Zeitschriften- und Konferenzbeiträge


A. Schukmann, V. Haas, A. Schneider, Spurious Aeroacoustic Emissions in Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations on Non-Uniform Grids, Fluids 2025, 10, 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids10020031 



Y. Nicola, R. Thümmler, V. Kassera, M. Böhle: Numerical Investigation of a vertical-axis wind turbine using a three dimensional panel method, FEDSM 2024, Anaheim, California

L. Rong, M. Böhle, G. Yandong: Improving the hydraulic performance of a High-Speed Submersible Axial Flow Pump based on CFD technology, International Journal of Fluid Engineering 1, 013902, 2024.

Y. Zhong, M. Böhle: Analysis of Aerostatic Performance of a Flexure Pivot Tilting Pad Air Journal Bearing[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2024, 2854(1): 012100.



A. Schukmann, A. Schneider, V. Haas, M. Böhle: Analysis of Hierarchical Grid Refinement Techniques for the Lattice Boltzmann Method by Numerical Experiments, Fluids 2023, 8, 103.

Y. Gu, D. Wang, L. Cheng, A. Schimpf, M. Böhle: A Novel Method to Achieve Fast Multi-objective Optimization of Hydrostatic Porous Journal Bearings Used in Hydraulic Turbomachine, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, Volume 145 Issue 5, 145(5): 051205.

Y. Nicola, M. Fensterseifer, M. Böhle: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Streamlines for Tandem Impeller in a Centrifugal Pump, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, Volume 145 Issue 4, 145(4): 041202.




H. Roclawski, M. Böhle: Virtual Centrifugal Pump Test Rig for Laboratory Classes Based on IoT Technology, ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2022, 2022-06

M.Fensterseifer, L. Sterle, M.Böhle: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Performance of Tandem Vanes for a Centrifugal Pump, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 144(11): 111203, 2022.

H. Roclawski, L. Sterle, M. Böhle: IOT.H2O - Supervision and control for water systems based on low-cost hardware and open-source software, 2nd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution Systems Analysis & Computing and Control in the Water Industry, 2022

A. Schukmann, C. Landfester, M. Böhle: Investigation of Vortex-Generator Induced Flow Structures on a Flat Plate using IR Thermography, Particle Image Velocimetry and Oil Flow Visualization, FAN 2022

T. Biesinger, M. Kölzer, A. Schukmann, H. Roclawski, M. Kainz, P. Godin, J. C. Morales, L. Zori: Application of the Harmonic Balance Method for Large Spread Multiple Frequency Scales, ASME Turbo Expo 2022

A. Schimpf, H. Seiler, M. Ortelt, D. Gudi, M. Böhle: Static Performance Analysis of Porous CMC Journal Bearings for Cryogenic Applications, 23rd International Colloquium Tribology, 25-27th January, Online, 50019.00.007

M. Blechner, Martin Böhle, Wolfgang Kitsche, D. Senter: Computation of Compressible Flow by Means of the Potential Theory, The 2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions Engineering (FAR) Heilbronn, Germany, 2022

M. Böhle, R. Kirsch, S. Osterroth, A. Schwarzwälder: Modeling and Simulation of moisture penetration and wearing time of face masks. Filtech Cologne, Germany



J. Feng, M. Böhle: Feasibility study for the application of a neural network for operating condition detection of a centrifugal pump, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1909 012071, 2021

C. Landfester, G. Müller, R. Krewinkel, C. Domnick and M. Böhle: Comparison of Film Cooling Performance for Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Cylindrical and State-of-the-Art Nozzle Guide Vane, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(3):031014

C. Landfester, G. Müller, R. Krewinkel, C. Domnick and M. Böhle: Comparison of Film Cooling Performance for Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Cylindrical and State-of-the-Art Nozzle Guide Vane, ASME TurboExpo, GT2021-59229

C. Landfester, G. Müller, M. Böhle and C. Domnick: Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness for Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Contoured Endwall Nozzle Guide Vane Stage, 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC2021-654

D.S. Moraes, L. Sterle, A.P.M. Saliba, G. MEIRELLES LIMA, H. Roclawski, T. Kratzig, B. Dewals, L. Vercouter: LOW-COST MONITORING FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, XXIV SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HIDRÍCOS, 2021, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien

