PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Benjamin Kirsch

Telefon: +49 631 205 3770
Telefax: +49 631 205 122618
E-Mail: benjamin.kirsch(at)rptu.de
67663 Kaiserslautern
Gebäude 74
Raum 281
- seit Oktober 2008 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FBK
- von Dezember 2012 bis Oktober 2014 Teamleiter im Bereich Fertigungstechnologie
- seit November 2014 Oberingenieur Fertigungstechnik
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, J. Meinlschmidt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Mikrofräsen von PMMA mit vollkeramischen Werkzeugen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119/3 (2024) S. 166–170. 10.1515/zwf-2024-1027.
T.Zhu, M.Smaga, S.Thielen, h.Holtz, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich, B. Sauer, O. Koch, T Beck: Influence of cryogenic turning strategies on the surfacemorphology and resulting wear behavior of metastableAISI 347 austenitic stainless steel. Materialwissenschaft Werkst (2024) S.290-301. 10.1002/mawe.202300007
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Willrich, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Wear behavior of all-ceramic micro end mills in micro milling of PMMA. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 135/1-2 (2024): S. 851-861. 10.1007/s00170-024-14210-6
K. Gutzeit, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Ansatz zur Bewertung der Kühl und Schmiereigenschaften kryogener Minimalmengenschmierungen. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119/9, (2024): S. 633-637. 10.1515/zwf-2024-1127
J. Platz, J. Steiner-Stark, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Fertigung funktional gradierter Materialien auf porösen Metallen durch Laserauftragschweißen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119/7-8 (2024): S. 515-519. 10.1515/zwf-2024-1092
F. Grossmann, B. Kirsch; J. Uebel, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Untersuchungen zur Mindestspanungsdicke beim kryogenen Hartdrehen von Wälzlagerstahl. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119/7-8 (2024): S. 503–506. 10.1515/zwf-2024-1089
K. Gutzeit, F. Grossmann, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Tribological characterization of the cooling performance when applying cryogenic coolants and minimum quantity lubrication. Manufacturing Letters 41, (2024): S. 22-26. 10.1016/j.mfglet.2024.06.001
F. Grossmann, V. Follmann, T. Zhu, J. Uebel, S. Wolke, B. Kirsch, M. Smaga, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Control concept for the regulation of the surface layer properties using consecutive cuts in cryogenic hard turning of AISI 52100. Production Engineering - Research and Development (2024). 10.1007/s11740-023-01259-7
K. Klauer‑Dobrowolski, M. Eifer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J. C. Aurich: Ball‑end micro‑milling of material measures: wear behavior in feld use. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 128 (2023): S.611–623 10.1007/s00170-023-11856-6
J.C. Aurich, N. Altherr, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, T. Mayer: Creating Surface Morphologies by Micro Milling and Micro Grinding. Component Surfaces – Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships (2023): S. 67-95. 10.1007/978-3-031-35575-2_4
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Comparison of different 3Y-TZP substrates for the manufacture of all-ceramic micro end mills with respect to the cutting edge radius and the tool wear. Manufacturing Letters 38 (2023): S. 44-46. 10.1016/j.mfglet.2023.09.001.
M.M. Müller, S. Ghansiyal, M. Huber, B. Kirsch, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Ein Konzept zur Entwicklung eines wrtschaftlicheren PBF-LB - Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit bei der additiven Fertigung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 113/6 (2023): S.237-241. 0.37544/1436–4980–2023–06–29
K. Gutzeit, F. Zell, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Pulverbettbasiertes Laserstrahlschmelzen mit variablem Spot. VDI-Z 165/11-12 (2023): S. 21-23. 10.37544/0042-1766-2023-11-12
S. Kieren-Ehses, T. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the parameters of a minimum quantity lubrication system on micro milling process results. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 127 (2023): S. 5279–5292. 10.1007/s00170-023-11333-0
S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Process intermittent quantitative analysis of the wear of ultra-small micro end mills. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 72/1 (2023): S. 61-64. 10.1016/j.cirp.2023.04.046
K. Klauer‑Dobrowolski, M. Eifer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Ball‑end micro‑milling of material measures: wear behavior in feld use. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 128 (2023): S. 611–623 10.1007/s00170-023-11856-6
B. Kirsch; J. Hartig: Engineered Grinding Wheels – Entwicklung von Spezialschleifscheiben zur Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit. 14. Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung - Neue Entwicklungen und Trends aus Forschung und Praxis (2023): 3.1 - 3.10. ISBN: 978-3-8027-3180-8
K. Gutzeit, G. Bulun, G. Stelzer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Sub-zero milling of Ti-6Al-4V—impact of the cutting parameters on the resulting forces, tool wear, and surface quality. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023): S. 3367-3381.
F. Grossmann, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich: Maßhaltigkeit trotz kryogener Kühlung. VDI-Z Sonderteil Werkzeugmaschinen 165/01-02 (2023): S. 26-28.
L.V. Fricke, S. Basten, H. Nguyen, B. Breidenstein, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, D. Zaremba, H.J. Maier, S.Barton: Combined influence of cooling strategies and depth of cut on the deformation-induced martensitic transformation turning AISI 304. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 312 (2023): 117861
J. Döring, S. Basten, M. Ecke, M. Herbster, B. Kirsch, T. Halle, C.H. Lohmann, J. Bertrand, J.C. Aurich: Surface integrity modification of CoCrMo alloy by deep rolling in combination with sub-zero cooling as potential implant application. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (2022): [doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.35204].
K. Gutzeit, M. Berndt, J. Schulz, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, E. von Harbou, J.C. Aurich: Optimization of the cooling strategy during cryogenic milling of Ti-6Al-4 V when applying a sub-zero metalworking fluid. Production Engineering - Research and Development 17/3-4 (2023): S. 501-510. 10.1007/s11740-022-01178-z
S. Basten, L. Seis, M. Oehler, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Tribological behaviour of AISI 4140 and WC-Co carbides during dry condition, using cryogenic media, and sub-zero metalworking fluids at high contact stresses. WEAR 512-513 (2023): 204525.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, E.J. da Silva, J.C. Aurich: 3D-FEM-Wärmeübertragungssimulation des Schleifens. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117/7-8 (2022): S. 484-488.
J. Platz, M. Schmidt, K. Gutzeit, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Additive Fertigung von 17-4 PH Edelstahl durch Hochgeschwindigkeitslaserauftragschweißen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117/7-8 (2022): S. 456-460.
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Herstellung und Anwendung vollkeramischer Mikroschaftfräser. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117/7-8 (2022).
C.R. Chighizola, C.R. D’Elia, J.E. Jonsson, D. Weber, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill: The Effect of Bulk Residual Stress on Milling-Induced Residual Stress and Distortion. Experimental Mechanics (2022): [DOI:10.1007/s11340-022-00843-9]
A. Beaucamp, B. Kirsch, W. Zhu: Advances in grinding tools and abrasives. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 71/2 (2022): S. 623-646
S. Greco, M. Schmidt, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Hybrid manufacturing: influence of material properties during micro milling of different additively manufactured AISI 316L. Production Engineering - Research and Development (2022).
J. Hartig, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, S. Greco, J. Platz, J.C. Aurich: Einsatzpotenziale additiv gefertigter Schleifstifte mit Innenkühlung zur Bearbeitung von Zerodur® - Innovative Ansätze zur Optimierung und Leistungssteigerung von Schleifwerkzeugen durch den Einsatz der Additiven Fertigung . ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117/6 (2022): S. 374-378.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, M. Zimmermann, J.C. Aurich: Cutting edge preparation with elastic bonded diamond grinding wheels: Influence of the interaction of metalworking fluid and grinding wheel on the grinding wheel properties and preparation result. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 38 (2022): S. 350-371.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, J.E. Jonsson, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Simulation based compensation techniques to minimize distortion of thin-walled monolithic aluminum parts due to residual stresses. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 38 (2022): S. 427-441.
