
The procedure and the signal processing for evaluating macro-lead have been developed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Seewig in close cooperation with Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hercke from Daimler AG. The results have been published in (Seewig, Hercke 2009a) and (Seewig, Hercke 2009b). Today the industry standard MBN 31007-7 (2009-04) by Daimler AG is the only directive concerning measurement and evaluation to characterise twist structures in an objective way.

The norm mainly covers the characterisation of macro-lead. Measurement and evaluation techniques for micro-twist are currently under development in project 987 by the Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation.


Application in industry

The algorithm for the evaluation of macro-lead is used by numerous instrument manufacturers, e.g. Jenoptik, Mahr, Breitmeier-Messtechnik, and Ametek. It is also used by the industry’s standard software MountainsMap by Digital Surf.


Quick test

A measurement using both grids can be very time consuming. To obtain results quickly an efficient measurement and evaluation procedure for macro-twist has been developed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Seewig. The procedure is patented by Jenoptik and distributed under the name “Drallschnelltest”. This efficient procedure delivers the correct parameters in accordance with MBN 31007-7 (2009-04).



Seewig, Jörg; Hercke, Tobias (2009a): 2nd generation lead measurement. In : Fundamental and applied metrology. IMEKO XIX world congress, September 6 - 11, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal ; proceedings. International Measurement Confederation. Budapest: IMEKO, pp. 1957–1961.

Seewig, Jörg; Hercke, Tobias (2009b): Lead characterisation by an objective evaluation method. In Wear 266 (5-6), pp. 530–533.


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