F. Gebauer, H. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2014), „ Coalescence behavior – from lab scale to pilot plant”, Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering Proceedings (MMPE), 25.-27.09.2014, Hamburg, Germany.

  • F. Gebauer, J. Villwock, M. Kraume, H.-J. Bart, Salt influence on the dynamic coalescence behavior, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering Proceedings (MMPE), 24.-26.09.2014, Hamburg, Germany.

  • Alzyod S., Attarakih M., Dutta A., Bart H-J., (2015), The Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM): An application to liquid-liquid extraction columns. Mathematics in (bio) Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE), 02-03.07.2015, Ghent, Belgium.

  • Attarakih, M., Al-Zyod, S., Hlawitschka M. & Bart H.-J, (2015), OPOSSIM: A population balance-SIMULINK module for modelling coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid extraction equipment. The 25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE25), 31 May - 4 June 2105, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • F. Gebauer, J. Villwock, J. Kamp, M. Kraume, H.-J. Bart, Ionic influence on coalescence and repulsion behavior in liquid-liquid dispersions, Proceedings International Solvent and Extraction Conference 2014 (ISEC), 07.-11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • S. Willersinn, H.-J. Bart, Reactive Mass Transfer in a Microstructured Counter-Current Apparatus, Proceedings ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • H. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2014), Modelling Approach to Estimate Droplet Interaction Parameters, International Solvent Extraction Conference Proceedings, 07-11 September 2014, Congress Centrum Würzburg, Germany.

  • M. W. Hlawitschka, H. Jildeh, M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, Computer aided design of liquid-liquid extraction columns, Proceedings ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • F. Gebauer, M. W. Hlawitschka, J. Villwock, J. Kamp, H.-J. Bart, M. Kraume, Numerical analysis and experimental validation of droplet collision, Proceedings ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • M. W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, 1D to 3D CFD extraction column design – state-of-the-art and future challenges, Proceedings ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • F. Gebauer, M. W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, J. Villwock, M. Kraume (2014), „Numerical analysis and experimental validation of droplet collision”, Proc. of International Solvent and Extraction Conference 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.

  • C. Dreiser, H.-J. Bart (2014): Hydrodynamics and Fouling in Polymeric Falling Film Evaporators for Multi-Effect-Distillation, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Distillation and Absorption, 582-587, 14.-17.09.2014, Friedrichshafen, Germany.

  • M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Centrifugal accelerator erosion tester for study of hydroabrasion, Proceedings of Young Researcher Symposium 2013, Fraunhofer Verlag, 90-95, (2013).

  • M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, Study of particle size effects in a hydrocyclone, Proceedings of Young Researcher Symposium 2013, Fraunhofer Verlag, 36-41, (2013).

  • M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart, CFD simulation and experimental analysis of erosion in a slurry tank tester, Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on two-phase flow predictions, Halle (Saale), Germany, 17-20.09.2012.

  • C. Dreiser, L. J. Krätz, H.-J. Bart (2013): Polymer Film heat exchanger for seawater desalination: Prevention and cleaning of fouling deposits, Proceedings of International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning X (Eds.: H. Müller-Steinhagen, M. R. Malayeri, A. P. Watkinson), 296-301, Budapest, Hungary.

  • C. Dreiser, L. J. Krätz, H.-J. Bart (2013): Kinetics and quantity of crystallization fouling on polymer surfaces: impact of surface characteristics and process conditions, Proceedings of International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning X (Eds.: H. Müller-Steinhagen, M. R. Malayeri, A. P. Watkinson), 291-295, Budapest, Hungary.

  • T. Wächtler, M. W. Hlawitschka, H. Jildeh (2013), Mean Droplet Size in Stirred Extraction Columns: From 1D Simulation to 3D FPM Approach, (CM)²-Young Researcher Symposium Proceedings: 84-89, 8 November 2013, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: On the constrained Maximum Entropy Solution of the Bivariate Population Balance Equation for Liquid Extraction Columns, Proc. of 5th Population International Conference on Population Balance Modeling, 11.-13.09.2013, Bangalore, Indien

  • H.-J. Bart, M.W. Hlawitschka, M.M. Attarakih: Mass transfer and Population Balance Modeling using 3D-CFD. Proc. of 5th Population International Conference on Population Balance Modeling, 11.-13.09.2013, Bangalore, Indien

  • M. Attarakih, M.W. Hlawitschka, S. Al-Zyod, M. Abu-Khader, H.-J. Bart: A hyperbolic population balance model for dynamic analysis of liquid extraction columns. Proc. of PSE ASIA 2013, 25.-27.06.2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • H. B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: Modelling and Simulating of Liquid Extraction Columns using Optimized Droplet Interaction Models. Proc. of ECCE 2013, 21.-24.04.2013, Den Haag, The Netherlands

