Ein- und zweiphasige Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulationen in einer RDC Extraktionskolonne
PIV Messungen in einer RDC Extraktionskolonne
Verknüpfung von CFD und Tropfenpopulationsbilanzen (TPBM) in der Extraktion mit Hilfe von user-defined-functions (UDF) in Fluent - in Kooperation mit Fraunhofer ITWM, Gitterfreie Methode FPM - Vergleich von Zerfalls- und Koaleszenzmodellen innerhalb CFD-PBM - Untersuchung von Lösungsmethoden für die Populationsbilanzen - Two-Fluid und Multi-Fluid Modelle (N disperse Phasen) - Berücksichtigung von größenspezifischen Geschwindigkeiten in der CFD Simulation
S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2009). "Coupling of the CFD and the Droplet Population Balance Equation with Finite Pointset Method", Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV, M. Griebel; M.A. Schweitzer (Eds.), Vol. 65, Springer Verlag.
C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart (2009). “Coupling of CFD with DPBM for a RDC Extractor”, Chem. Eng. Sci., in press.
M. M. Attarakih, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart, (2009). “Solution of the Population Balance equation using the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments”, Chem. Eng. Sci., in press.
C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2008). “Finite Pointset Method for Simulation of the Liquid-Liquid Flow Field in an Extractor”, Comput. Chem. Eng., 32, 2946.
C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2008). “Implementation of the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments in a CFD code”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
M. M. Attarakih, D. Zaidan, C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert and H.-J. Bart (2008). “Dynamic Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Direct Primary and Secondary Particle Method (DPSPM)”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
S. Tiwari, C. Drumm, V.K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert, M. M. Attarakih, A. Klar and H.-J. Bart (2008). “A Meshfree CFD-Population Balance Equation Coupled Model”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2008). “CFD-PBM coupled model using the Finite Pointset Method and the SQMOM”, Proc. International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, Tucson, USA.
H.-J. Bart, C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih (2008). „Process Intensification with reactive extraction columns“, Chem. Eng. Process., 47, 745.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Coupling of CFD with DPBM: Drop Size Distributions and Flow Fields in a RDC Extractor", Proc. International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2007, M. Sommerfeld (Ed.), Leipzig.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2006). "Computational Fluid Dynamics-Simulation der Ein- und Zwei-phasenströmung in einer Rotating Disc Contactor-Extraktionskolonne", Chem. Ing. Tech., 79, 78.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2006). " Hydrodynamics in a RDC Extractor: Single and Two-Phase PIV Measurements and CFD Simulations", Chem. Eng. Technol., 29, 1297
M. L. van Delden, C. Drumm, N. J. M. Kuipers, A. B. de Haan (2006). "Impurity Distribution Behavior in Caprolactam Extraction with Environmentally Benign Mixed Solvents", Chem. Eng. Technol., 29, 1221.
H.-J. Bart, T. Steinmetz, C. Drumm (2008). "Kolonnenskalierung mit Miniplants, Populationsbilanzen und CFD" ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 7.-9., Oktober, Karlsruhe.
C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, M. M. Attarakih, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2008). “CFD-PBM coupled model using the Finite Pointset Method and the SQMOM” International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, 15.-19. September, Tucson, USA.
C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert and H.-J. Bart (2008). “Implementation of the Sectional Quadrature Method of Moments in a CFD code” 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, 10.-12. Juni, Trondheim, Norwegen.
M. Attarakih, D. Zaidan, C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert and H.-J. Bart (2008). “Dynamic Modelling of Liquid Extraction Columns using the Direct Primary and Secondary Particle Method (DPSPM)” 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, 10.-12. Juni, Trondheim.
S. Tiwari, C. Drumm, V.K. Sharma, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, A. Klar and H.-J. Bart (2008). “A Meshfree CFD-Population Balance Equation Coupled Model” 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries CFD 2008, 10.-12. Juni, Trondheim.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2008). "Verknüpfung von CFD und Populationsbilanzen – Lösungsmethoden und Modelle", Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachausschüsse Extraktion & Phytoextraktion, 16.-18. April, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
C. Drumm, M. M. Attarakih, H.-J. Bart, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert (2008). "Computational Fluid Dynamics und Populationsbilanzen: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Anwendungsbeispiele aus der flüssig-flüssig Extraktion" Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachausschüsse Adsorption und Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 13.-14. März, Bingen.
C. Drumm, S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Verknüpfung von Populationsbilanz-modellen PBM und der Finite Pointset Methode FPM bei der Extraktion" ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 16.-18. Oktober, Aachen.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Coupling of CFD with DPBM for a RDC Extractor", International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, 19.-21. September, Quebec, Kanada.
S. Tiwari, J. Kuhnert, C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Coupling of the CFD and the Droplet Population Balance Equation with Finite Pointset Method" International Workshop Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 17.-20. September, Bonn
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Coupling of CFD with DPBM: Drop Size Distributions and Flow Fields in a RDC Extractor" International Conference on Multiphase Flow, 9.-13. Juli, Leipzig.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "Verknüpfung von Computational Fluid Dynamics mit den Tropfenpopulationsbilanzen", ProcessNet Fachausschuss "Extraktion", 22.-23. März, Asselheim.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2007). "CFD Simulationen der turbulenten Strömung in einer gerührten Extraktionskolonne", ProcessNet Fachausschuss CFD, 05.-06. März, Würzburg.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2006). "Bestimmung der Hydrodynamik in einer gerührten Extraktionskolonne vom Typ RDC mit Hilfe der Particle Image Velocimetry", Gala Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 05.-07. September, Braunschweig.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2006). "Two-Phase Simulation of a RDC Extractor", Multi-Phase Flow: Simulation, Experiment and Application, 26.-29. Juli, Dresden.
C. Drumm, H.-J. Bart (2006). "CFD Simulation der Ein- und Zweiphasenströmung in einer RDC Extraktionskolonne", DECHEMA/GVC Fachausschuss "Extraktion", 22.-24. Mai, Würzburg.