H. Roclawski, L. Sterle, M. Böhle, T. Krätzig: IoT.H2O – IoT zur Überwachung und Steuerung von Trinkwasseranlagen, gwf-Wasser | Abwasser 11 2021

H. Roclawski, T. Krätzig, L. Sterle, M. Böhle: Influence on antenna design on range of LoraWAN devices – a practical test, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-458

A. Schimpf, M. Ortelt, H. Seiler, Y. Gu, A. Schwarwälder, M. Böhle: Experimental Investigation of Aerostatic Journal Bearings Made of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Carbon Composites, ASME Journal of Tribology, 144(4):1-13

A. Schimpf, Y. Gu, M. Böhle: Analysis of Flow Models for Aerostatic Thrust Bearings with Porous Material, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1909(1):012039



M. Mohr, B. Gwiasda, M. Böhle: A Simple Analytical Model for Head Estimation of Noncavitating Inducers With Arbitrary Shape, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142(6): 061301

Roclawski, H., Krätzig, T., Dewals, B., Vercouter, L., Saliba, A., Theis, A., Pirard, T., Donancio, H., Archambeau, P., and Erpicum, S.: Low-cost sensor system based on LoraWAN for monitoring water distribution systems, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18824

G. Müller, C. Landfester, M. Böhle, R. Krewinkel: Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness of Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Linear Cascade, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 142(3):031008

A. Schimpf, Y. Gu, M. Böhle: Analysis of Flow Models for Aerostatic Thrust Bearings with Porous Material, 18th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, 23-26th November, Online, ISROMAC2019-00035

R. Schäfer, M. Böhle: Validation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for simulation of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics in a centrifugal fan.Acoustics 2020, 2(4), 735-752, 2020



T. Zimmermann, C. Licht, M. Böhle: Embedded Operation Point Detection System for Side-Channel Pumps on Basis of Neural Networks , 4th International Rotating Equipment Conference, Paper No. 058, 2019, Wiesbaden Germany

B. Gwiasda, M. Mohr, M. Böhle: Investigations of Inducers Operating With High Rotational Speed, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141(4): 041102..

C. Landfester, G. Müller, M. Böhle, R. Krewinkel: Aerodynamic Effects of Turbine Vane End Wall Film Cooling for Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Linear Cascade, WePM12.3, IGTC 2019, Tokyo, Japan

R. Schäfer, A. Theis, T. Zaremba, T. Reviol, M. Böhle: Aeroakustische Untersuchung eines Radialventilators mit einer Lattice-Boltzmann-Methode und Abgleich mit PIV-Messungen, Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik: 27. Fachtagung, 3.-5. September 2019, Erlangen, A. Delgado, B. Gatternig, M. Münsch, B. Ruck, A. Leder (Eds.), German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.v., 2019, pp. 41.1-41.9, ISBN 978-3-9816764-6-4, 2019

G. Müller, C. Landfester, M. Böhle, R. Krewinkel: Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness of Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Linear Cascade, ASME TurboExpo, GT2019-90236

B. Gwiasda, M. Mohr, D. Herrmann-Verspagen, M. Böhle: Influence of Turbulence Models in Transient Simulations of Inducers Under Steady Operation, AJKFluids2019-4640

A. Theis, M. Böhle: Comparison of a Singularity - and an Inverse Design Method for Axial Flow Fans Based on Numerical Simulations, AJKFluids2019-4713

M. Böhle, Y. Gu, A. Schimpf: Two Flow Models for Designing Hydrostatic Bearings With Porous Material, AJKFluids2019-4657

X. Wei, F. Zhang, D. Appiah, K. Chen, S. Yuan, M. Böhle: Pressure fluctuation in side channel pumps using a modified impeller blade, AJKFluids 2019

H. Seiler, M. Ortelt, M. Böhle: Development of a hydrostatic journal bearing with micro porous CMC material, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum/EATS 2019

G. Yandong, M. Böhle, A. Schimpf, Y. Shougi: Modeling and Numerical Solution of Aerostatic Radial Bearing with Porous Material, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, China



A. Theis, R. Schäfer, T. Reviol, M. Böhle: Untersuchung eines generischen Testfalls mit Lasermesstechnik zur Validierung einer Lattice-Boltzmann Berechnungsmethode, Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik: 26. Fachtagung, 4.-6. September 2018, Rostock, S. Grundmann, M. Brede, B. Ruck, A. Leder, D. Dopheide (Eds.), German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.v., pp. 35.1-35.8, ISBN 978-3-9816764-5-7, 2018