  • M. Attarakih, H.B. Jildeh, M. Mickler, H.-J. Bart: The OPOSPM as a nonlinear autocorrelation population balance model for dynamic simulation of liquid extraction columns. Proc. of PSE 2012, 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 15.-19.07.2012, Singapore

  • M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart: CFD-mass tranfer simulation of an RDC column. Proc. of PSE 2012, 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 15.-19.07.2012, Singapore

  • H.B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: Coalescence parameter estimation in liquid extraction columns using OPOSPM, Proc. of PSE 2012, 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 15.-19.07.2012, Singapore

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: Integral formulation of the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation using the Cumulative Quadrature Method of Moments (CQMOM), Proc. of PSE 2012, 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 15.-19.07.2012, Singapore

  • M. Mickler, H.B. Jildeh, S. Didas, H.-J. Bart: Transient droplet populations for online-control of stirred extraction columns, Proc. of ESCAPE 22, 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 17.-20.06.2012, London, UK

  • H.B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, M. Mickler, H.-J. Bart: An online inverse problem for the simulation of extraction columns using population balances, Proc. of ESCAPE 22, 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 17.-20.06.2012, London, UK

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: On the Constrained Maximum Entropy Solution of the Population Balance Equation. Proc. of the 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 17-20 June 2012, London.

  • C. Dreiser, H.-J. Bart: Polymer surface optimization for the application in falling film heat exchangers, Proceedings of ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • A.A. Ganguli, E.Y. Kenig, R.T. Eiswirth, H.-J. Bart: Theoretical and experimental investigation of droplet-droplet coalescence phenomena. Proc. of 19th International Solvent and Extraction Conference 2011, Santiago, Chile, Fernando Valenzuela L., Bruce A. Moyer (eds.).

  • F. Chen, H. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart, H. Hagen: „Innovative Multiphase Fluid Visualization for Droplet Column Simulations”, to appear in proceedings of “First International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE)”, 04.-07.10.2011, Kanazawa, Japan.

  • H. B. Jildeh, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart: An Inverse Problem Method for RDC Simulation, CM² Young Researchers Symposium, 13.2.2011, Kaiserslautern,

  • M. Mickler, H.-J. Bart, S. Didas: Determination of drop sizes in extraction columns by automated optical image analysis. Proc. of 19th International Solvent and Extraction Conference 2011, Santiago, Chile, Fernando Valenzuela L., Bruce A. Moyer (eds.).

  • M.W. Hlawitschka, F. Chen, H.-J. Bart, H. Hagen: „CFD Simulation und verbesserte Datenauswertung einer Extraktionskolonne vom Typ Kühni“, CM² Young Researchers Symposium, 13.2.2011, Kaiserslautern,

  • M.W. Hlawitschka, F. Chen, M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, J. Kuhnert, M. Mickler, H.-J. Bart: „A CFD-Population Balance Model for the Simulation of Kühni Extraction Column“, Proc. ESCAPE 21, 2011, Chalkidiki – Greece.

  • M.W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart: „Simulation of a miniplant Kühni extraction column coupled with PBM”, Proc. of 19th International Solvent and Extraction Conference 2011, Santiago, Chile, Fernando Valenzuela L., Bruce A. Moyer (eds.).

  • T.F. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, A. Klar, H.-J. Bart: The Normalized Quadrature Method of Moments Coupled with the Finite Pointset Method, 2. Int. Conf. Particle-based Methods – fundam. & Appl., PARTICLES 2011 (Eds.: E. Onate & D.R.J. Owen, 26./28.10.2011, Barcelona.

  • M. Jaradat, M. Attarakih, M. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart: “Detailed Mathematical Modelling of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns.” Proc. ESCAPE 21, 2011, Chalkidiki – Greece.

  • M. Jaradat: Advanced Prediction of Pulsed Extraction Column Performance using LLECMOD, CM² Young Researchers Symposium, 13.2.2011, Kaiserslautern,

  • M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, H.-J. Bart, C. Kuhnert, C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, V.K. Sharma, A. Klar: A Multivariate Sectional Quadrature Method of Momentents for the Solution of the Population Balance, in Proceed. 20th ECSAPE, 1551-1556, S. Pierucci, G.B. Ferrais (eds.), Elsevier 2010, Amsterdam.