P. M. Simon, D. Müller, M. Klar, K. Gutzeit, H. Teich, R. Eisseler, P. Kölsch, B. Kirsch, M. Glatt, H.-C. Möhring, J. C. Aurich: Transfer Learning in der Zerspanung: Grundlage für Prozessverbesserungen und innovative Geschäftsmodelle. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117/1-2 (2022): S. 79-83
K. Gutzeit, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Kryogenes Fräsen additiv gefertigter Bauteile. VDI-Z 164/01-02 (2022): S. 35-39.
J.C. Aurich, S. Kieren-Ehses, T. Mayer, M. Bohley, B. Kirsch: An investigation of the influence of the coating on the tool lifetime and surface quality for ultra-small micro end mills with different diameters. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 37 (2022): S. 92-102.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of the grinding wheel wear and machining result during cutting edge preparation with elastic bonded grinding wheels. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 75 (2022): S. 181-202.
J. Steiner-Stark, B. Kirsch, J. Hartig, J.C.Aurich: Gestaltung additiv-subtraktiver Prozessketten - Technologische und wirtschaftliche Anforderungen im Einklang. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 116/12 (2021) S. 899-902.
K. Gutzeit, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Kryogenes Fräsen additiv gefertigter Bauteile. wt Werkstattstechnik online 111/11-12 (2021): S. 824-828.
C.R. Chighizola, C.R. D’Elia, D. Weber, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill: Intermethod Comparison and Evaluation of Measured Near Surface Residual Stress in Milled Aluminum. Experimental Mechanics 61 (2021): S. 1309–1322.
K. Gutzeit, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Cryogenic milling of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347. MM Science Journal 5 (2021): S. 4962-4969.
S. Greco, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Vibration-assisted micro milling of AISI 316L produced by laser-based powder bed fusion. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 71 (2021): S. 298-305.
K. Gutzeit, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Verschleißuntersuchungen bei der kryogenen Zerspanung von Ti-6Al-4V. ZWF – Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 116/9 (2021): S. 599-602.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Machining austempered ductile iron – impact of the cutting edge geometry on tool wear and surface quality. The International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 23/3 (2021): S. 258-280.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: PVD-Hartstoffschichten für Schleifwerkzeuge zum Bearbeiten von Superlegierungen. wt Werkstattstechnik 111/6 (2021): S. 419-429.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, K. Gutzeit, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Oberflächenmorphologie gefräster Aluminiumwerkstücke. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 116/7-8 (2021): S. 452-455.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, V. Böß, J. Seewig, J. C. Aurich: Analysis of dimensional accuracy for micro-milled areal material measures with kinematic simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021): [DOI: 10.1007/s00170-021-07629-8].
H. Hotz, M. Zimmermann, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Additive manufacturing of functionally graded Ti-Al structures by laser-based direct energy deposition. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 68 A (2021): S. 1524‑1534.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. Chighizola, J.E. Jonsson, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of machining-induced residual stresses of milled aluminum workpieces, their repeatability, and their resulting distortion. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (2021): S. 1089–1110.
S. Greco, M. Schmidt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Anwendungszentrum für additive Fertigung - Prozessparametereinfluss während des Hochgeschwindigkeits-Laserauftragschweißens. wt Werkstattstechnik online 111/6 (2021): S. 368-371.
S. Greco, K. Gutzeit, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Analyse der relativen Dichte additive gefertigter Werkstoffe. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 163/6 (2021): S. 52-55.
S. Kieren-Ehses, L. Böhme, L. Morales-Rivas, J. Lösch, B. Kirsch, E. Kerscher, M. Kopnarski, J.C. Aurich: The influence of the crystallographic orientation when micro machining commercially pure titanium: A size effect. Precision Engineering 72 (2021): S. 158‑171.
B. Blinn, S. Greco, M. Smaga, M. Zimmermann, H. Hotz, D. Müller, J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, T. Beck: Influence of microstructural defects and the surface topography on the fatigue behavior of “additively-subtractively” manufactured specimens made of AISI 316L. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 52 (2021): S. 561-577.
J.C. Aurich, M. Schmidt, S. Greco, B. Kirsch: Neues Anwendungszentrum für Additive Fertigung. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 163/4 (2021): S. 63-65
M. Eifler, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich, J. Seewig: Performance verification of areal surface texture measuring instruments with the Sk-parameters. Measurement 173 (2021): 108550.
K. Groß, M. Eifler, K. Klauer, K. Huttenlochner, B. Kirsch, C. Ziegler, J. C. Aurich, J. Seewig: Determination of the surface topography of ball end milled material measures. Engineering Science and Technology 24 (2021): S. 543-555.
M. Zimmermann, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, S. Greco, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of the machinability when milling AlSi10Mg additively manufactured via laser-based powder bed fusion. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112/3-4 (2021): S. 989-1005.
S. Greco, S. Kieren-Ehses B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Micro milling of additively manufactured AISI 316L: impact of the layerwise microstructure on the process results. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112 (2021): S. 361-373.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, T. Zhu, M.Smaga, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Surface layer hardening of metastable austenitic steele - Comparison of shot peening and cryogenic turning. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9/6 (2020): S. 16410-16422.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Lagerung UP-gedrehter Kalibriernormale - Einfluss der Lagerbedingungen auf die Eigenschaften der Kalibriernormale. wt Werkstattstechnik online 110/11-12 (2020): S. 772-778.
S. Thielen, P. Breuninger, H. Hotz, C. Burkhart, T. Schollmayer, B. Sauer, S. Antonyuk, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Improving the tribological properties of radial shaft seal countersurfaces using experimental micro peening and classical shot peening processes. Tribology International (2020): 106764.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Neue Potenziale für die Schleifbearbeitung von Superlegierungen – Leistungssteigerung galvanisch gebundener cBN-Schleifwerkzeuge für die Zerspanung von Nickel-Basis-Legierungen durch PVD-Schichtsysteme. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 115/10 (2020): S. 723-726.
H. Hotz, M. Glatt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Quality protection of technical products – Unique identification with a hidden fingerprint in smart materials. Materials Letters: X 8C (2020): 100056.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, Jan C. Aurich: Formulation of sub-zero metalworking fluids for cutting processes: Influence of additives. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 31 (2020): S. 25-33.
J. Uebel, W. Ankener, S. Basten, M. Smaga, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, T. Beck, Jan C. Aurich: In-process and ex-situ measurement techniques for the characterization of surface conditions during cryogenic hard turning of AISI 52100. TM - Technisches Messen (2020): DOI:10.1515/teme-2020-0053.
M. Glatt, H. Hotz, P. Kölsch, A. Mukherjee, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Predicting the martensite content of metastable austenitic steels after cryogenic turning using machine learning. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020): DOI:10.1007/s00170-020-06160-6.
M. Zimmermann, B. Kirsch, Y. Kang, T. Herrmann, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the laser parameters on the cutting edge preparation and the performance of cemented carbide indexable inserts. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 58 (2020): S. 845-856.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Ball end micro milling of areal material measures: influence of the tilt angle on the resulting surface topography. Production Engineering – Research and Development 14 (2020): S. 239-252.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Correlation between different cutting conditions, surface roughness and dimensional accuracy when ball end micro milling material measures with freeform surfaces. Machining Science and Technology 24/3 (2020): S. 446-464.
C. Heinzel, B. Kirsch, D. Meyer, J. Webster: Interactions of Grinding Tool and Supplied Fluid. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology 69/2 (2020): S.624-645
K.E. Avila, V.H. Vardanyan, I.A. Alhafez, M. Zimmermann, B. Kirsch, H.M. Urbassek: Applicability of cutting theory to nanocutting of metallic glasses: Atomistic simulation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 550 (2020): 120363.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Impact of the thermomechanical load on subsurface phase transformations during cryogenic turning of metastable austenitic steels. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2020): DOI:10.1007/s10845-020-01626-6.