M. Böhle: Numerical Investigation of the Flow in Hydrostatic Journal Bearings With Porous Material, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 15-20th July 2018, Montreal, USA

T. Reviol, S. Kluck, G. Ettringer, M. Böhle: Investigation of propeller mixer for agitation of non-Newtonian fluid flow to predict the characteristics within the design process, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 191, 420-435

T. Reviol, S. Kluck, M. Böhle: A new design method for propeller mixers agitating nonnewtonian fluid flow, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2018, 190, 320–332

P. Wang, T. Reviol, S. Kluck, P. Würtz, M. Böhle: Mixing of non-Newtonian fluids in a cylindrical stirred vessel equipped with a novel side-entry propeller, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2018, 190, 384–395



A. Baum, C. Berger, C. Landfester, M. Böhle: A Critical Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results for the Examination of a Cascade Consisting of NACA 65-010 1% Profiles, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 30th July - 3rd August 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

S. Fleder, F. Hassert, M. Böhle, B. Zientek-Strietz: Influence of Gas-Liquid Multiphase-Flow on Acoustic Behaviour and Performance of Side-Channel-Pumps; An unconventional Way to reduce the noise level of a Side-Channel Pump on demand, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 30th July - 3rd August 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

T. Bian, Q. Han, M. Böhle: Comparison Between NACA 65 Profile and Circular Arc Blade Based on Numerical Investigation, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 30th July - 3rd August 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

T. Bian, Q. Han, M. Böhle: A Design Method for Cascades Consisting of Circular Arc Blades with Constant Thickness, International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2017

F. Zhang, S. Yuan, Q. Fu, J. Pei, M. Böhle, X. Jiang: Cavitation-Induced Unsteady Flow Characteristics in the First Stage of a Centrifugal Charging Pump. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2017



F. Zhang, A. Fleder, M. Böhle, S. Yuan: Effect of suction side blade profile on the performance of a side channel pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2016 #

M. Böhle, A. Fleder, M. Mohr: Study of the Losses in Fluid Machinery with the Help of Entropy, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

H. Roclawski, M. Gugau, M. Böhle: CFD Analysis of a Radial Turbine during Load Step Operation of an Automotive Turbocharger, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

H. Roclawski, C. Oberste-Brandenburg, M. Böhle: Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor for Turbocharger Applications, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

H. Krieg, D. Nowak, M. Bortz, A. Knapp, C. Geil, H. Roclawski, M. Böhle: Entscheidungsunterstützung für Planung und Betrieb von Trinkwasserversorgungsanlagen, Fachbericht Trinkwasserversorgung, Juli, 2016

A. Knapp, C. Geil, H. Krieg, D. Nowak, M. Bortz, H. Roclawski, W. Hausen, M. Böhle: H2Opt: A software prototype for the optimization of drinking water systems, 3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference, 14-15th September 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany

S. Fleder, B. Gwiasda, M. Appel, M. Böhle, M. Ortelt, H. Hald: Design and testing of radial gas bearings with porous media, using fiber-reinforced C/C composites, 3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference, 14-15th September 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany

C. Geil, A. Knapp, H. Roclawski, M. Böhle, H. Württemberger: Modeling of vertical wells in the water procurement - Application to the case study water procurement area East Kaiserslautern, 14th Computing and Control for the Water Industry Conference, 7-9th November 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

S. Fleder, F. Hassert, M. Böhle, B. Zientek-Strietz: Feasibility Study on the Use of Side Channel Pumps for Low Viscosity Fluids, with Fracking or ther Hydrocarbon Processing Applications, 45th Turbomachinery & 32nd Pump Symposia, 12-15th September 2016, Houston, Texas, USA

T. Reviol, S. Kluck, F. Genuit, V. Reim and M. Böhle, Investigation of the influence of viscoelastic behaviour on the agitation of non-Newtonian fluid flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 152, 55-64, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.05.035



M. Böhle, W. Kitsche, S. Sudhof: Jet Inducer for a Turbo Pump of a Liquid Rocket Engine, 66th International Astronautical Congress IAC-15-C4.3.1, Israel, 2015