  • V.K. Sharma, S. Tiwari, M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, A. Klar, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart: Simulation of Two Phase Flow with Incorporated Population Balance Equation Using a Meshfree Method, 1345-1351, Proceed. thESCAPE, 1333-1339, J. Jezowski, J. Thullie (Eds.), Elsevier, 2009, Amsterdam.

  • M. Attarakih, J. Jaradat, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart: A Multivariate Population Balance Model for Liquid Extraction Columns, 1339-1345, Proceed. 19th ESCAPE, 1333-1339, J. Jezowski, J. Thullie (Eds.), Elsevier, 2009, Amsterdam.

  • M. Attarakih, M. Jaradat, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, V.K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert, A. Klar: Solution of the Population Balance Equation using the one Primary one Secondary Particle Method (OPOSM), Proceed. 19th ESCAPE, 1333-1339, J. Jezowski, J. Thullie (Eds.), Elsevier, 2009, Amsterdam.

  • M.W. Hlawitschka, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart: Fluiddynamik der Zweiphasenströmung in einer Miniplant-Extraktionskolonne vom Typ Kühni, Proceed. Fachtagung „Lasermethoden in der Strömungstechnik, Ed. A. Delago et al., Deut. Gesell. Laser-Anemometrie GALA 2009, Karlsruhe.

  • P. Dimitrova, H.-J. Bart: Modified ligand exchange chromatography for amino acids separation, SPICA, (Ed. M. Morbidelli), 143, 28.9./1.10.2008, Zürich, Switzerland.

  • J. Castro Arce, H.-J. Bart: A new potential model for dissipative particle dynamics, ICCT 2008, (Ed. S.L. Randizio), MS-ST-0-12, 3./8. Aug. 2008, Warsaw.

  • U.K. Sharma, C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, M.M. Attarakih, A. Klar, H.-J. Bart: A meshfree CFD-PBM coupled Model, 6th Int. Conf. On CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Ind., (Ed. S.T. Johannsen), R1-02, SINTEF/NTNU, 10./12.6.2008, Trondheim, Norway.

  • C. Drumm, M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert: Implementation of the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments in CFD codes, 6th Int. Conf. on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Ind., (Ed. S.T. Johannsen), R2-01, SINTEF/NTNU, 10./12.6.2008, Trondheim, Norway.

  • M. Attarakih, D. Zeidan, C. Drumm, H. Allaboun, S. Tiwari, H.-J. Bart And J. Kuhnert: Dynamic Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns Using the Direct Primary and Secondary Particle Method (DPSPM), 6th Int. Conf. on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Ind., (Ed. S.T. Johannsen), R2-06, SINTEF/NTNU, 10./12.6.2008, Trondheim, Norway.

  • J. Castro, H.-J. Bart: Dissipative Particle Dynamics beyond Polymer Science, 6th Int. Conf. on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Ind., (Ed. S. T. Johannsen), R1-09, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim, 2008.

  • H.-J. Bart, P. Dimitrova, A. Kostova, M. Schmidt: Process Intensivation with Integrated Separation Principles, Proceed. PRES'07, J. Klemes (Ed.), Vol. 2, 519-524, AIDIC, 2007, Milano.

  • C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart: Coupling of CFD with DPBM: Drop Size Distributions and Flow Fields in a RDC Extractor, 6th Int. Conference on Multiphase Flow, (M. Sommerfeld, C. Tropea eds.), S6-Wed-B-33, Leipzig, Germany, July 9-13, 2007.

  • A. ATAKI, P. KOLB, U. BÜHLMANN, H.-J. BART: Wetting Performance and Pressure Drop of Structured Packings: CFD and Experiment, Proceed. Distillation and Adsorption 2006, 534-543, E. Sorensen (Ed.), Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, 2006.

  • C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart: Bestimmung der Hydrodynamik in einer gerührten Extraktionskolonne vom Typ RDC mit Hilfe der Particle Image Velocimetry, In Proceed. Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik. D. Dopheide, H. Müller, V. Strunck, B. Ruch, A. Leder (Eds.), 35/1-35/6, GALA e.V., 2006, Karlsruhe.

  • M.M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir: Solution of the Population Balance Equation using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), In Proceed. 16th ESCAPE , 209-214, W. Marquardt, C. Pantelides, eds., 2006, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir: The Bivariate partially distributed Population Balance Equation: An Accurate Reduction Technique. Proceed. European Sym. Computer Aided Process Engineering 15, ESCAPE 15, 29.5./1.6.2005, Barcelona, Spain. L. Puigjaner, A. Espuna (Ed.), Elsevier, 163-168, 2005, Amsterdam.

