Cooperative Robot Control

Dipl.-Ing. Argtim Tika
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 42
67663, Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0)631/205-5093
Fax: +49 (0)631/205-4201
Bundesministerium fur
Wirtschaft und Energie
Cooperating robots on assembly or packing lines

The efficient utilization of cooperating robots in packing or assembly lines relies on balancing the robots' workload and ensuring collision-free trajectory planning. We consider this problem as the distribution of a large number of pick-and-place tasks, where different dynamic objects are involved, to several robots. The considered multi-robot system consists of stationary robots with limited but overlapping operation ranges. To obtain high packing/assembly throughput, the robot manipulators should perform the tasks in minimum possible time without colliding with each other or the direct environment. Therefore, two main tasks need to be addressed:
- optimal robot task allocation and scheduling for cooperative selection of non-stationary objects to balance the robots' workload, while accounting for some safety- and quality-related constraints
- model-based planing of collision-free trajectories for the robots to accomplish the assigned tasks successfully.
Control structure

Hierarchical Control Algorithm
A hierarchical control algorithm consisting of two layers is employed to assign and execute the robot tasks optimally:
- The upper layer represents the scheduling algorithm. A discrete optimization problem is used to find the optimal allocation of the tasks to the robots (resources) by minimizing the total Euclidian distance covered by the robots' end effectors
- The scheduling layer generates set-points for the underlying layer, which includes a Model Predictive Control based planning algorithm running on top of the computed torque control low
- The computed torque controller as a nonlinear feedback is based on robot dynamic inversion and generates together with the robot dynamics the model used in the MPC algorithm
- The MPC layer computes the collision-free robot trajectories by minimizing the execution time of the tasks and is therefore referred to as time-optimal Model Predictive Control.
The MPC-based trajectory generation layer can be realized as a centralized architecture common to both robots, or as a distributed architecture where each robot is considered separately, as a local system.
Centralized Model Predictive Control (MPC)
- Single optimization problem centralized implemented for all subsystems
- Combined dynamic model for both robots
- Large optimization problem
- Joint transition time tf for both robots
Distributed Model Predictive Control (DMPC)
- Local, robot specific controllers
- Smaller optimization problems
- Different transition times t1f and t2f for both robots
- Communication between the different controllers is needed
- Each local controller optimizes a local cost function
- Coupling of the local cost functions to synchronize the robot movements
- Coupling in the constraints for collision avoidance
Optimal robot task allication and scheduling

Allocate a set of objects n ∈ Ν to a set of slots s ∈ S, which are located on a set of trays p ∈ P.
Minimize the total euclidean distance covered by the robots r ∈ R.
- Position of the objects xn
- Position of the slots xs
- Position of the robots xr
- Minimal alloved distance between obejcts dmin.
Binary Variables:
- Xns = 1, if obect n ∈ N is assigned to slot s ∈ S
- Wrp = 1, if robot r ∈ R is filling tray p ∈ P.
Time-optimal model predictive control

- Time-optimal trajectory generation problems result in a free terminal time optimization with the goal of minimizing the final time subject to various robot-relevant kinematic and dynamic constraints.
- We introduse a time scaling τ=(t-t0)/(tf-t0) to transform the free terminal time optimization problem into a fixed time problem.
- The time optimal setting guaranteed that at each optimization step k, the desired state xf(k)is reached at the end of the prediction horizon k + N, i.e. at τ= 1.
- Three different types of collision avoidance constraints are considered to prevent collisions between a robot's links, the robots and the environment and between the robots
Collision Avoidance
- We propose a smooth approximation of the robot geometry using Bézier curves and spherical objects.
- Velocity constraints for collision avoidance are introduced to force the approximating spheres to slide along tangent separating planes.
- The tangent separating planes are defined by two proximity sphere objects placed at the corresponding nearest points of the two robots.
- The positions of the proximity spheres are continuously updated according to the minimum distance between the corresponding linkage Bézier curves.
- Projected 2D and 3D formulations of the velocity constraints for collision avoidance have been implemented within the proposed model predictive control (MPC) algorithm for minimum-time cooperative online trajectory computation.

Simulation results
- Dynamic simulation of two robots performing time-varying pick-and-place tasks on a conveyor belt.
- The sheduler decides which robot is picking up which object and in which tray they have to place them.
- The position data of the selected objects is given to the MPC layer to generate the robot trajectories.
- After placing the objects, the scheduler is performed again in an iterative way.

Collision Avoidance
Experimental Setup and System Architecture

The experimental setup consists of the following components:
- Two UR5 collaborative robots from Universal Robots
- Conveyor belt
- PLC / SPS control unit for speed control of the conveyor belt
- Lidar sensors for environment perseption
- Camera system for measuring / estimating the position and orientation of the objects
- Two grippers
- Pneumatic control unit to control the robot grippers
- Industrial PC and Robot Operating System (ROS) for robot control.