Development of a sampling system for respirable dust with 20 l/min according to the cyclone principle (FSP20)

Contact: Ass. Prof. Dr. Dzmitry Misiulia
Funding: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)
The main objective of this project is to develop a cyclone collector for sampling respirable dust, which at a flow rate of 20 l/min should have a penetration curve that comes as close as possible to the DIN EN 481 standard, thus keeping the measurement uncertainty for the entire measurement procedure low. The personalised sampling methods used to date are available for flow rates of up to 10 l/min. The flow rate of 20 l/min is suitable for personal sampling to determine personal exposure. Based on two cyclone designs, initial models of an A-dust cyclone for 20 l/min are created using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling. These models are investigated experimentally with regard to the flow dynamics. The results are used in the modelling and allow the cyclone characteristics to be improved. With this modelling, the actual number of experimental measurements can be reduced and a parametric study can be carried out under absolutely identical boundary conditions. Taking into account further requirements for practical use, a cyclone design is selected for future use as FSP 20.