  • A. Kostova, H.-J. Bart: Reactive Extraction of L-Phenylalanine with Anion Exchanger Impregnated Resins, in Solvent Extraction for Sustainable Development, China Academic J. (Compact disc version), Beijing, 2005, 1503-1508.

  • K. Materna, A. Schaadt, H.-J. Bart, J. Szymanowski: Cloud point separation of phenols; in Solvent Extraction for Sustainable Development, China Academic J. (Compact disc version), Beijing, 2005, 1335-1340.

  • H.-J. Bart: From Single Droplet to Column Design – A review; in Solvent Extraction for Sustainable Development, China Academic J. (Compact disc version), Beijing, 2005, 1004-1009.

  • T. Steinmetz, S.A. Schmidt, M. Attarakih, H.-.J. Bart: Droplet Population Balancing for Column Simulations, in Solvent Extraction for Sustainable Development, China Academic J. (Compact disc version), Beijing, 2005, 997-1003.

  • T. Steinmetz, H.-J. Bart: Droplet hydrodynamics in a Kuehni-Miniplant extraction column. CHISA 2004, 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 2004, 1111-1121.

  • N. Ping, X.Q. Wang, H.-J. Bart, Y.C. Xie, H. Yang: Recovering of CO from yellow phosporus tail gas with the pressure swing adsorption process in the lower pressure range, Proceedings of the World Engineers Convention 2004: Vol. D, Environment Protection and Disaster Mitigation, 202-209, 2004.

  • H.-J. Bart, S.A. Schmidt, M. Attarakih: Advanced Column Modelling for Reactive Extraction, Proceed. Fluent CFD conference, 29./30.9.2004, Bingen, Germany.

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir: Numerical solution of the bivariate pupulation balance equation for interacting hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid extraction columns, Proceed. 2nd Int. Conf. on Population Balance Modelling, 5./7.5.2004, Valencia, Spain, 94-97, J. Nopoens, K. Malisse, C.A. Biggs, J.J. Dcoste (eds.) EUROSIS, Ghent, Belgium.

  • S.A. Schmidt, M. Simon, M. Attarakih, L. Lagar Garcia, H.-J. Bart: Estimation of Populance Parameters in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns, Proceed. 2nd Int. Conf. on Population Balance Modelling, 5./7.5.2004, Valencia, Spain, 55-58, J. Nopoens, K. Malisse, C.A. Biggs, J.J. Dcoste (eds.) EUROSIS, Ghent, Belgium.

  • D. Bosse, H.-J. Bart: Predicting of Diffusivities in Liquid Associating Systems on the Basis of a Multicomponent Approach, Proceed. & Absorption 02 (CD-ROM), 30.9./2.10.2002, Baden-Baden, VDI-GVC (ed.), 3-931384-37-3, Düsseldorf.

  • M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, N.M. Faqir: An Approximate Optimal Moving Grid Technique for the Solution of Discretized Population Balances in Batch Systems, Proceed. ESCAPE 12, 2002, 823-828, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • G. Gneist, H.-J. Bart: AC Fields in Solvent Extraction – Influence on Droplet Formation and Mass Transfer, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 101-106.

  • P. Kolb, H.-J. Bart: Liquid-Liquid Miniplant Extractor – A Novel Tool for Process Design, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 1382-1387.

  • A. Wildberger, H.-J. Bart: Influencing the Rate of Mass Transfer in Reactive Extraction using High Voltage, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 251-256.

  • A. Schaadt, H.-J. Bart: Coalescence Extraction –From Molecular Dynamics to Chemical Engineering Applications, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 524-529.

  • D. Bosse, H.-J. Bart: Prediction of Diffusivities in Liquid Associating Systems, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 125-130.

  • A. Ataki, H.-J. Bart: CFD-Simulation of Rivulet Flow on Inclined Plates, Proceed. Distillation & Absorption 02, 30.9./2.10.2002, Baden-Baden.

  • R. Manski, H.-J. Bart, A. Görge, M. Traving, J. Strube, W. Bäcker: Equilibria Based on GE-Models in a Co/Ni/Phosphinic Acid System, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 161-166.

  • M. Simon, H.-J. Bart: Estimation of Coalescence Parameters for Population Balance Models, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 77-82.

  • H.-J. Bart: Electric Fields in Solvent Extraction, Proceed. ISEC 2002, 17.-21.3.2002, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Marshalltown, South Africa, 45-52.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Brozio: Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics in a Continuous Annular Chromatograph, Proceed. 3rd Europ. Thermal Sci. Conf. 2000, 491-496, Eds. E.W.P Hahne, W. Heidemann & K. Spindler (2000), Edizioni ETS, Pisa.

