Christian Weidig

Von Februar 2011 bis Juli 2017 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FBK.





Kopecki, A.; Wössner, U.; Mavrikios, D.; Rentzos, L.; Weidig, C.; Roucoules, L. et al. (2011): VISIONAIR - VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research. In SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems (2/2), pp. 40–43.

Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2014): Virtuelle Lernfabrik Kaiserslautern - Eine Lernfabrik für die VR-unterstützte Fabrikplanung. In ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (109/10), pp. 747–751.

Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2015): VR als Kommunikationsmittel der Fabrikplanung. In Tagungsband zur 3. Fachkonferenz zu VR/AR-Technologien in Anwendung und Forschung an der Professur für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik: VAR² 2015 - Realität erweitern, pp. 62–72.

Weidig, C.; Galambos, P.; Csapò, A.; Zentay, P.; Baranyi, P.; Aurich, J.C. et al. (2014): Future Internet-based Collaboration in Factory Planning. In Acta polytechnic Hungarica (11/7), pp. 157–177.

Weidig, C.; Lauer, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2012): Fabrikmodelle systematisch erstellen - Optimierte Modellerzeugung für den VR-unterstützten KVP-Prozess. In VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion (154/4), pp. 28–31.

Yang, X.; Malak, R. C.; Lauer, C.; Weidig, C.; Hagen, H.; Hamann, B. et al. (2013): Manufacturing system design with virtual factory tools. In International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturin (28/1), pp. 25–40.


Galambos, P.; Weidig, C.; Baranyi, P.; Aurich, J.C.; Hamann, B.; Kreylos, O. (2012a): VirCA NET - A Case Study for Collaboration in Shared Virtual Space. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (273-277).

Galambos, P.; Weidig, C.; Zentay, P.; Csapò, A.; Baranyi, P.; Aurich, J.C. et al. (2012b): VirCA NET - A Collaborative Use Case Scenario on Factory Layout Planning. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, pp. 467–468.

Menck, N.; Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2013): Virtual Reality as a Collaboration Tool for Factory Planning based on Scenario Technique. In Proceedings of the Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pp. 133–138.

Menck, N.; Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2014): Approach for predicting production scenarios focused on cross impact analysis. In Proceedings of the Forty Seventh CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pp. 598–603.

Menck, N.; Yang, X.; Weidig, C.; Winkes, P. A.; Lauer, C.; Hagen, H. et al. (2012): Collaborative Factory Planning in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pp. 359–366.

Rupprecht, F.A.; Hamann, B.; Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C.; Ebert, A. (2016): IN2CO - A Visualization Framework for Intuitive Collaboration. In Short Papers of EuroVis 2016 - 18th Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Conference on Visualization, pp. 131–135.

Weidig, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2014): Systematic development of mobile AR-applications, special focus on user participation. In Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP Global Web Conference on Production Engineering Research - Advancement beyond state of the art.

Weidig, C.; Csapò, A.; Aurich, J.C.; Hamann, B.; Kreylos, O. (2012): VirCA NET and CogInfoCom - Novel Challenges in Future Internet Based Augmented/Virtual Collaboration. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, pp. 267–272.

Weidig, C.; Menck, N. (2013): VR enhanced scenario technique supporting the early phase of factory planning. In Advanced Materials Research 769 - Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2013 - Progress in Production Engineering, pp. 343–349.

Weidig, C.; Menck, N.; Aurich, J.C. (2013): Systematic Development of Mobile AR-Applications Supporting Production Planning. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, pp. 219–224.

Weidig, C.; Menck, N.; Winkes, P. A.; Aurich, J.C. (2014a): Virtual learning factory on VR-supported factory plannin. In IFIP AICT 434 - Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 - Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments, pp. 455–462.

Weidig, C.; Mestre, D. R.; Israel, J. H.; Noël, F.; Perrot, V.; Aurich, J.C. (2014b): Classification of VR interaction techniques, based on user intention. In Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual and Augmented Reality, pp. 53–58.

Weidig, C.; Steimer, C.; Aurich, J.C. (2015): Process planning and decentralized process control for cybertronic production systems. In Applied Mechanics and Materials 794 - Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2015 - Progress in Production Engineering, pp. 486–493.

Yang, X.; Malak, R. C.; Lauer, C.; Weidig, C.; Hagen, H.; Hamann, B.; Aurich, J.C. (2011): Virtual reality enhanced manufacturing systems design. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, pp. 125–133.