S. Greco, K. Gutzeit, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Selective laser melting (SLM) of AISI 316L—impact of laser power, layer thickness, and hatch spacing on roughness, density, and microhardness at constant input energy density. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 108/5-6 (2020): S. 1551-1562.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, M. Heintz, S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Bohley, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Submerged micro grinding: a metalworking fluid application study. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107/9 (2020): S. 3807‑3815.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch: Influence of tool properties on thermomechanical load and surface morphology when cryogenically turning metastable austenitic steel AISI 347. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 52 (2020): S. 120-131.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, D. Setti, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Micro grinding 16MnCr5 hardened steel using micro pencil grinding tools with diameters ~50 µm. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 27 (2019): S. 1-10.
M. Eifler, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Model-based design of areal material measures with component surfaces. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 7 (2019). 044003.
D. Setti, P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, M. Heintz, J.C. Aurich: Analytical and experimental investigations on the mechanisms of surface generation in micro grinding. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 149 (2019): 103489.
F. Schneider, C. Effgen, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Manufacturing and preparation of micro cutting tools: influence on chip formation and surface topography when micro cutting titanium. Production Engineering - Research and Development 13 (2019): S. 731-741.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Bohren von ausferritischem Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit – Einfluss der Schneidengeometrie auf den Werkzeugverschleiß und das Prozessergebnis. wt Werkstattstechnik online 109/6 (2019): S. 494-502.
L. Böhme, A. Keksel, F. Ströer, M. Bohley, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, J. Seewig, E. Kerscher: Micro hardness determination on a rough surface by using combined indentation and topography measurements. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 7/4 (2019): 45021
H. Hotz, M. Zimmermann, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Herstellung hybrider Bauteile durch Laserauftragsschweißen. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 114/7-8 (2019): S. 440-443.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, S. Becker, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Combination of cold drawing and cryogenic turning for modifying surface morphology of metastable austenitic AISI 347 steel. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 26/11 (2019): S. 1188-1198.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch, D. Setti, D. Axinte, A. Beaucamp, P. Butler-Smith, H. Yamaguchi: Abrasive processes for micro parts and structures. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology 68/2 (2019): S. 653-676.
S. Gutwein, B. Kirsch, T. Herrmann, Y. Kang, J.C. Aurich: Kurzpulslaserunterstützte Schneidkantenpräparation - Wirtschaftliche Verrundung der Werkzeugschneide mittels 2D-Laserbearbeitung. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 161/6 (2019): S. 38-41.
S. Gutwein, B. Kirsch, T. Herrmann, Y. Kang, J.C. Aurich: Effizienzanalyse bei der Kurzpulslaserbearbeitung - Konstante Fluenz bei unterschiedlicher Pulsfolgefrequenz mittels Anpassung der Laserleistung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 109/5 (2019): S. 394-398.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, M. Dethloff, C. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Optimization of Micropencil Grinding Tools Via Electrical Discharge Machining. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 141/3 (2019): S. 31005-1-31005-9.
D. Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Characterization of micro grinding tools using optical profilometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121 (2019): S. 150-155.
D. Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Experimental investigations and kinematic simulation of single grit scratched surfaces considering pile-up behaviour: grinding perspective. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103(2019): S. 471-485
F. Schneider, J. Das, B. Kirsch, B. Linke, J.C. Aurich: Sustainability in Ultra precision and Micro machining: a review. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology 6/3 (2019): S. 601-610.
D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Kühlkanalaustrittsbedingungen bei Bohrern. wt Werkstattstechnik online 109/1-2 (2019): S. 30-34.
B. Kirsch, H. Hotz, R. Müller, S. Becker, A. Boemke, M. Smaga, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Generation of deformation-induced martensite when cryogenic turning various batches of the metastable austenitic steel AISI 347. Production Engineering - Research and Development 13/3-4 (2019): S. 343-350
M. Eifler, K. Klauer, R. Volk, S. Feifel, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Verschleiß von Raunormalen - Experimentelle Untersuchung zum Einfluss der taktilen Abtastung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 108/11-12 (2018): S. 749-754.
D. Müller, B. Kirsch, A. Lange, J.C. Aurich: Kühlkanalaustrittsbedingungen bei Bohrern. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113/7-8 (2018): S. 471-474.
A. Lange, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Optimierung von Strömungssimulationen durch den Einsatz additiver Fertigungsverfahren. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113/11 (2018): S. 751-754.
P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, C. Müller, H. Hotz, R. Müller, S. Becker, E. v. Harbou, R. Skorupski, A. Boemke, M. Smaga, D. Eifler, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Deformation induced hardening when cryogenic turning. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 23 (2018): S. 6-19.
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Drehen von ausferritischem Gusseisen - Einfluss inhomogen präparierter Schneidkanten auf den Werkzeugverschleiß und das Prozessergebnis. wt Werkstattstechnik online 108/10 (2018): S. 736-742.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, S. Becker, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Bewertung der Oberflächenmorphologie kryogen gedrehter Werkstücke. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113/9 (2018): S. 592-595.
H. Hotz, F. Ströer, L. Heberger, B. Kirsch, M. Smaga, T. Beck, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Konzept zur Oberflächenkonditionierung beim kryogenen Hartdrehen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113/7-8 (2018): S. 462-465.
S. Gutwein, B. Kirsch, T. Herrmann, H. Derouach, J.C. Aurich: Kurzpulslaserbearbeitung unterschiedlicher Hartmetallsorten - Identifikation geeigneter Parameter zur gezielten Präparation von Schneidkanten. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113/7-8 (2018): S. 453-457.
S. Becker, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E. v. Harbou, R. Müller: A Finite Element Approach to Calculate Temperatures Arising During Cryogenic Turning of Metastable Austenitic Steel AISI 347. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140/10 (2018): S. 101016-101016-7.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, J. Seewig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Application of function-oriented roughness parameters using confocal microscopy. Engineering Science and Technology 21/3 (2018): S. 302-313.
B. Kirsch, S. Basten, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Sub-zero cooling: A novel strategy for high performance cutting. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67/1 (2018): S. 95-98.
M. Bohley, I. Reichenbach, S. Kieren-Ehses, L. Heberger, P. Arrabiyeh, R. Merz, L. Böhme, J. Hering, B. Kirsch, M. Kopnarski, E. Kerscher, G. von Freymann, J.C. Aurich: Coating of Ultra-Small Micro End Mills: Analysis of Performance and Suitability of Eight Different Hard-Coatings. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2/2 (2018): S. 22.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, S. Gutwein, S. Becker, E. v. Harbou, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Kryogenes Drehen von X6CrNiNb18-10 - Einfluss des Schneidkantenradius auf Prozesskräfte und Prozessergebnisgrößen. wt Werkstattstechnik online 108/1-2 (2018): S. 12-17.
J.C. Aurich, M. Bohley, F. Schneider, B. Kirsch: Einfluss der Hartmetallspezifikation bei der Mikrofräsbearbeitung. Maschinenbau 10 (2017): S.14-17.
S. Thielen, B. Magyar, B. Sauer, F. Schneider, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, R. Müller, E. v. Harbou, J.C. Aurich: Functional investigation of zero lead radial shaft seal counter-surfaces turned with a special method. Tribology International 118 (2018): S. 442-450.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, M. Bohley, F. Ströer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Experimental Analysis for the Use of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate as a Soluble Metal Cutting Fluid for Mircomachining with Electroless-Plated Micropencil Grinding Tools. Inventions 2/4 (2017): [doi:10.3390/inventions2040029]
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, M. Zimmermann, J.C. Aurich: Drehen von ausferritischem Gusseisen - Einfluss der Schneidengeometrie auf den Werkzeugverschleiß und das Prozessergebnis. wt Werkstattstechnik online 107/10 (2017): S. 754-760.