  • A. Schöneberger, H.-J. Bart: Miniplantversuche zur Schwermetallentfernung mittels reaktiver Sorptionspolymere, : Reprints 4. GVC-Abwasserkongress, 6./9.9.1999, Bremen, Ed. GVC-VDI, Band 3 (1999), 1301-1303, Düsseldorf.

  • R. Herbsthofer, H.-J. Bart, A. Prior, J. Wolfgang: Reaction in a Continuous Annular Chromatograph, in: Procced. 2nd Europ. Congr. Chem. Engng. (ECC2), Montpellier, Ed. Soc. Chim. Ind. (1999), Paris.

  • M. Traving, H.-J. Bart, A. Neu: Organic Acid Recovery from Fermentation Broths using Reactive Sorption, in: Procced. 2nd Europ. Congr. Chem. Engng. (ECC2), Montpellier, Ed. Soc. Chim. Ind. (1999), Paris.

  • M. Mörters, H.-J. Bart: Experimental Examination and Simulation of the Multicomponent Mass Transfer in Reactive Heavy Metal Extraction, in: Procced. 2nd Europ. Congr. Chem. Engng. (ECC2), Montpellier, Ed. Soc. Chim. Ind. (1999), Paris.

  • R. Herbsthofer, H.-J. Bart, J. Wolfgang: Multicomponent Separation with Reactions in a Continuous Annular Chromatograph, Proceed. SPICA ‘98, 23./25.9.1998, Straßburg, France.

  • G. Modes, H.-J. Bart: Application of a Galerkin Method for the Simulation of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns from a Populance Balance Model, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • A. Schöneberger, H.-J. Bart: Reactive Sorption of Heavy Metals by Extractant-Impregnated Polymers. Sorption Equilibria and Kinetics, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22.-28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • M. Traving, H.-J. Bart: Reactive Sorption - a Synergetic Combination of Reactive Extraction and Adsorption, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • C. Czapla, H.-J. Bart: Acetic Acid Extraction under the Influence of Chemical Adsorption Layers, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • M. Mörters, H.-P. Rousselle, H.-J. Bart: Introduction of a Test-System for the Reactive Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • M. ROOS, Z. SZITKAI, H.-J. BART: Reactive Extraction of Organic Acids - Influence of Salts, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • R. Herbsthofer, H.-J. Bart, A. Prior, J. Wolfgang: Multicomponent Separation with Reactions in a Continuous Annular Chromatograph, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22.-28.8.

  • 1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • J. Gu, H.-J. Bart: Steam Regeneration of an Activated Carbon Column, Proceed. CHISA ‘98, 22./28.8.1998, Prag, Tschechien.

  • G. Modes, H.-J. Bart, D. Bröder: Droplet Population Balance based Calculations of Liquid-Liquid Dispersions from Single Droplet Experiments, Proceed. ACHEMASIA ‘98, 11./16.5.1998, Peking, China.

  • M. Roos, H.-J. Bart: Influence of Salts on Mass Transfer and Equilibria at Reactive Extraction of Organic Salts, Proceed. ACHEMASIA ‘98, 11./16.5.1998, Peking, China.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Wolfgang, A. Prior: Continuous Preparative Annular Chromatography, Proceed. ACHEMASIA ‘98, 11./16.5.1998, Peking, China.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Wolfgang, A. Prior, C.H. Byers: Kontinuierliche Trennung von Mehrstoffgemischen mittels annularer Chromatographie, ACHEMA 97, 9./14.6.1997.

  • G. Modes, H.-J. Bart: Simulation von Extraktionskolonnen als Alternative zu herkömmlichen Scale-up-Methoden, ACHEMA 97, 9./14.6.1997.

  • H. Klocker, R. Marr, H.-J. Bart: Extraction Equilibrium of Zn and Na2SO4 with D2EHPA in Heptane Including the Nonideality of Both Phases, Proceed. CHISA 96, 25./30.8.1996, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

  • G. Modes, H.-J. Bart: Droplet population balance based on simulation of liquid-liquid dispersions, Proceed. CHISA 96, 25./30.8.1996, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

  • M. Roos, H.-J. Bart: Mass transfer kinetics of acetic acid extraction, Proceed. CHISA 96, 25./30.8.1996, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

  • H.-J. Bart, H.-O. Reisl, E. Bogner, C. Hinker, I. Weissgärber: Separation of alcohol/water mixtures by a membrane & distillation hybrid process, Proceed. CHISA 96, 25./30.8.1996, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

  • J. Wolfgang, A. Prior, R.C. Messenböck, H.-J.Bart, C.H. Byers: Kontinuierliche Trennung von Kohlehydraten mittels anularer Chromatographie, DECHEMA-Jahrestagung 1996, Band I, 385, Ed. DECHEMA Frankfurt (1996).

