Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olha Aleksieieva


Donetsk National Technical University

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Drohobytsch, Region Lemberg, Ukraine


Buildung 44, Room 456

Tel.: +49 (0)15167591190

E-Mail: olhaa[at]

Zentrales Forschungsprojekt:



Aleksieieva O., Bozoglu M., Tretiakov P., Toporov A., Antonyuk S.: Coating of refractory surfaces with fine TiO2 particles via gas-dynamic cold spraying, Coatings (2024), 14(9):1151,

Aleksieieva, O., Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S. (2024). Modification of the Surface of Refractory Materials by Cold Gas-Dynamic Spraying. In: Barros, J.A.O., Kaklauskas, G., Zavadskas, E.K. (eds) Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. MBMST 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 392. Springer, Cham.

Aleksieieva O., Dereviankina, L., Breuninger, P., Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S.: Simulation of particle interaction with surface microdefects during cold gas-dynamic spraying, Coatings 12(9) (2022) 1297,

Aleksieieva O. Probabilistic approach of reliability evaluation for the tubular elements of the chemical equipment according to technical state changing. / Toporov A., Aleksieieva O., Tretiakov P. // Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021. - Volume 148, P. 650-663,

Aleksieieva O. Revealing the patterns of change in the technical condition of refractory elements in thermal units during operation / P. Tretiakov, A. Toporov, O. Aleksieieva// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 6/1 (108) 2020. - Р.81-92.