M. Bohley, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Die gesamte Prozesskette der Mikrofräsbearbeitung. Mav - Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung 11 (2017): S. 18-21.
M. Bohley, L. Heberger, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Untersuchung des Verschleißverhaltens von TiB2-beschichteten Mikrofräswerkzeugen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 9 (2017): S. 598-601.
J.C. Aurich, C. Müller, M. Bohley, P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch: Recent Developments in Desktop-Sized Machine Tools. Solid State Phenomena 261 (2017): S. 425-431.
J.C. Aurich, F. Schneider, B. Kirsch, M. Zimmermann: Zerspanung von additiv hergestelltem Edelstahl - Vergleich von additiv mit konventionell hergestelltem Edelstahl hinsichtlich Spanbildung, Prozess- und Prozessergebnisgrößen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 7/8 (2017): S. 465-468.
J.C. Aurich, S. Greco, H. Hotz, M. Zimmermann, J. Hartig, B. Kirsch: Schleifende Nachbearbeitung additiv gefertigter austenitischer Edelstähle. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 112/7-8 (2017): S. 473-476.
B. Kirsch, M. Bohley, P.A. Arrabiyeh, J.C. Aurich: Application of Ultra-Small Micro Grinding and Micro Milling Tools: Possibilities and Limitations. Micromachines 8/9 (2017): S. 261-279.
B.Kirsch: The impact of contact zone flow rate and bulk cooling on the cooling efficiency in grinding applying different nozzle designs and grinding wheel textures. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 18 (2017): S. 179-187.
J.C. Aurich, M. Bohley, I.G. Reichenbach, B. Kirsch: Surface quality in micro milling: Influences of spindle and cutting parameters. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 66/1 (2017): S. 101-104.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Neue kryogene Kühlstrategie für die Zerspanung. MM Maschinenmarkt 13 (2017): S. 24-28.
E.J. Silva, B. Kirsch, A.C. Bottene, A. Simon, J.C. Aurich, J.F.G. Oliveira: Manufacturing of structured surfaces via grinding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243 (2017): S. 170-183.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Development of Micro Pencil Grinding Tools Via an Electroless Plating Process. Journal of Micro and Nano Manufacturing 5/1 (2017): S. 011002-1-011002-6.
J.C. Aurich, J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, P. Mayer, M. Zimmermann: Schneidkantenpräparation an Wendeschneidplatten mit elastisch gebundenen Schleifscheiben - Neue Potenziale für die Schneidkantenverrundung. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 111/9 (2016): S. 492-495.
S. Basten, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Kryogener Kühlschmierstoff auf der Basis von Ethylenglykol. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 111/7-8 (2016): S. 444-448.
J. Seewig, M. Eifler, F. Schneider, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: A model-based approach for the calibration and traceability of the angle resolved scattering light sensor. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 4 (2016): 02401
J.C. Aurich, C. Effgen, B. Kirsch: Cutting edge preparation with elastic bonded superabrasive grinding wheels. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 65/1 (2016): S. 329-332.
M. Eifler, F. Schneider, J. Seewig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Manufacturing of new roughness standards for the linearity of the vertical axis - Feasibility study and optimization. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19/4 (2016): S. 1993-2001.
J.C. Aurich, F. Schneider, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse: Oberflächenerzeugungs-Morphologie-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen - Vom Fertigungsverfahren direkt zu den Bauteileigenschaften. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 111/4 (2016): S. 213-216.
J.C. Aurich, N. Menck, B. Kirsch: Forschung an der Grenze des Technisch machbaren. MM Maschinenmarkt 50-51 (2015): S. 70-73.
F. Schneider, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Entwicklung und Fertigung von Geometrienormalen auf Basis realer Bauteiloberflächen. Unter Span 2 (2015): S. 23-24.
L. Heberger, S. Nissle, M. Gurka, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Qualitätssteigerung von Bohrungen in Faserkunststoffverbunden - Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedener Einspannstrategien. wt Werkstattstechnik online 105/7-8 (2015): S. 501-507.
F. Schneider, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Praxisnahe Kalibrierung von Messgeräten - Entwicklung und Fertigung von Kalibriernormalen auf Basis realer Bauteiloberflächen. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 157/7-8 (2015): S. 32-34.
P. Puerto, B. Kirsch, J. Madariaga, R. Fernández, J.C. Aurich, I. Gallego: A Comparison of Techniques to Measure the Wear Flat Area of Conventional and Superabrasive Grinding Wheels. Journal of Tribology 137/2 (2015): S. 024503-1 – 024503-7.
D. Frölich, B. Magyar, B. Sauer, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, R. Skorupski, M. Smaga, T. Beck, D. Eifler: Investigation of wear resistance of dry and cryogenic turned metastable austenitic steel shafts and dry turned and ground carburized steel shafts in the radial shaft seal ring system. Wear 328-329 (2015): S. 123-131.
J.C. Aurich, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, D. Eifler, M. Smaga, R. Skorupski: Characterization of deformation induced surface hardening during cryogenic turning of AISI 347. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63/1 (2014): S. 65-68.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Herstellung von mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen mittels Schleifen - Eine neue Methode. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 109/4 (2014): S. 242-246.
P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Randschichthärten bei der Edelstahlbearbeitung - Verformung beim Drehen gezielt nutzen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 109/7-8 (2014): S. 530-533.
J.C. Aurich, B. Linke, M. Hauschild, M. Carrella, B. Kirsch: Sustainability of abrasive processes. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 62/2 (2013): S. 653-672.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch: Improved coolant supply through slotted grinding wheel. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 62/1 (2013): S. 363-366.
C. Effgen, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Neues Verfahren zur Schneidkantenpräparation Schneidkantenpräparation direkt in der Werkzeugmaschine - Schneidkantenpräparation mithilfe elastisch gebundener Schleifscheiben. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion - Special II Werkzeuge 155 (2013): S. 22-24.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch: Kinematic simulation of high-performance grinding for analysis of chip parameters of single grains. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 5/3 (2012): S. 164-174.
J.C. Aurich, D. Biermann, H. Blum, B. Kirsch, A. Rademacher, A.V. Scheidler: Vergleich unterschiedlicher Prozesssimulationen für das Flachschleifen und ihre Kopplung mit einer Finite-Elemente-Maschinensimulation. Schleifen + Polieren 15/4 (2011): S. 44-50.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch, P. Herzenstiel, P. Kugel: Hydraulic design of a grinding wheel with an internal cooling lubricant supply. Production Engineering - Research and Development 5/2 (2011): S. 119-126.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Schleifen mit interner Kühlschmierstoff-Zufuhr. wt Werkstattstechnik online 101/7-8 (2011): S. 487-493.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Simulation des Einflusses von Spindelverlagerungen auf den Materialabtrag beim Schleifen. Diamond Business 10/3 (2011): S. 32-37.
P. Herzenstiel, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Spezialwerkzeug zum Trocken- und Nassschleifen. Diamond Business 4/31 (2009): S. 16-23.
