Mobile Robotics

Dipl.-Ing. Argtim Tika
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 42
67663, Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0)631/205-5093
Fax: +49 (0)631/205-4201
Bundesministerium fur
Wirtschaft und Energie
The main research activities focus on developing an autonomous robot system consisting of an omnidirectional mobile platform, two lightweight robots, stereo cameras, and laser scanners. The key tasks can be summarized as follows:
- Model-based planning and control of cooperative collision-free trajectories for the robot arms
- Cooperative robot control to coordinate the motions of the robotarms and the omnidirectional
mobile platform for a high degree of flexibility and precision - Optimization-based path planning and navigation for the omnidirectional mobile robot
- High-speed path following control
- ML-based detection and tracking of static and dynamic objects
- Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for free indoor robot navigation
- Flexible robot end effectors for gripping and handling parts of different geometries
- Development of an experimental setup consisting of a mobile robot, two lightweight robots,
stereo cameras and ultrasonic sensors.
Path Following Control
The goal of the predictive path following control is to minimize the error to a given geometric path along a chosen prediction horizon and simultaneously attempt to maximize the covered path distance, i.e., following the path at the highest possible speed.
- Path reference as a continuous parametrized curve
- Path following error dynamics defined in the Frenet-Serret frame
- High-speed path following control
- Automatic parameter tuning based on Bayesian optimization
Experimental Results
SLAM and Global Path Planning
- Initial map of the laboratory environment using SLAM based on laser scanners and ROS.
- Global path planning using probalistic roadmaps (PRM) and an A* searching algorithm.
- Path parametrization and path following control.
- Path following control: MPC vs. DNN
- Trajectory tracking