  • H. Klocker, B. Wachter, R. Marr, H.-J. Bart: Multikomponentenstofftransport bei der Extraktion von Zink mittels Di(2ethylhexyl)phosphorsäure, DECHEMA-Jahrestagung 1996, Band II, 345, Ed. DECHEMA Frankfurt (1996).

  • H.-J. Bart, H.-O. Reisl: Hybridprozesse als innovative Trenntechniken, DECHEMA-Jahrestagung 1996, Band II, 181, Ed. DECHEMA Frankfurt (1996).

  • F. Kronberger, A. Ortner, W. Zulehner, H.-J. Bart: Numerical Determination of Drop Size Distributions in Extraction Columns, Proceed. 7th Europ. Conf. on Math. in Ind., 247-254, T. B. Teubner, (1994) Stuttgart.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Brandstätter: Storage of Heat by Using the Heat of Dilution of Alkali Hydroxide Solution, in Proceed. IECEC, Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference "Energy Conversion-Investment in America", 07./12.08.1994, Monterey, CA, USA.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Brandstätter: Storage of Heat by Reversible Chemical Reactions, Int.Treffen für Chem. Technik und Biotechnologie, 5./11.6.1994, Frankfurt.

  • H.-J. Bart, C. Weiss: CFD in der Verfahrenstechnik, Int. Treffen für Chem. Technik und Biotechnologie, 5./11.6.1994, Frankfurt.

  • H.-J. Bart, H. Landschützer: Reaktivdestillation in der Chemischen Industrie, Int. Treffen für Chem. Technik und Biotechnologie, 5./11.6.1994, Frankfurt.

  • H.-J. Bart, K. Burtscher: Scale-up von Rührzelle zur Kolonne bei der Reaktivabsorption, Int. Treffen für Chem. Technik und Biotechnologie, 5./11.6.1994, Frankfurt.

  • H.-J. Bart, N. Ramaseder, R. Marr: Structural 3-D Model of a liquid/liquid heterogeneous diffusion problem, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • B. Wachter, M. Cerna, H.-J. Bart, V. Bizek, R. Marr: Zn/D2EHPA/n-Dodecane. A Critical Review of Models for Equilibrium and Kinetics, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Reidetschläger: Reactive rectification and reactor selection, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, K. Burtscher: Absorption of nitrogen oxided and sulphur dioxide in a Cr(VI) wash solution, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, H. Jüngling, R. Marr: Micellization and water transport in emulsion, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, G. Husung, R. Marr, C. Weiss: Scale-up limits two phase flow in an RDC, Proceed. CHISA'93, 29.8.-3.9.93, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, H. Jüngling, R. Marr: Solubilization of Water in Organic Liquid Membranes, in Procced. CME, 1st World Congress on Emulsions, (1993) paper 2-23-247.

  • H.-J. Bart, B. Wachter, H.-J. Wacker, A. Pichler: Simulation of the Behaviour of Liquid/Liquid Disper­sions in Countercur­rent Columns, Proceed. ESCAPE 2, 5./7.10.1992, Toulouse, F.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, U. Bauer, H. Reisinger: Reactive extraction of l-phenyl-alanine by a non waste process, Solvent Extraction 1990, Ed. T. Sekine, 1797-1802, 1992, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Draxler, R. Marr: Metals recovery from a garbage incinerator, Solvent Extraction 1990, Ed. T. Sekine, 1121-1126, 1992, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Apparatus selection and design in solvent extraction, Solvent Extraction 1992, Ed.: T. Sekine, 1339-1344, 1992, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • H.-J. Bart, C. Ramaseder, R. Marr: Mass Transfer and Osmosis in the Liquid Membrane Technique, in Proceed. 4th World Congress column on Chemical Engineering, Karls­ruhe, Paper 10.2-34, Ed. DECHEMA, 1991, Frankfurt, BRD.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, B. Wachter: Apparatus Selection in Solvent Extraction, in Proceed. 4th World Congress column on Chemical Engineering, Karlsruhe, Paper 10.4-9, Ed. , 1991, Frankfurt, BRD.

  • H.-J. Bart, N. Ramaseder, C. Ramaseder, R. Marr: Modelling of Mass Transfer of Phenol through Liquid Membranes, in Proceed. 4th World Congress column on Chemical Engineering, Karlsruhe, Paper 10.2-35, Ed. 1991, Frankfurt, BRD.

