Solid Process Engineering / Waste treatment I
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Ripp
Solid Process Engineering:
- Labeling of bulk materials and waste
- Storage and flow of bulk materials and waste
- Transportation of solids
- Crushing
- Classifying, sifting, sieving
- Dosing / mixing
- Granulating, peletizing, agglomerating, tableting
- Waste treatment
- Discrete element method for individual processes
Waste treatment I:
- Definitions
- Laws and administrative regulations
- Integrated waste concepts
- Waste generation
- Labeling of municipal waste
- Options for avoiding and recycling waste
- Waste treatment through incineration, composting, digestion,
- Chemical-physical treatment processes,
- Landfill technology and remediation of contaminated sites
- Collection, storage, transportation
- Processing methods (shredding, screening, sifting, settling, sorting, separating, separating, flotation) of household waste and commercial waste similar to household waste and of separately collected waste
- B. Bilitewski, G. Härdtle, K. Marek: Abfall-Wirtschaft, Springer Verlag
Lecture: | Tue. | 10:00 - 11:30 | Room: | 86-103 |
Livestream & Recording |
Additional information:
- Number of SWS: 2
- Number of ECTS Credits: 3
- Course number: MV-MVT-86457-V-7
- Language: German
- Next course Waste treatment II
- Waste treatment I in KIS
Lecture material:
The documents can be downloaded from Olat.