Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (TVT)

M.Sc. Samer Suleiman Alzyod

M.Sc. in chemical engineering


Gebäude 44, Raum 449
Gottlieb-Daimler Straße
67663 Kaiserslautern


Telefon: +49 (0)631 205-2124
Telefax: +49 (0)631 205-2119
Email: samer.alzyod(at)mv.uni-kl.de 








Aufgabenbereiche am Lehrstuhl

Forschungs- und Arbeitsschwerpunkte

  • Population balance model
  • Mathematical modeling
  • CFD simulation
  • Liquid-Liquid extration: Hydrodynamics and mass transfer


Studien- und Diplomarbeiten


  • Alzyod, S., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.-J., (2017). CFD Modelling of pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction columns using OPOSPM as a reduced population balance model, Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering, vol. 40, pp. 61-66.
  • Alzyod, S., Korb, C., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.-J., (2017). Steady State Population Balance Modeling of Zinc Extraction in a Kühni Liquid-liquid Extraction Column, Proceedings of the International Solvent Extraction Conference (ISEC2017), pp. 63-70.
  • Korb, C., Alzyod, S., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.-J., (2017). SQMOM-Modellierung der Hydrodynamik in Kühni-Kolonnen bei der Reaktivextraktion, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 89, pp. 1-11.
  • Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2017), Steady state modeling of Kühni liquid extraction column  using  the  Spatially Mixed Sectional Quadrature  Method  of Moments  (SM-SQMOM), Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 117, pp. 549–556.
  • Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), The Sectional Quadrature Method
    of Moments (SQMOM): An extension to nonhomogeneous bivariate population balances, 
    Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 115, pp. 195-203.
  • Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Dynamic Modelling of Kuhni 
    Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM), 
    Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 1-12. 
  • Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Population Balance Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM), Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol. 38, pp. 427-43
  • S. Alzyod, M. Attarakih, H-J. Bart, (2016), Detailed Modeling of an RDC liquid extraction column using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM),  proceedings of young researchers symposium (YRS), Fraunhofer verlag, Kaiserslautern, pp.9-14
  • Mark W. Hlawitschka, Menwer M. Attarakih, Samer S. Alzyod, Hans-Jörg Bart, CFD based extraction column design - Chances and challenges (2016), Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 24, 259-263.
  • M. Attarakih, M. Hlawitschka, M. Abu-Khader, S. Al-Zyod, H-J. Bart (2015), CFD-Population Balance Modelling and Simulation of Coupled Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Liquid Extraction Columns, Appl. Math. Modelling, vol.39. pp. 5105–5120.
  • Attarakih, M., Al-Zyod, S., Hlawitschke M. & Bart H.-J, (2015), OPOSSIM: A population balance-SIMULINK module for modelling coupled hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid extraction equipment. The 25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE25), 31 May - 4 June 2105, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • M. W. Hlawitschka, M. M. Attarakih, S. S. Al-Zyod, H.-J. Bart, Computer aided design of liquid-liquid extraction columns, ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.
  • Attarakih, M. Hlawitschka, W., Al-Zyod, S., M. Abu-Khader & Bart H-J, (2013), A hyperbolic population balance model for dynamic analysis of liquid extraction columns. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Process Systems Engineering (PSE Asia), 25-27 June 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Attarakih, M., Al-Zyod, S., Abu-Khader, M. & Bart, H.-J., (2012), PPBLAB: A new multivariate population balance environment for particulate system modelling and simulation.  Procedia Eng. 42, pp. 144-562.


  • Alzyod, S., Attarakih, M., Bart, H.-J., (2017). CFD Modelling of pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction columns using OPOSPM as a reduced population balance model, Computer-Aided Chemical Process Engineering, vol. 40, pp. 61-66.

  • Samer  Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Steady state modelling of a Kühni liquid extraction column using the spatially mixed sectional quadrature method of moments, the 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 and the 19th Conference on Process Integration, 27-31 August 2016, Prague, Czech republic.


  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer  Alzyod, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), A new population balance module for pulsed sieve plate liquid extraction column using PPBLab software, the 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 and the 19th Conference on Process Integration, 27-31 August 2016, Prague, Czech republic.
  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer  Alzyod, Odai Aldmour, Hovan Markarian, Hans-Jörg Bart, (2016), Steady state modelling and parametric optimization of drying oil process using COCO as a CAPE-OPEN flowsheet simulator, the 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 and the 19th Conference on Process Integration, 27-31 August 2016, Prague, Czech republic.
  • Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Abhishek Dutta, Hans-Jörg Bart , (2015), The Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments (SQMOM): An Application to Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns, , Conference: Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE), 07/2015, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer Alzyod, Ahed Al-Terawi, Firas Feddah, Rami Al-Hasan, Zeina wakileh, (2014), Structural Optimization of the Distillation Section for DiMethyl ether Process, the seventh Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference (JICHE07), 4-6 Novermber, Amman, Jordan.
  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer Alzyod, Odai AL-Dmour, Ohannes Markarian, Lujain Jamous, Yara Irdis, (2014), Drying Oil Process: Energy Integration and Distillation Section Optimization, the seventh Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference (JICHE07), 4-6 Novermber, Amman, Jordan.
  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer Al-Zyod, Hanin B. Jildeh, Mark Hlawitschka and Hans Jörg Bart, PPBLAB: A Multivariate Population Balance Environment for Steady State and Dynamic Modeling of Solvent Extraction Columns, Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft Fluiddynamik und Trenntechnik, 25.-27.09.2013, Würzburg, Germany.
  • M. W. Hlawitschka, M. M. Attarakih, S. Al-Zyod, H.-J. Bart, Computer Aided Design of Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns, ISEC 2014, 7. – 11.09.2014, Würzburg, Germany.
  • Menwer Attarakih, Samer Al-Zyod, Mazen Abu-Khader and Hans Jörg Bart, PPBLAB: A New Multivariate Population Balance Environment for Particulate Systems Modelling and Simulation, 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2012, 25 – 29 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.

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