Gebäude 42, Raum 251
67663 Kaiserslautern

- Interconnected Cyber-Physical Systems
- Predictive control
- Dynamics and Control of Networked Systems (Lecturer, 7 hours), 2021
- Advanced Control Methods (Teaching assistant, 7 hours), 2020
- Control Theory (Lecturer, 30 hours), 2019
- Advanced Seminar on Cyber-Physical Systems (Supervisor, 60 hours), 2018-2019
- Control Theory (Teaching assistant, 8 hours), 2018
- Bachelor degree of engineering in Industrial Informatics. Lebanese University, Lebanon
- Master 2R in system control and information technology. Université Joseph Fourier, France
- PhD in Applied Mathematics. Title: Verification and synthesis of cyber-physical systems. Université Grenoble Alpes, France
- Postdoc researcher. Title: Compositional synthesis and verification of hybrid systems. Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Postdoc researcher. Title: Control synthesis of interconnected food production units. Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany
Resilient scheduler and controller codesign for mixed-critical embedded control systems
IFAC World Congress, 2023
M. A. Khatib and N. Bajcinca
Towards Resilience in Mixed Critical Industrial Control Systems: A Multi-disciplinary View
IEEE Access, Pages 124563 - 124581, 2022. DOI
R. Reifert, M. Krawczyk-Becker, L. Prenzel, S. Pavlichkov, M. A. Khatib,S. A. Hiremath, M. Al-Askary, N. Bajcinca, S. Steinhorst and A. Sezgin
Model predictive control of demand response for large scale production lines and networks
28th International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2022), June 2022
J. Tousi, M. Khatib, N. Bajcinca
Control of an interconnected food production unit
The IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Busan, South Korea, June 2022 (To be submitted)
M. Khatib, S. Streif
Synthesis of interconnected control systems under reachability specifications
Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, Texas, USA, December 2021
M. Khatib, S. Streif
Controller synthesis for interconnected systems using parametric assume-guarantee contracts
American Control Conference, Denver, USA, July 2020
M. Khatib, M. Zamani
Verification and synthesis of interconnected embedded control systems under timing contracts
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2019, Pages 208-217
M. Khatib, M. Zamani
Timing contracts for multi-core embedded control systems
Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints: Current Challenges, Springer International Publishing, 2018, Pages 97-118
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang
Self-Triggered Control for Sampled-data Systems using Reachability Analysis
IFAC World Congress, 2017
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang
Scheduling of Embedded Controllers under Timing contracts
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. 2017
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang
Verification and Synthesis of Timing Contracts for Embedded Controllers
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. ACM, 2016.
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang
Stability verification and timing contract synthesis for linear impulsive systems using reachability analysis
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2016
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang
Stability verification of nearly periodic impulsive linear systems using reachability analysis
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015, Pages 358-363
M. Khatib, A. Girard, and T. Dang