Modification of ceramic porous surfaces with fine particles via gas-dynamic cold spraying

Contact: Olha Aleksieieva
Funding: Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Within the framework of the project funded by the Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, an innovative method of modifying ceramic working surfaces of high-temperature reactors with particulate coatings. The experimental results performed have proven for the first time that ceramic surfaces can be modified with ceramic particles by cold spray method. The investigation focuses on the efficacy of pore filling. Experimental studies of fine particle penetration mechanism into the pores, fixing them, and altering the surface's structure and properties are conducted using advanced measurement techniques, including nanoindentation and computed microtomography [1]. Experimental efforts are enhanced by numerical simulations [2, 3].
1. Aleksieieva O., Bozoglu M., Tretiakov P., Toporov A., Antonyuk S.: Coating of refractory surfaces with fine TiO2 particles via gas-dynamic cold spraying, Coatings (2024); 14(9):1151
2. Aleksieieva, O, Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S. (2024): Modification of the Surface of Refractory Materials by Cold Gas-Dynamic Spraying. In: J. A. O. Barros et al. (Eds.) Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques, Chapter 6, Springer,
3. Aleksieieva, O., Dereviankina, L., Breuninger, P., Bozoglu, M., Tretiakov, P., Toporov, A., Antonyuk, S.: Simulation of particle interaction with surface microdefects during cold gas-dynamic spraying, Coatings 12(9) (2022) 1297,