A. Fleder, M. Böhle: A Systematical Study of the Influence of Blade Length, Blade Width, and Side Channel Height on the Performance of a Side Channel Pump, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2015

A. Schneider, D. Conrad, M. Böhle: Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the flow field in pump intakes - a new approach, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2015

D. Conrad, A. Schneider, M. Böhle: Accuracy of non-newtonian lattice boltzmann simulations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2015

D. Nowak, M. Bortz, H. Roclawski: Decision Support for the Design and Operation of Water Supply Systems, Procedia Engineering, 2015

S. Fleder, B. Gwiasda, T. Reviol, M. Böhle: Windage Power Losses in High Speed Rotating Machines for Different Gap Ratios not having Axial Flow: A Generally Valid Estimation and Literature Overview, 16th Conference of Fluid Flow, 1-4th September 2015, Budapest, Hungary

T. Reviol, F. Genuit, V. Reim, S. Kluck, M. Böhle: Untersuchung des Einflusses viskoelastischer Materialeigenschaften auf den Leistungsbedarf von Rührern, Vortragssammelband zum 18. Köthener Rührerkolloquium, 2015, 87-115, ISBN:978-3-96057-010-3



Böhle, M.; Frey, T.: Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Three-Dimensional-Flow Structure of Tandem Cascades in the Sidewall Region. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2014

Roclawski, H.; Gugau, M.; Langecker, F.; Böhle, M.: Influence of Degree of Reaction on Turbine Performance for Pulsating Flow Conditions. ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, 16-20th June 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany

Gugau, M.; Roclawski, H.: On the Design and Matching of Turbocharger Single Scroll Turbines for Pass Car Gasoline Engines. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2014

Reviol, T.; Kluck, S.; Böhle, M.: Erweiterung der Auslegungsverfahren von Rührern und Anwendung an einem Propellerviskosimeter. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2014



Reviol, R.; Franze, R.; Böhle, M.; Wiedermann, A.; Takeishi, K.: Cross Flow Effects on Endwall Heat Transfer in Film-Cooled Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes. ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, 3-7th June 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Reviol, T.; Böhle, M.: Beitrag zur Auslegungsprozedur von Rührwerken und Anwendung an einem Propellerviskosimeter, Vortragssammelband zum 16. Köthener Rührerkolloqium, 2013, 14-25, ISBN: 978-3-86011-067-6



Reviol, R.; Franze, R.; Böhle, M.; Wiedermann, A.; Takeishi, K.: Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Vortex Structures on Local Heat Transfer in a Large Scale Turbine Cascade. Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2 No.1, p. 163–174, 2012

Roclawski, H.; Gugau, M., Böhle, M.: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Mixed Flow Turbine Wheel, ASME Turboexpo 2012.

Roclawski, H.; Böhle, M.: On Similarity when Developing Centrifugal Pumps on Test Rigs Operated with Air, 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2012.



R. Reviol, R. Franze, M. Böhle, A. Wiedermann, K. Takeishi: Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Vortex Structures on Local Heat Transfer in a Large Scale Turbine Cascade, 10th International Gas Turbine Congress, 13-18th November 2011, Osaka, Japan

R. Dishur, M. Böhle, A. Wiedermann, K. Takeishi: Effect of Turbulence Modelling and Mesh Refinement on Film Cooling Flow Analysis, 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery-Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, 21-25th March 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

A .Fleder, T. Müller, M. Böhle: A Theoretical Method to Improve the Side Channel Pump Efficiency, 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery-Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, 21-25th March 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

M. Hilgert, M. Böhle, A. Wiedermann: Stationary Gas Turbine Intake Design and its Impact on a Transoinc Compressor Stage, 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery-Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, 21-25th March 2011, Istanbul, Turkey



H.J. Kammer, M. Fallen, M. Böhle, T. Pfeffer: Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Körperschalldämmung durch Entkoppelelemente in Kfz-Abgasanlagen, 36.Jahrestagung für Akustik, Daga-Tagung, Berlin, März 2010

T. Pfeffer, H. J. Kammer, M. Womann, M. Fallen, M. Böhle: Körperschalldämmung von Turboladergeräuschen in Abgasanlagen, ATZ, 111.Jahrgang, 07-08, 2009