S. Schmitt, S. Stephan, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich, H. M. Urbassek, H. Hasse: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cutting Processes: The Influence of Cutting Fluids at the Atomistic Scale. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes. IRTG 2023. Springer (2023). 10.1007/978-3-031-35779-4_14
J. Platz, M. Huber, B. Kirsc, J.C. Aurich: Investigation on different laser beam profiles in high-speed directed energy deposition. Procedia CIRP 126 – Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering 126 (2024): S. 609-614. 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.248
J. Steiner-Stark, M. Berndt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of micro- and macroscopic tool features and errors within one batch in end milling. Manufacturing Letters 41 Supplement – Proceedings of 52nd SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (2024). S. 633-640. 10.1016/j.mfglet.2024.09.081
K. Gutzeit, F. Grossmann, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of a sub-zero metalworking fluid on the tribological behavior of CoCrMo alloys and WC-Co carbides. Procedia CIRP 126 - Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Intelleigent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering 126 (2024): S. 330-335. 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.367
J. Steiner-Stark, M. Zimmermann, J. Platz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of heat treatment and different cutting conditions on the machinability in additive-subtractive processing. MM Science Journal - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on High Speed Machining 2023/4 (2023). S. 6968-6975. 10.17973/MMSJ.2023_11_2023118
J. Platz, J. Steiner-Stark, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Investigation on different laser-powder alignments and their influence on part properties in high-speed Directed Energy Deposition. Procedia CIRP 124 – Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Photonic Technologies (2024): S. 190-193. 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.097
B. Kirsch, A. Lange, N. Altherr, T. Mayer: Influence of constant feed per tooth via spindle speed adaption on groove quality in micro milling. Procedia CIRP 123 - Proceedings of the 7th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2024): S.458–463. 10.1016/j.procir.2024.05.080
F. Zell, A. Lange, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of the vibration characteristics of an air bearing spindle to identify and control the magnitude of the radial run-out with an active magnetic bearing. Proceedings of the 24th international conference of the euspen (2024): S. 449-452. ISBN: 978-1-9989991-5-6
A. Lange, N. Altherr, F. Zell, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Modelling and control of turbine-driven spindles for micro machining with constant feed per tooth. Proceedings of the 24th international conference of the euspen (2024): S. 463-466. ISBN: 978-1-9989991-5-6
Kieren-Ehses, F. Zell, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of drilling depth and feed per tooth on burr formation when micro drilling. Proceedings of the 24th international conference of the euspen (2024): S. 303-304. ISBN: 978-1-9989991-5-6
T. Reeber, J. Henninger, N. Weingarz, P. M. Simon, M. Berndt, M. Glatt, B. Kirsch, R. Eisseler, J. C. Aurich, H.-C. Möhring: Tool condition monitoring in drilling processes using anomaly detection approaches based on control internal data. Procedia CIRP 121 – Proceedings of the 11th CIRP Global Web Conference (2024): S. 216-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.08.066
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, N.A. Bachus, C.R. D’Elia; B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Variation of initial bulk residual stresses in aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 and its effect on distortion of thin-walled structural parts. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (2024): S. 31–38. 10.1007/978-3-031-50470-9_5
M.M. Müller, S. Ghansiyal, B. Kirsch, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: Investigation of the Process Windows of PBF-LB/Ti6Al4V for Variable Laser Spot Diameters. Proceedings of the 23nd Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2023): S. 50-56 10.2139/ssrn.4657776
A. Lange, N. Altherr, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Numerical analysis of different turbine designs for high-frequency spindles. Proceedings of the 23nd euspen International Conference (2023): S. 211-214. AICE23105
K. Gutzeit, M. Berndt, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Improving the Machinability when Milling Ti-6Al-4V Using a Sub-Zero Metalworking Fluid. Proceedings of the 23nd Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2023): S. 1-8. 10.2139/ssrn.4640122
S. Ghansiyal, L. Yi, J. Steiner-Stark, M.M. Müller, B. Kirsch, M. Glatt, J.C. Aurich: A conceptual framework for layerwise energy prediction in laser-based powder bed fusion process using machine learning. Procedia CIRP 116 - Proceedings of the 30th CIRP Confrence on Life Cycle Engineering (2023): S. 7-12. 10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.002
N. Altherr, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich: Investigation of Micro Grinding via Kinematic Simulations. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes. IRTG 2023. Springer (2023). 10.1007/978-3-031-35779-4_13
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Simulation-based investigation of the distortion of milled thin-walled aluminum structural parts due to residual stresses. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2023): S. 149–169. 10.1007/978-3-031-35779-4_9
N. Altherr, A. Lange, M. Zimmermann, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich: Kinematic simulation model for micro grinding processes using detailed tool models. Procedia CIRP 117 – Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2023): S. 237-242.
S. Kieren-Ehses, T. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Indirect workpiece cooling system for micro milling based on a Peltier element. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference of the euspen (2023): S. 473-476. ISBN: 978-1-9989991-3-2
T. Mayer, A. Lange, A. Schulz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Development of an angular position detection method to accurately characterize high speed spindles without encoders. Proceedings of the 23rd euspen International Conference (2023): S. 215-219.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, J.S. Silva, E.J. da Silva, J.C. Aurich: 3D FEM heat transfer simulation of surface grinding of cryogenic pre-cooled parts. Procedia CIRP 117 – Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2023): S. 205-210. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.03.036
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. D’Elia, J.E. Jonsson, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Simulation based investigation on the effect of the topology and size of milled thin-walled monolithic aluminum parts on the distortion due to residual stresses. 11th International Conference on Residual Stresses (2022). hal-03869964
D. Weber, K. Gutzeit, B. Kirsch, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of the effect of cryogenic machining on the quality of milled thin-walled monolithic aluminum structural parts. Proceedings of the 22nd Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2022): S. 29-36.
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Micro milling of brass and commercially pure titanium with all-ceramic micro end mills made from four different ceramic tool substrates. Proceedings of the 22nd euspen International Conference (2022): S. 455-458.
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Dressing of grinding wheels for the manufacture of all-ceramic micro end mills. Proceedings of the 22nd euspen International Conference (2022): S. 479-482.
W. Ankener, M. Smaga, J. Uebel, J. Seewig, F. Grossmann, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich, T. Beck: Depth-resolved characterization of cryogenic hard turned surface layer of AISI 52100 by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy investigations, Procedia CIRP 108 - Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2022): S.66-71.
F. Grossmann, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, W. Ankener, M. Smaga, T. Beck, J. Uebel, J. Seewig, J. C. Aurich: Predictive modelling of cryogenic hard turning of AISI 52100 based on response surface methodology for the use in soft sensors. Procedia CIRP 108- Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2022): S.270-275.
M. Schmidt, S. Greco, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J. C. Aurich: Support Structure Impact in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of AlSi10Mg. Procedia CIRP 108 - Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2022): S. 88-93.
K. Gutzeit, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the cutting edge radius on tool wear during cryogenic machining with cemented carbide end mills. Proceedings of the 20th Plansee Seminar: International Conference on Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2022): S. HM64/1-HM64/11.
A. Lange, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Simulation-based investigation of the interaction between tool and workpiece in grinding with micro pencil grinding tools. Proceedings of the 22nd euspen International Conference (2022): S. 483-486.
A. Lange, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Numerical analysis of process-tool-interactions in micro milling. Procedia CIRP 108 – Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2022): S. 299-304.
K. Gutzeit, G. Bulun, G. Stelzer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Investigation of the surface integrity when cryogenic milling of Ti-6Al-4V using a sub-zero metalworking fluid. Procedia CIRP 108 – Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2022): S. 25-30.
K. Gutzeit, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the cutting edge radius on tool wear during cryogenic machining with cemented carbide end mills. Proceedings of the 20th Plansee Seminar: International Conference on Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2022): S. HM64/1-HM64/11.
S. Schmitt, S. Stephan, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E. Kerscher, H.M. Urbassek, H. Hasse: Molecular Simulation Study on the Influence of the Scratching Velocity on Nanoscopic Contact Processes. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) - 2nd International Conference of the DFG International Research Training Group 2057 – Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing (iPMVM 2020) (2021): S. 1-16.
K. Gutzeit, D. Weber, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Improving the surface morphology by adjusting the cutting parameters during cryogenic milling of Ti-6Al-4V. Proceedings of the 21th Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2021): S. 24-31.
M. Glatt, S. Greco, L. Yi, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Development and implementation of a system for the automated removal of parts produced by Fused Deposition Modeling. Procedia CIRP 103 – Proceedings of the 9th CIRP Global Web Conference (2021): S. 109-114.
