Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik (MVT)

Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olha Aleksieieva


Donetsk National Technical University (Lutsk)

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology


Buildung 44, Room 456

Tel.: +49 (0)15167591190

E-Mail: olhaa[at]rptu.de


  • Aleksieieva, O., Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S. (2024). Modification of the Surface of Refractory Materials by Cold Gas-Dynamic Spraying. In: Barros, J.A.O., Kaklauskas, G., Zavadskas, E.K. (eds) Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. MBMST 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 392. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44603-0_32
  • Aleksieieva O., Dereviankina, L., Breuninger, P., Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S.: Simulation of particle interaction with surface microdefects during cold gas-dynamic spraying, Coatings 12(9) (2022) 1297, doi.org/10.3390/coatings12091297
  • Aleksieieva O. Probabilistic approach of reliability evaluation for the tubular elements of the chemical equipment according to technical state changing. / Toporov A., Aleksieieva O., Tretiakov P. // Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021. - Volume 148, P. 650-663, doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2021.01.029
  • Aleksieieva O. Revealing the patterns of change in the technical condition of refractory elements in thermal units during operation / P. Tretiakov, A. Toporov, O. Aleksieieva// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 6/1 (108) 2020. - Р.81-92. journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/216610


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