Maximilian Berndt, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Telefon: +49 631 205 3386
Telefax: +49 631 205 122618
E-Mail: maximilian.berndt(at)
67663 Kaiserslautern
Gebäude 74
Raum 284
- seit Mai 2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FBK
- Forschungsschwerpunkt: Zerspantechnologie
J. Steiner-Stark, M. Berndt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of micro- and macroscopic tool features and errors within one batch in end milling. Manufacturing Letters 41 Supplement – Proceedings of 52nd SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (2024). S. 633-640. 10.1016/j.mfglet.2024.09.081
T. Reeber, J. Henninger, N. Weingarz, P. M. Simon, M. Berndt, M. Glatt, B. Kirsch, R. Eisseler, J. C. Aurich, H.-C. Möhring: Tool condition monitoring in drilling processes using anomaly detection approaches based on control internal data. Procedia CIRP 121 – Proceedings of the 11th CIRP Global Web Conference (2024): S. 216-221.
K. Gutzeit, M. Berndt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Improving the Machinability when Milling Ti-6Al-4V Using a Sub-Zero Metalworking Fluid. Proceedings of the 23nd Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2023): S. 1-8. 10.2139/ssrn.4640122
K. Gutzeit, M. Berndt, J. Schulz, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, E. von Harbou, J.C. Aurich: Optimization of the cooling strategy during cryogenic milling of Ti-6Al-4 V when applying a sub-zero metalworking fluid. Production Engineering - Research and Development 17/3-4 (2023): S. 501-510. 10.1007/s11740-022-01178-z