J.E. Jonsson, M.R. Hill, C.R. Chighizola, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, D. Weber, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Milling-Induced Residual Stress and Distortion Under Variations of Bulk Residual Stress. Proceedings of the 31st ASM Heat Treating Society Conference (2021): S. 96-99.
M. Schmidt, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Analysis of Material Properties of Additively Manufactured Workpieces Using High-Speed Laser Directed Energy Deposition. Production at the leading edge of technology - Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology(WGP)(2021):S. 357-365.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. Chighizola, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Investigation on the scale effects of initial bulk and machining induced residual stresses of thin walled milled monolithic aluminum workpieces on part distortions: experiments and finite element prediction model. Procedia CIRP 102 – Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2021): S. 337-342.
A. Lange, D. Müller, M. Heintz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Modeling of process-machine-interactions in micro end milling. Procedia CIRP 102C - Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2021): S. 513-518.
K. Klauer, N. Altherr, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, V. Böß, J. Seewig, J. C. Aurich: Kinematic simulation to investigate the influence of the cutting edge topography when ball end micro milling. Procedia CIRP 102 - Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2021): S. 109-114.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Sub-zero metalworking fluids for high performance cutting of difficult to cut materials. Procedia CIRP 101 – Proceedings of the 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (2021): S. 342-345.
D. Müller, A. Lange, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Tool lifetime when drilling Inconel 718 in dependence of the cooling channel design – Influence of the clearance angle, the channel diameter, number, and shape. Procedia CIRP 101 – Proceedings of the 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (2021): S. 278-281.
B. Kirsch, H. Hotz, J. Hartig, S. Greco, M. Zimmermann, J.C. Aurich: Pendulum and creep feed grinding of additively manufactured AISI 316L. Procedia CIRP 101 - Proceedings of the 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (2021): S. 166-169.
M. Glatt, P. Kölsch, C. Siedler, P. Langlotz, S. Ehmsen, J. C. Aurich: Edge-based Digital Twin to trace and ensure sustainability in cross-company production networks. Procedia CIRP 98 – Proceedings of the 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2021): S. 276-281.
M. Heintz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Experimental investigations of modified base body geometries of micro pencil grinding tools applied in 16MnCr5. Proceedings of the 21th euspen International Conference (2021): S. 192-132.
A. Lange, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Numerical analysis of magnetic bearings for micro machining applications. Proceedings of the 21th euspen International Conference (2021): S. 247-250.
S. Greco, K. Gutzeit, H. Hotz, M. Schmidt, M. Zimmermann, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of machine type and powder batch during laser‑based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) of AISI 316L. Proceedings of the ASME 16th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (2021): 60448.
K. Klauer, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Effect of vibration-assistance on tool wear, process forces and surface roughness when micro milling AISI 316L. Proceedings of the 21th euspen International Conference (2021): S. 411-414.
S. Kieren-Ehses, T. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Atomic force microscope for in situ micro end mill characterization - Part I: Integration into a desktop sized machine tool. Proceedings of the 21th euspen International Conference (2021): S. 463‑466.
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Atomic force microscope for in situ micro end mill characterization - Part II: Development of an algorithm to characterize the cutting edge radius of micro end mills. Proceedings of the 21th euspen International Conference (2021): S. 493‑496.
D. Mueller; B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of Flank Face Structuring on Cooling, Tool Lifetime and Borehole Quality When Drilling Inconel 718: Physical Simulations and Experimental Validation. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) 89 - 2nd International Conference of the DFG International Research Training Group 2057 – Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing (iPMVM 2020) (2021): S. 1-17.
A. Lange, B. Kirsch, M. Heintz, J.C. Aurich: Physical Modeling of Process-Machine-Interactions in Micro Machining. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) 89 - 2nd International Conference of the DFG International Research Training Group 2057 - Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing (iPMVM 2020) (2021): S. 2:1-2:20.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. Chighizola, J.E. Jonsson, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Finite Element Simulation Combination to Predict the Distortion of Thin Walled Milled Aluminum Workpieces as a Result of Machining Induced Residual Stresses. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) 89 - 2nd International Conference of the DFG International Research Training Group 2057 – Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing (iPMVM 2020)(2021): S. 11:1-11:21.
S. Greco, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Simulation and Application of a Piezo-Driven System Enabling Vibration-Assisted Micro Milling. 2nd International Conference of the DFG International Research Training Group 2057 – Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing (iPMVM 2020) (2021): 3:1-3:18.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, K. Gutzeit, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the supplying technique of a sub-zero metalworking fluid on the performance of face turning of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Proceedings of the 20th Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2020): S.123-131.
M. Heintz, T. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Tool/workpiece contact detection via acoustic emission in micro grinding. Proceedings of the 20th euspen International Conference (2020): S. 587‑588.
K. Gutzeit, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of nozzle position during cryogenic milling of Ti-6Al-4V. Production at the leading edge of technology - Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) (2020): S. 284-293.
A. Lange, D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Magneto-structural modelling of micro machining spindles supported by active magnetic bearings. Proceedings of the 20th euspen International Conference (2020): S. 221‑224.
T. Mayer, S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Heintz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Manufacture of novel all‐ceramic micro end mills. Proceedings of the 20th euspen International Conference (2020): S. 113-114.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J. C. Aurich: Micro milling of areal material measures – Study on surface generation for different up and down milling strategies. Procedia CIRP 87 - Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2020): S. 13-18.
S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Bohley, T. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Effect of high spindle speeds on micro end milling of commercially pure titanium. Proceedings of the 20th euspen International Conference (2020): S. 63‑66.
M. Bohley, L. Heberger, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: An antistatic device to decrease friction induced electrostatic charge in precision machining processes. Proceedings of the 20th euspen International Conference (2020): S. 61‑62.
H. Hotz, M. Smaga, B. Kirsch, T. Zhu, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Characterization of the subsurface properties of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347 manufactured in a two-step turning process. Procedia CIRP 87 - Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2020): S. 35-40
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Estimation of process forces when turning with varying chamfer angles at different feed rates. Procedia CIRP 88 - Proceedings of the 13th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (2020): S. 300-305.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, R. Merz, M. Kopnarski, H. Hasse, J. C. Aurich: Adsorption and reaction layers when turning AISI 304 using various cooling strategies. Procedia CIRP 87 (2020) – Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2020): S. 125-130.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, W. Ankener, M. Smaga, T. Beck, J. Uebel, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Influence of different cooling strategies during hard turning of AISI 52100 - part I: thermo-mechanical load, tool wear, surface topography and manufacturing accuracy. Procedia CIRP 87 - Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2020): S. 77-82.
W. Ankener, J. Uebel, S. Basten, M. Smaga, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich, T. Beck: Influence of different cooling strategies during hard turning of AISI 52100 – part II: characterization of the surface and near surface microstructure morphology. Procedia CIRP 87 - Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2020): S. 119-124.
S. Becker, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, R. Müller: Application of model order reduction to a finite element model of cryogenic turning. PAMM 19 - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2019): e201900239.
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Micro milling of areal material measures: Influence of the manufacturing parameters on surface quality. Production at the leading edge of technology – Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (2019): S. 259-268.
D. Weber, B. Kirsch, C.R. D’Elia, B.S. Linke, M.R. Hill, J.C. Aurich: Concept to analyze residual stresses in milled thin walled monolithic aluminum components and their effect on part distortion. Production at the leading edge of technology - Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (2019): S. 287-296.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, M. Heintz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Custom made electroless plated dicing blades for micro machining operations. Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference (2019): S. 380-383.
D. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: The influence of structured flank faces on cooling performance when drilling. Procedia CIRP 82 - Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (2019): S. 415-420.
S. Greco, A. Lange, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Simulation-based design of an ultrasonic-assisted air bearing spindle for micro machining. Procedia CIRP 82 - Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2019): S. 160-165.