  • H.-J. Bart, J. Reidetschläger: Distillation with chemical reaction in a continuous counter current bubble-cap column, in Proceed. 4th World Congress column on Chem. , Karlsruhe, Paper 10.1-31, Ed. DECHEMA, 1991, Frankfurt, BRD.

  • H.-J. Bart, T. Kronberger, L. Peer, H.-J. Wacker: Dynamic Simulation of Plate Distillation Columns, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, 147-158. . Heiliö (ed.). Ed. H.-J. Wacker und W. Zulehner, B.G. Teubner Stuttgart und Kluwer Academic Publ., NL, 1991.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, D. Auzinger, A. Ortner, H.-J. Wacker: Numercial Simulation of Emulsion Liquid Membrane Permeation, M. Heiliö (ed.), Proceed. of the Fourth European Conference on Ma­thematics in Industry, 135-145, G. Teubner Stuttgart and Kluwer Academie Publishers, NL, 1991.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: The Lay-out of Reactive Extractors, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Ma­thematics in Industry, 147-158, H.-J. Wacker and W. Zulehner (Eds.)B.G. Teubner Stutt­gart und Kluwer Academic Publ., NL, 1991.

  • H.-J. Bart, K. Burtscher: Stickoxide - Bildung sowie Maßnahmen zur Emmissionsminderung, in Proceed. 4. Stickstoffoxide Symp. 21.11.1990, Linz, Ed. ÖCH, Schriftenreihe "Umweltschutz" Wien (1990).

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, Ch. Ramaseder: Liquid membranes - mass transfer and osmosis, Paper No. 480, CHISA 90, Prag, CSFR.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, H. Reisinger: Extraction of l-phenyl-alanine from an enzymatic, aqueous solution by a non- waste process, Paper No. 326, CHISA 90, Prag, CZ.

  • H.-J. Bart, B. Wachter, R. Marr: Modelling of extraction with chemical reaction in counter-current columns, Paper No. 325, CHISA 90, Prag, CZ.

  • K. Burtscher, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Sour gas absorption into a CrVI solution, Paper No. 352, CHISA 90, Prag, CZ.

  • R. Marr, H.-J. Bart, J. Draxler: Solvent Extraction and Liquid Membrane Permeation - A Critical Com­parsion, Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Sep. Sci. Techn., Vol. II 403-410, Hamilton, Canada, 1.-4.10.1989.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, J. Draxler: Abwasserreinigung – Metallrecycling, Proceed. UTEC 1989, Ed. Trend Commerz, Linz, 1989.

  • J. Draxler, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Separation of zinc, cadmium, lead by a combined sol­vent extraction, permeation process, in: Proceed. ENVIROTECH VIENNA 1989, Ed. Österr. ­amt, Verlag Westarp Wissenschaften Essen, BRD, 1989.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Estimation of Column Dimensions for Liquid Membrane Permeation and Solvent Extraction, Proceed. 2nd Int. Conf. Sep. Sci & Technol., Vol. I, 274-281Ed. M.H.I. Baird et. al., Com. Soc. Chem. Eng., Ottawa, Canada, 1989.

  • R. Marr, H.-J. Bart, J. Draxler: Solvent Extraction and Liquid Membrane Permeation, Proceed. 2nd Int. Conf. Sep. SCI & Technol., Vol. II, 403-410, Hamilton, 1.-4.10.1989, Canada Ed. M.H.I. Baird et. al., Soc. Chem. Eng., Ottawa, Canada, 1989.

  • D. Auzinger, A. Ortner, H.-J. Wacker, H.-J. Bart: Numerische Simulation von Flüssigmembran-Permeationskolonnen, Bericht, Inst. Math., Teil I, Modellierung, 1989.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Solvent Extraction - an efficient tool for waste water treatment, in Proceed. ENVIROTECH VIENNA 1989, Ed. Österr. Umweltbundesamt, Verlag Westarp Wissenschaften Essen, BRD, 1989.

  • M. Koncar, H.-J. Bart, A. Bauer, R. Marr: Mixer Settler or Column extractor - A Comparison of Equip­ment for extractive metallurgy, Proceed. CHEMECA 88, 543-547, Sydney 1988.

  • H.-J. Bart, A. Bauer, R. Marr: Efficiencies of contactors from first principles, Proceed. 1. Int. Conf. on Hydrometallurgy ICHM88, p. 51-56, Peking, China, 1988.

  • J. Draxler, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Separation of zinc, cadmium and lead by a combined extraction/liquid membrane process, Proceed. 1st Int. Conf. on Hydrometallurgy ICHM88, p. 560-564, Peking, China, 1988.

  • H.-J. BART, A. BAUER, R. MARR: The influence of chemical reaction on calculation concepts in solvent extraction, Proceed. ISEC 88, Vol. II, 285-288, Moskau 1988.

