Aerosol Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Antonyuk

The course includes the physical principles and correlations of dust removal principles as well as corresponding dust measuring devices for their quantification. This includes the implementation of the active principles in suitable technical equipment and equipment (e.g. inertial separators, electrical separators, filtering separators).
Against the current background of the Covid-19 pandemic, the spread of potentially virus-containing human aerosols, their properties, dispersion in rooms and separation in respiratory masks and room air filters are discussed in particular. The dust measuring devices for online and offline measurement of dusts and aerosols must be adapted to the characteristic properties of the dusts and aerosols potentially containing viruses.
The reproducible generation of dusts and aerosols with known properties is also necessary in order to further quantify the technical equipment and equipment with the dust measuring devices. Both will be discussed in detail during the course. During the course, practical work will take place in a group in the Aerosollaboratorium of the Chair of MVT.
- Physical fundamentals of the principles and devices for measuring dust and droplet particles (aerosol)
- Laboratory equipment and sensors for determining the particle size distribution, shape and concentration of aerosols:
- Filtering methods: gravimetric determination of the dust content
- Classifying sampling methods
- Optical methods
- Size analysis based on electrical mobility
- Application of aerosol measurement technology:
- Generation of model aerosols (aerosol generators)
- Sampling from gas-particle flows in technical systems
- Characterization of aerosol dispersion in rooms and concepts for reduction
- Half masks: mechanisms and efficiency of separation
- Ch. H. Murphy: Handbook of Particle Sampling and Analysis Methods, Verlag Chemie International, Deerfield Beach, Florida
- Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques and Applications edited by K. Willeke, P.A. Baron, Verlag Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York
- Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik - Partikeltechnologie 1, Springer Verlag, Berlin
Contact / Tutor:
Course in summer term
Please contact: Daniel Stoll.
Additional information:
- Number of SWS: 2
- Number of ECTS Credits: 3
- Course number: MV-MVT-86472-V-7
- Language: German
- Requirements: Dedusting Technology
- Aerosol Technology in KIS