J. Uebel, F. Ströer, S. Basten, W. Ankener, H. Hotz, L. Heberger, G. Stelzer, B. Kirsch, M. Smaga, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich, T. Beck: Approach for the observation of surface conditions in-process by soft sensors during cryogenic hard turning. Procedia CIRP 81 – Proceedings of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (2019): S. 1260-1265
K. Klauer, M. Eifler, G. Stelzer, B. Kirsch J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Design and machining of a calibration artefact for an angular-resolved scattering light sensor. Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference (2019): S. 270-274.
S. Greco, A. Lange, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Acoustic frequency measurement of an ultrasonic actuator designed for the use in a vibration-assisted air bearing spindle for micro machining. Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference (2019): S. 150-153.
S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Bohley, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the metal working fluid quantity on process results when micro milling cp-titanium with 50 µm diameter micro end mills. Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference (2019): S. 400-401.
S. Becker, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E. von Harbou, R. Müller: The Influence of Cooling Nozzle Positions on the Transient Temperature Field during Cryogenic Turning of Metastable Austenitic Steel AISI 347. PAMM 18 - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2018): e201800447.
S. Basten, B. Kirsch, H. Hasse, J.C. Aurich: Turning of AISI 4140 (42CrMo4V): A novel sub-zero cooling approach. Advances in Production Research - Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (2018): S. 313-323.
D. Setti, P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Visualization of geometrical deviations in micro grinding by kinematic simulations. Proceedings of ASME 13th Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (2018): S. V004T03A038. doi:10.1115/MSEC2018-6576
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, S. Becker, E. von Harbou, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Modification of surface morphology during cryogenic turning of metastable austenitic steel AISI 347 at different parameter combinations with constant CO2 consumption per cut. Procedia CIRP 77 - Proceedings of the 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (2018): S. 207-210.
M.P. Lautenschlaeger, S. Stephan, M.T. Horsch, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, H. Hasse: Effects of lubrication on friction and heat transfer in machining processes on the nanoscale: a molecular dynamics approach. Procedia CIRP 67 - Proceedings of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (2018): S. 296-301.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Electroless plating and application of micro pencil grinding tools with a diameter of ~5 µm. Proceedings of the 18th euspen International Conference & Exhibition (2018): S. 309-310.
M. Eifler, K. Klauer, B. Kirsch, J. Seewig, J.C. Aurich: Micro-milling of areal material measures - influences on the resulting surface topography. Procedia CIRP 71 - Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Surface Integrity (2018): S. 122-127.
M. Bohley, S. Kieren-Ehses, L. Heberger, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Size limitations and wear behavior of TiB2 coated micro end mills (Ø < 50 µm) when machining cp-titanium. Procedia CIRP 71 - Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2018): S. 187-191.
S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Bohley, P. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of different metal working fluids when micro machining cp-titanium with 50 µm diameter micro end mills. Procedia CIRP 71 - Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2018): S. 198-202.
S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Vibration-assisted air bearing spindle for micro machining - development of a magnetic field controlled ultrasonic actuator. Proceedings of the 18th euspen International Conference (2018): S. 141-142.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, S. Becker, E. von Harbou, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Improving the surface morphology of metastable austenitic steel AISI 347 in a two-step turning process. Procedia CIRP 71 - Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2018): S. 160-165.
S. Becker, H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E.v. Harbou, R. Müller: Estimation of Heat Transfer Properties for the FE Simulation of Cryogenic Turning. PAMM 17 - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2017): S. 401-402.
H. Hotz, B. Kirsch, P. Mayer, S. Becker, E.v. Harbou, A. Boemke, R. Skorupski, M. Smaga, R. Müller, T. Beck, J.C. Aurich: Surface integrity of cryogenic turned austenitic stainless steels AISI 347 and AISI 904L. 7. WGP-Jahreskongress (2017): S. 473-480.
M. Smaga, R. Skorupski, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, I. Raid, J. Seewig, J. Man, D. Eifler, T. Beck: Influence of surface morphology on fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347 at ambient temperature and 300°C. Procedia Structural Integrity 5 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Integrity (2017): S. 989-996.
L. Heberger, B. Kirsch, B. Henn, J.C. Aurich: Machining of CFRP via Short Amplitude Torsion Pendulum Drilling. Procedia CIRP 66 - Proceedings of the 1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing (2017): S. 169-174.
D. Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: A Method to Predict and Visualize the Wheel and Work Surface Topography in Surface Grinding. Applied Mechanics and Materials 869 - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2017): S. 62-68.
M. Sabel, C. Sator, R. Müller, B. Kirsch: Particle Finite Element Simulation of Chip Formation Cutting Processes. Applied Mechanics and Materials 869 - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2017): S. 50-61.
M.P. Lautenschlaeger, S. Stephan, H.M. Urbassek, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, M.T. Horsch, H. Hasse: Effects of Lubrication on the Friction in Nanometric Machining Processes - A Molecular Dynamics Approach. Applied Mechanics and Materials 869 - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2017): S. 85-93.
C. Gillmann, T. Post, B. Kirsch, T. Wischgoll, J. Hartig, B. Hamann, H. Hagen, J.C. Aurich: An Industrial Vision System to Analyze the Wear of Cutting Tools. Applied Mechanics and Materials 869 - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2017): S. 183-194.
C. Müller, S. Greco, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: A Finite Element Analysis of Air Bearings Applied in Compact Air Bearing Spindles. Procedia CIRP 58 - Proceedings of the 16th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2017): S. 607-612.
D. Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: An Analytical Method for Prediction of Material Deformation Behavior in Grinding Using Single Grit Analogy. Procedia CIRP 58 - Proceedings of the 16th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (2017): S. 263-268.
C. Müller, M. Bohley, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: A novel rotational air bearing axis for the manufacturing of ultra-small micro end mills. Proceedings of the 17th euspen International Conference (2017): S. 144-145.
M. Bohley, C. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Integration of a confocal microscope in a desktop machine tool for in situ process control. Proceedings of the 17th euspen International Conference (2017): S. 122-123.
S. Becker, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E.V. Harbou, R. Müller: Transient Finite Element Simulation of the Temperature Field during Cryogenic Turning of Metastable Austenitic Steel AISI 347. PAMM 16/1 - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2016): S. 303-304.
L. Heberger, B. Kirsch, T. Donhauser, S. Nissle, M. Gurka, S. Schmeer, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the quality of rivet holes in carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) on the connection stability. Procedia Manufacturing 6 - Proceedings of the 16th Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (2016): S. 140-147.
P. A. Arrabiyeh, V. Raval, B. Kirsch, M. Bohley, J. C. Aurich: Electroless Plating of Micro Pencil Grinding Tools with 5-10 µm sized cBN Grits. Advanced Materials Research 1140 – Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2016 – Progress in Production Engineering (2016): S. 133-140.
M. Smaga, T. Beck, P. Arrabiyeh, I. Reichenbach, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Characterization of micro machined surface from TRIP/TWIP steels. MATEC Web of Conferences - ESOMAT 2015 - 10th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations 33 (2015): S. 07004-1-07004-5.
P.A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Development of Micro Pencil Grinding Tools via an Electroless Plating Process. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (2016).
F. Schneider, R. Lohkamp, B. Kirsch, C. Kuhn, R. Müller, J.C. Aurich: Investigation of Chip Formation and Surface Integrity when Micro-cutting cp-Titanium with Ultra-fine Grain Cemented Carbide. Procedia CIRP 45 - Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2016): S. 115-118.
P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, R. Müller, S. Becker, E. v. Harbou, J.C. Aurich: Influence of cutting edge geometry on deformation induced hardening when cryogenic turning of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347. Procedia CIRP 45 - Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2016): S. 59-62.
