Multiphase flow modeling
Numerical simulation methods have a very high utility in the description of relevant processes. Over the years, a wide range of numerical simulation methods have been developed for different applications, such as aerosol processes, separation processes, breakage of agglomerates, and fluidized beds. The interaction of small particles or droplets with the fluid flow is often difficult to measure. Numerical simulation of the fluid flow and the Lagrangian tracking of particle trajectories can help to understand and optimize a process. In addition, the discrete element method is essential for the accurate description of particle-particle and particle-wall interactions. For more complex particle/fluid flows, a CFD-DEM coupling is the method of choice. This allows dynamic processes, such as a silo discharge, to be accurately predicted. Our choice of software for simulation and modelling is not limited to commercial providers in our experience, open source software often offers a good alternative. A CFD-DEM software DNSLab® developed at the institute, which is specifically designed for filtration processes, completes our simulation experience.
Contact: Ass. Prof. Dr. Dzmitry Misiulia
Research Areas
Research Fields
Particles and bulk solids: Discrete Element Method, Contact mechanics, Finite Element Method
Fluid flow: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Multiphase flow: DEM and CFD coupling, Volume of Fluid Methods
Modeling of porous microstructures: Inhouse Codes, „DNSlab“
Flow scheme simulations
Design of Experiments/Optimization
Research Projects

Development of a sampling system for respirable dust with 20 l/min according to the cyclone principle (FSP20)
Contact: Ass. Prof. Dr. Dzmitry Misiulia
Funding: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)

Efficient Separator - Development of a cyclone separator with a reduced pressure drop and increased particle separation
Contact: Dzmitry Misiulia
Funding: Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
Completed Research Projects
Analysis of fluidization and shear conditions in rotor fluidized beds in dry and wet condition
August 20, 2019
Contact: Philipp Grohn
Funding: DFG
High-Efficient seperation of particle-laden gas flows in a turbulent centrifugal field considerung particle agglomeration
August 20, 2019
Contact: Dzmitry Misiulia
Funding: AvH

Simulation der Brückenbildung bei der statischen Oberflächenfiltration mittels CFD-DEM-Kopplung
May 31, 2018
Contact: David Hund, Kilian Schmidt
Funding: DFG
Transport, Storage and Forming of Industrially Relevant Granular Materials: Interreg Project "PowderReg"
January 1, 2017
Contact: Robert Hesse
Funding: European Regional Development Fund (EFRE)

Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Abscheideverhalten neuer und gealterter Elektretfilter
September 1, 2016
Contact: Maximilian Kerner
Funding: AiF

Simulation der Strömung- und des Partikelbewegungsverhaltens in einer Kreiselpumpe im Dichtungsspalten
February 14, 2016
Contact: Yujun Sha
Funding: KSB Aktiengesellschaft