Design and Operation of Chemical Apparatus

Dr.-Ing. Kai Nikolaus


The field of apparatus engineering covers both the functional and safety-related design of plant elements such as apparatus, pipelines, fittings, conveying and instrumentation and control equipment as well as their integration into larger production systems. The lecture is divided into three subject areas:
The subject area “functionally appropriate design” deals with piping elements, pipe connections and the functionalities of fittings. In particular, the fluidic design of piping systems is discussed. Furthermore, basic apparatus elements and the design of apparatus from the various areas of process engineering (MVT, TVT, CVT and BioVT) are presented with regard to the technical realization of the basic operations to be implemented.  The lecture also shows how the control of processes in process engineering flow diagrams is represented in accordance with standards.
In the subject area of “safety-compliant design”, the legal principles of the Pressure Equipment Directive, Machinery Directive and Explosion Protection Directive applicable in the EU and the safety requirements for the design of system elements prescribed therein are first taught. The methods for meeting the safety requirements of the EU directives are described in European standards and national technical regulations. In particular, the lecture deals with the design of apparatus and pipelines in accordance with DIN EN 13445, DIN EN 13480 and the AD 2000 regulations. Not only strength calculations of apparatus and piping elements under different loads (internal pressure, external pressure, thermal stresses, dynamic stresses) are explained, but also calculations on piping statics (support spans of pipe fastenings, expansion compensation of piping systems, proof of elasticity).
A further subject area of the lecture conveys design principles for the “hygienic design” of system elements and explains the basics of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of equipment and systems. The requirements for hygienic design are particularly important in the food and pharmaceutical industries.


The Apparatus Engineering lecture and the associated exercise are offered as a hybrid course (both face-to-face and digital). The digital part of the course is made available via the OLAT learning platform. In OLAT, the lecture content is provided via topic-related video recordings. The lecture videos are to be watched in preparation for the individual lecture dates. In the lecture, the familiar lecture content is repeated, reflected on in a Kahoot quiz and questions are discussed. In the Kahoot quiz, all participants can (anonymously) compete against each other in a playful competition and check their learning success. The event will also be streamed live 100% of the time. Interaction with the lecturer takes place in particular during the lecture and via the “Chat” and “Forum” functions in OLAT. The forum posts are regularly moderated. Of course, an individual telephone conversation (e.g. via Skype for Business) or a personal meeting is also possible by appointment.

You can find the documents for the lecture in OLAT.

  • W. Wagner: Festigkeitsberechnungen im Apparate- und Rohrleitungsbau. Vogel Fachbuch (2007)
  • Further literature is referred to in the lecture


Lecture:Mon.11:45 - 13:15Room44-380
Exercise:Fri:15:30 - 17:00RoomLive-Stream in OLAT
16:00 - 17:30 
Room52-207 (Lecture hall Chemistry)

Additional information:  
  • Number of SWS: 2V/1Ü
  • Number of ECTS Credits: 3
  • Course number: MV-MVT-86453-V-4
  • Language: German
  • Apparatetechnik in KIS
  • corrensponds to: Apparatebau II