M. Bohley, I.G. Reichenbach, C. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Compact hydrodynamic spindle module for micromachining applications. 16th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (2016).
A.C. Bottene, E.J. Silva, A. Simon, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: New Advances in Texturing by Grinding. Proceedings of COBEM 2015 - 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (2015).
R. Schmitt, P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, C. Kuhn, R. Müller, K. Bhattacharya: A Phase Field Approach for Martensitic Transformations and Plasticity. PAMM 14/1 - Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2014): S. 383-384.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch, C. Müller, L. Heberger: Quality of drilled and milled rivet holes in carbon fiber reinforced plastics. Procedia CIRP 24 - Proceedings of the 5th Machining Innovations Conference - New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry (2014): S. 56-61.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch: Manufacturing of structured surfaces via grinding. Proceedings from the CIRP Research Affiliate Workshop (2014): S. 3-10.
J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch: Energieeffizienz beim Schleifen: Eine Betrachtung über Produktion und Produkteinsatz. Innovations of Sustainable Production for Green Mobility - Energy-Efficient Technologies in Production - 3rd International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium (2014): S. 463-480.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Influence of the macro-topography of grinding wheels on the cooling efficiency and the surface integrity. Procedia CIRP 13 - Proceedings of the 2nd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (2014): S. 8-12.
B. Kirsch, C. Effgen, M. Büchel, J.C. Aurich: Comparison of the embodied energy of a grinding wheel and an end mill. Procedia CIRP 15 - Proceedings of the 21st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2014): S. 74-79.
P. Mayer, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Investigations on cryogenic turning to achieve surface hardening of metastable austenitic steel AISI 347. Advanced Materials Research 1018 - Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2014 - Progress in Production Engineering (2014): S. 153-160.
J.C. Aurich, M. Carrella, B. Kirsch: Product-oriented sustainability aspects of abrasive processes. Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (2013): S. 1-6.
C. Effgen, B. Kirsch: A new method for the preparation of cutting edges via grinding. Advanced Materials Research 769 - Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2013 - Progress in Production Engineering - Research and Development (2013): S. 85-92.
F. Schneider, B. Kirsch, M. Gurka, T. Hermann, J.A. L´huiller, J.C. Aurich: Improved Quality of Drilled Holes in Laminated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics via Laser-Preprocessing. New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry - Proceedings of the 4th Machining Innovations Conference (2013): S. 27-31.
B. Kirsch, P. Herzenstiel, J.C. Aurich: Experimental Results using a Grinding Wheel with an Internal Cooling Lubricant Supply. Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Conference on High performance Cutting (2010): S. 443-448.
J.C. Aurich, N. Altherr, S. Kieren-Ehses, B. Kirsch, T. Mayer: Creating Surface Morphologies by Micro Milling and Micro Grinding. Component Surfaces – Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships (2023): S. 67-95. 10.1007/978-3-031-35575-2
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, K. Gutzeit, E. von Harbou, H. Hasse, R. Müller: Creating Surface Morphologies by Cryogenic Machining. Component Surfaces – Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships (2023): S. 97-123. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-35575-2_5
J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, S. Diederichs, E. Kerscher, Jan C. Aurich: Entwicklung von PVD-Schutzschichten zur Leistungssteigerung galvanisch gebundener Hochleistungsschleifscheiben. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren - Verfahren und Maschinen 70 (2022): S. 148-165.
M. Heintz, P. A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Herstellung von Schleifwerkzeugen für die Mikrobearbeitung mithilfe eines chemischen Nickel-Phosphor-Dispersions-Beschichtungsverfahrens. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren - Verfahren und Maschinen 69 (2020): S. 16-25.
L. Böhme, A. Hebestreit, S. Kieren-Ehses, M. Bohley, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, E. Kerscher: Präparation dünner Stege zur Bestimmung der kristallographischen Orientierung und deren Einfluss bei der Zerspanung von Reintitan auf der Mikroskala. Fortschritte in der Metallographie 53 (2019): S. 143-148.
B. Kirsch, S. Greco, H. Hotz, M. Zimmermann, J. Hartig, J.C. Aurich: Schleifende Nachbearbeitung additiv gefertigter Bauteile - Einflüsse auf die Werkstückqualität. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren - Verfahren und Maschinen 68 (2018): S. 145-155.
J.C. Aurich, R. Ilsen, G. Mert, B. Kirsch: Nachhaltigkeit in der Produktion - Aufgabenstellungen und Lösungsansätze. Fortschritte in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (2018): S. 233-252.
J.C.Aurich, C.Effgen, B.Kirsch: Grinding. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.(2019)[doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53120-4_6427]
C. Müller, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Compact Air Bearing Spindles for Desktop Sized Machine Tools. Small Machine Tools for Small Workpieces (2017): S. 21-34.
J.C. Aurich, M. Bohley, F. Schneider, B. Kirsch: Hartmetallwerkzeuge für die Mikrobearbeitung - Einflussgrößen auf das Bearbeitungsergebnis. Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis 32-35. Hagener Symposium - Zerspanung von und mit pullvermetallurgischen Werkstoffen 32 (2016): S. 231-254.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Herstellung von mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen mit einer Spezialschleifscheibe und Analyse des Abtragverhaltens. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren - Verfahren und Maschinen 67 (2016): S. 12-27.
J. Aurich, B. Kirsch: Grinding Wheel.The International Academy for Production Engineering. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering (2014).
E. Abele, J.C. Aurich, B.A. Behrens, D. Biermann, C. Brecher, E. Brinksmeier, M. Czora, B. Denkena, U. Engel, K. Großmann, U. Heisel, D. Heinisch, R. Hermes, B. Kirsch, F. Klocke, A. Krause, T. Kroiß, R. Laurischkat, M. Löser, F. Mahr, H. Meier, M. Pischan, P. Rasper, A.V. Scheidler, M. Storchak, E. Uhlmann, M. Weiß: Measurement and Test Techniques. Process Machine Interactions - Prediction and Manipulation of Interactions between Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tool Structures (2013): S. 3-27.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Kontaktzonenvolumenstrom und Überflutungskühlung - Kühlmechanismen von Freistrahl- und Schuhdüsen bei hoher Wärmebelastung. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren - Verfahren und Maschinen 66 (2013): S. 81-99.
B. Kirsch: Wirkmechanismen der Kühlschmierstoff-Zufuhr beim Schleifen - Analyse externer und interner Kühlschmierstoff-Zufuhrmethoden. In: J.C. Aurich (Hrsg.): Produktionstechnische Berichte aus dem FBK. Band 03/2013, Kaiserslautern: Techn. Univ., 2013. Zugleich Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2013.
B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Wirkmechanismen der Kühlung beim Schleifen mit galvanisch belegten CBN-Schleifscheiben mit unterschiedlichen Kühlschmierstoff-Zufuhrbedingungen. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren 65 (2011): S. 87-107.
J.C. Aurich, P. Herzenstiel, B. Kirsch, M. Steffes: Experimental and Numerical Studies of a Surface Grinding Process. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Process Machine Interaction (2010).
J.C. Aurich, A. Bouabid, P. Steinmann, B. Kirsch: High-Performance Surface Grinding. Process Machine Interactions - Prediction and Manipulation of Interactions between Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tool Structures (2013): S. 81-100.
P. Herzenstiel, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Gleich- und Gegenlaufschleifen mit und ohne Einsatz von Kühlschmierstoff unter Einsatz einer Schleifscheibe mit definierter Kornanordnung. Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren 64 (2010): S. 95-107.
J.C. Aurich, S. Basten, H. Hasse, E. von Harbou, B. Kirsch, P. Mayer: Verfahren zum Betrieb einer spanenden Werkzeugmaschine und Werkzeugmaschine für die spanende Bearbeitung von Werkstücken. Deutsches Patentamt. DE 102016215545B3. Erteilungsdatum: 17.10.2017.