Multiphase flow

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Antonyuk

Many industrial processes are realized by two- or three-phase flows. They consist of a continuous phase (ambient medium) and a disperse phase (solid particles, droplets and gas bubbles). The interactions between the phases play a decisive role in the heat and mass transfer, separation or mixing of the phases, growth or breakage processes and are therefore crucial to the success of the process.

In this course, the physical principles of multiphase flows in gas/liquid are explained and the technical processes and some apparatus with multiphase processes are presented and designed. An important focus of this course will be on calculation methods, modeling and simulations with modern numerical tools. Corresponding exercises are carried out on the high-performance computer of the RHRK.


  • Rheology of technical fluids
  • Force effects on particles in a fluid
  • Single particle motion in fluids
  • Movement of particle swarms
  • Fundamentals of fluidized bed technology
  • Industrial applications of fluidized bed processes, e.g. particle formulation processes in fluidized beds
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic solids transport
  • Gas/liquid flow: bubbles and droplets
  • Particle formulation by spray drying
  • Modern process simulation methods (CFD/DEM)


  • Brauer, H.: Grundlagen der Einphasen- und Mehrphasenströmungen. Aarau: Sauerländer, 1971.
  • Kraume, M.: Transportvorgänge in der Verfahrenstechnik - Grundlagen und apparative Umsetzungen Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2012. (Online Verfügbar)
  • Schlichting, Hermann; GERSTEN, Klaus: Grenzschicht-Theorie, Springer, 2006.
  • Surek, Dominik; Stempin, Silke: Angewandte Strömungsmechanik für Praxis und Studium, B.G. Teubner Verlag, 2007
  • VDI e.V. (Hrsg.), VDI-Wärmeatlas, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, Chapter L3: Zweiphasige Gas-Festkörper-Strömungen,<
  • Herwig, Heinz: Strömungsmechanik. Eine Einführung in die Physik und mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2008.
  • Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik – Partikeltechnologie, Band 1, 3. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
  • Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Band 2, Berlin: Springer, 1994.
  • Schubert, Heinrich (ed.): Handbuch der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik, Band 1 + 2, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002.
  • Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


Contact / Tutor:

M. Sc. André Lier

Thurs.15:30 - 17:00Room:44-465 
Fri.13:45 - 15:15Room:44-465 

Die Übung findet freitags alle 14 Tage statt.

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