  • M. Koncar, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Extraction of zinc by HDEHP-Influence of activity and high loading, Proceed. ISEC 88, Vol. II, 175-178, Moskau 1988.

  • A. Bauer, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Mathematical Modelling of Reactive Extraction, Chemical Engineering Fundamentals, XVIII. CEF 87 Con­fe­rence Procee­dings p. 97, Taormina 1987.

  • A. Bauer, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Mathematical Modelling of Reactive Extraction, Proceed. Chem. Eng. Fund., 349th Event EFCE, XVIII Congress: the use of Computers in Chemical Engineer­ing, April 1987, Italy, 97-103.

  • H.-J. Bart, M. Koncar, R. Marr: The problem of test systems in liquid-liquid extrac­tion, Proceed. CHISA 1987, Paper 236.

  • H. Lackner, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Operating behaviour of mixer settlers with liquid membrane permeation, Proceed. CHISA 1987, Paper 235.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Waste Prevention with Extraction Techniques, Proceed. World Congress III of Chem. Eng., Vol. III, Tokyo 1986, 845-848.

  • H. Lackner, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Hydrodynamics in Mixer-Settlers with Liquid Membranes, Proceed. ISEC '86, München 1986, Vol.3, 339-344.

  • D. Lorbach, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Modelling an Apparatus in Emulsion Liquid Membrane Operations, Proceed. ISEC '86, München 1986, Vol. 3, 293-300.

  • R. Schein, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr, A. Prior: Extraction of Copper out of a Silver Nitrate Electro­lyte, Proceed. ISEC '86, München 1986, Vol.2, 643-650.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Wachter, R. Marr: Separation of Copper from a Zinc Solution by Liquid Mem­bra­ne Per­mea­tion, Proceed. ISEC '86, München 1986, Vol 1, 567 -571.

  • A. Bauer, H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Numerical Calculation of Extraction with Chemical Reaction, Proceed. 5th Yu.-A.-I.-CEC, Portoroz 1986, 299-306.

  • R. Marr, H.-J. Bart: Possibilities and Limits of Liquid-Liquid-Extraction, Proceedings 6th Int. Symp. `High Purity Materials in Science and Techno­logy', 6.-.5.1985, Dresden, DDR.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Schein, R. Marr: A copper silver extraction process, Proceed. Conf. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, VII-E-1, Ed.: Inst. Chimique, Toulouse, 1985.

  • R. Wachter, H.-J. Bart, W. Fürst, R. Marr: Separation of copper by liquid membrane permeation, Proceed. Conf. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, V-E-1, Ed.: Inst. Chimique, Toulouse, 1985.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Wachter, R. Marr: Purification of a Copper Electrolyte via Solvent Ex­trac­tion, 4th Ital.-Yugosl.-Austrian CEC, 24.-26.9.19­84, Grado, Procee­dings, Vol II, 524-531.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Wachter, R. Marr: Extraction of Arsenic, Proceed. CHISA 1984, Paper Nr. 620, Prag 3.-7.9.1984, Ed.: Czech. Acad. Sci., Prag, 1984.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Abtrennung von Schwermetallen mit Hilfe der Metall­salz­ex­trak­tion, Informationstagung des BMFWUF 17.-18.10.1983, Wien, Kurz­fass­ungen d. BMFWUF, 32-34.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Solvent Extraction of Lithium, ISEC '83, Denver, Colorado, USA, 26.8.-2.9.1983, Paper 16e, Ed.: AICHE, New York, 1983.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Solvent extraction of lithium, Proceed. 3rd CEC, 199-212, 1982, Graz, Ed.: Inst. VT, TU-Graz.

  • H.-J. Bart, R. Marr: Solvent extraction systems, in Proceed. CHISA 1981, Paper F5.4, Prag 1981, Ed.: Czech. Acad. Sci. 1981, P.

  • R. Marr, H.-J. Bart: Copper enrichment with permeation, in Proceed. Hydro­me­tallurgy 81, Paper D3/2, Ed.: Soc. of Chem. Ind., London, 1981.

  • H.-J. Bart, A. Bouvier, J. Draxler, R. Marr: Permeation: a selective separation process, Chem. Eng. Conference, Bled (Jugosl.), 15.-18.9.1980, Procee­dings, Paper 209-219.

  • R. Marr, H.-J. Bart, M. Siebenhofer: A new concept for mass transfer in liquid surfactant mem­bra­nes, in Proceedings ISEC '80, Paper 80-144, Liege 6.-12.9. 1980, Belgien, 1980.