Surface Engineering

A components surface determines its properties of interacting with the environment, independently if it is solid (friction on another component), fluid (heat transfer in a heat exchanger) or a mixture of phases (wetting behavior). The properties of the surfaces that give a component a specific function have been studied at the Institute of Particle Process Engineering for more than 10 years. The plastic deformation of a surface due to single cold sprayed particles and high pressure water jets is investigated by numerical and experimental methods. A strong focus of our research lays on the surface characterization. With Scanning Electron Microscopy and Scanning Probe Imaging surface topographies are analyzed precisely. By nanoindentation the mechanical properties of a component close to its surface can be obtained at temperatures up to 800°C. Another focus is on the characterization of the interaction between particles or droplets and surfaces, related to the surface morphology.



    Cooperation partner

    There is a long-standing cooperation on surface coating of thermal reactors with the Ukrainian partner university: Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). More Information

    Research Areas

    Research projects

    Modification of ceramic porous surfaces with fine particles  via gas-dynamic cold spraying

    November 11, 2024

    Contact: Olha Aleksieieva

    Funding: Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

    Completed Research Projects

    Strukturierung von Bauteiloberflächen durch Aufbringung feindisperser Partikeln

    August 1, 2020

    Contact: Mustafa Bozoglu

    Funding: DFG - B03 im SFB 926 Bauteiloberflächen: "Morphologie auf der Mikroskala"

    CRC 926 subproject A08: Dynamic interactions of particles with wetted structured component surfaces

    February 20, 2020

    Contact: David Strohner

    Funding: DGF - A08 within CRC 926 - funding period 3

    Modellierung der Partikelhaftung und Reibung

    June 30, 2015

    Contact: Jürgen Hartmüller

    Funding: DGF - SFB 926