ReMiX: Resilient Mixed-Criticality Embedded Systems
Problem Formulation
In the ReMiX project, a design methodology for verifiable system architectures in intelligent automation is to be developed. For this purpose, distributed resources are summarized as a shared virtual resource and organized according to the principles of mixed-criticality systems. Mixed-Criticality describes a mapping of functions to resources based on their criticality according to available resource quotas. The distributed resources are merged as a shared virtual resource and organized according to the principles of systems with different criticality. The research results of this project will contribute to increase the system resilience through new design methods for self-organizing communication, computing and control approaches. By integrating security aspects into the design methodology, we aim to extend our development framework to attack-resistant mixed-criticality systems.
Solution Approach
The solution approach of the ReMix project focuses on modeling and control of resilient and mixed-criticality cyber-physical and hybrid dynamical systems. We consider the resilient behavior of the system illustrated in Fig. 1. The function F(t) presents the system performance measure, and the degradation of F(t) occurs due to functionality failure, attack, or denial of service. Without any actions, the performance of the system will drop to a low degraded steady state. Once the event has been detected, a resilience action can be triggered to optimize the system functionality performance F(t) under the limiting circumstances. Therefore, the proposed solution consists of development methods and algorithms for modeling and scheduling distributed resilient mixed-criticality systems, where the objective is to maximize the system's resilience under different resource degradation scenarios. For this purpose, we design stable embedded control systems when limited communication and computation resources are involved. The codesign of a scheduler and a controller optimizes control inputs and resource allocation in order to ensure control performance, resilience when a denial of service (DoS) attack occurs, and faster feedback control response for more critical tasks. In this project, distributed algorithms for large-scale interconnected mixed-critical systems are developed where control and communication loops are closed automatically to guarantee access to available shared resources based on each subsystem's criticality. Moreover, another solution approach focuses on extending and redesigning the existing sufficient conditions of the ISS of complex networks and applying them to decentralized robust, and adaptive control of networked control systems, and generalizing the existing algorithms of decentralized robust and/or adaptive control for large-scale networks of interconnected nonlinear control systems with uncertainties and external disturbances.

Figure.1. Illustration of resilience considering mixed criticality
Project Goals
- Developing models and verification algorithms for self-configuring resilient mixed-criticality systems.
- Exploring error, failure and attack models to ensure its resilience and full correlation-based static reduncancy fro all security functions.
- Designing and implementing a system architecture as the basis of the new system. Modularization of devices into level-independent components and the definition of interfaces between these components with regard to the semantic description is of particular interest.
- Deriving design principles for industrial communication networks to achieve the optimal use of available resources, protocols and other system components.
- Validating the approaches: Guaranteeing resilience when applying the new modelling and verification algorithms to the mixed-criticality modularized system architecture.
ReMiX architecture

The end of a journey: Project ReMix concludes with great success!
We are delighted to announce the successful completion of ReMiX, a project focusing on the development of a design methodology for verifiable system architectures in intelligent automation. This project, which concluded on February 28, 2023, yielded research outcomes that contribute to enhancing system resilience through novel design methods for communication, security, and control approaches.
In the ReMiX project, we merged distributed resources into a shared virtual resource, employing the principles of mixed-criticality systems. By mapping functions to resources based on their criticality and available resources, we optimized system performance and ensured efficient resource allocation. Additionally, security and control specifications were integrated into our design methodology, enabling the development of resilient mixed-criticality control systems.
Another significant outcome of the ReMiX project is the design of an adaptive mixed-criticality algorithm that efficiently adapts the scheduling of tasks, considering their online relative importance and allocating communication resources accordingly.
Furthermore, we designed sufficient conditions of the ISS (Input-to-State Stability) for decentralized robust and adaptive control, specifically addressing complex networks of interconnected nonlinear control systems with uncertainties and external disturbances.
The following video demonstrates our scheduler/controller algorithm on a system of three liquid tanks interconnected by only two supply lines. Taking into account mixed criticality, the liquid levels are kept within the feasible ranges not only during normal operation but also in the event of a supply line failure on one of the lines.

- Scheduling and Control
- Formal methods
- Embedded Systems

Time span
Sep 2019 - Aug. 2022
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Naim Bajcinca
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 42
67663, Kaiserslautern
+49 (0)631/205-3230
Learning based end-to-end control using a single camera image (Under review)
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023.
S. A. Hiremath, P. K. Gummadi, A.Tika, P.Rama and N. Bajcinca
Resilient scheduler and controller codesign for mixed-critical embedded control systems
IFAC World Congress, 2023.
M. A. Khatib and N. Bajcinca
Decentralized fixed-time uniform ISS stabilization of infinite networks of switched nonlinear systems with arbitrary switchings by small gain approach
European Control Conference ECC 2023.
S. Pavlichkov and N.Bajcinca
Decentralized adaptive stabilization of infinite networks of switched nonlinear systems with unknown control directions
61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Pages 2017-2024, Dec 2022. DOI
S. Pavlichkov and N. Bajcinca
Towards Resilience in Mixed Critical Industrial Control Systems: A Multi-disciplinary View
IEEE Access, Pages 124563 - 124581, 2022. DOI
R. Reifert, M. Krawczyk-Becker, L. Prenzel, S. Pavlichkov, M. A. Khatib,S. A. Hiremath, M. Al-Askary, N. Bajcinca, S. Steinhorst and A. Sezgin
Mixed-criticality communication scheme for networked mobile robots
XXVIII International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pages 1-6, 2022. DOI
S. Guma, A. Sezgin, N. Bajcinca
Discrete abstractions of infinite-dimensional impulsive systems
European Control Conference, London, Pages 1110-1117, 2022. DOI
P. Bachmann, S. Ahmed, N. Bajcinca