K. Pies, M. Böhle, M. Fallen, S. Sentpali: Implementation of a Sound Source Approach into the Transfer Matrix Description of Duct Systems Inter-Noise, Ottawa, Canada, August 23-26, 2009

H. Kipp, D. Hellmann, M. Böhle: Numerical and Experimental Study on a Wall shear stress calibration setup for hot-film probes by the use of a Radial flow cell Assay, ASME-FEDSM-2009, PaperNo. 78, Colorado, USA

M. Hilgert, M. Böhle: A CFD-Based Investigation of Boundary Layer Skew in the Hub Region of a Low Speed Axial Compressor and its Influence on Performance and Losses, ASME-FEDSM-2009, PaperNo. 78181, Colorado, USA

M. Böhle, T. Müller: Evaluation of the Flow Inside a Side Channel Pump by the Application of an Analytical Model and CFD, ASME-FEDSM-2009, PaperNo. 78023, Colorado, USA

M. Böhle, R. Becker: Verification of a Lattice-Boltzmann Method by Using Analytical Flow Solutions of Standard Flow Problems, ASME-FEDSM-2009, PaperNo. 78342, Colorado, USA

C. Schluer, M. Böhle, M. Cagna: Numerical Investigation of the Secondary Flows and Losses in a High Turning Tandem Compressor Cascade, European Conference on Turbomachinery-Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, 23-27th March 2009, Graz, Austria

M. Böhle, U. Stark: A Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Entrance Boundary Layer Skew on the Aerodynamic Performance of Low Aspect Ratio, High Turning Compressor Cascades, European Conference on Turbomachinery-Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics, 5-9th March 2007, Athens, Greece


1990 - 2004:

M. Böhle, M. Cagna, L. Itter: Compressible Flow in Inlet Guide Vanes with Mechanical Flaps, ASME-Turbo-2004, Paper GT2004-53191, 2004

M. Böhle: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of a Threedimensional Boundary Layer in the Region between a Casing and a Blade Tip, 4rd Conference on Pumps and Fans, Bejing August 2002

M. Cagna, M. Böhle: Application of CFD Methods for the Simulation of the Flow through a Filter in Dependency of the Operating Time, ASME-FEDSM-2002, Paper No. 31101, Montreal, July 2002

L. Itter, M. Böhle: Determining the Quality of Numerical Solutions of Flows through Turbomachinery Components, ASME-FEDSM- 2002, Paper No. 31319, Montreal, July 2002

M. Böhle, M. Cagna: Using Numerical Results for the Development of Algebraic Equations for the Calculation of the Pressure Drop over Folded Filter Mediums, ASME-FEDSM-2001, Paper No. 18217, New Orleans, May 2001

M. Böhle: Application of Analytical and Numerical Methods for the Design of Transonic Axial Compressor Stages, 2nd International WSES-Conference: Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Vouliagmeni (Greece), July 2000

M. Böhle: Using the Fluidmechanical Equations for the Design of Impeller Pumps, 3rd Conference on Pumps and Fans, Bejing Oktober 98

M. Böhle: Ein CAE-Konzept zur strömungsmechanischen Auslegung von Axialpumpen Industriepumpen + Kompressoren 3/97, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen M. Böhle: Software-Engineering for the Development of Axial Pumps, 2nd Pump Congress, Istanbul, April 1996

M. Böhle: Strömungstechnische Auslegung eines Vordrallreglers mit mechanischen Klappen für Turbomaschinen, VDI-Berichte, Nr. 1208, 1995

M. Böhle: An Inverse Design Procedure for Axial Pumps Working on Personal Computers, International Fluids, Singapore, Juni 1994

M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, E. Laurien, J. Wiesbaum: Sensitivity Analysis of the Chemical Behaviour of Reentry Flows in Nonequilibrium, 6th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Colorado Springs, 20-23 Juni 94

M. Böhle: Sensitivitätsanalysen des chemischen Verhaltens von Wiedereintrittsströmungen im Nichtgleichgewicht, ZLR-Forschungsbericht 93-01, Braunschweig 1993

E. Laurien, M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, J. Wiesbaum: Numerical Modelling of Chemically Reacting Reentry Flows in: H. Oertel jun. and H. Körner (eds.): Proceedings of the Third Aerospace Symposium Braunschweig, Springer, Berlin, (1993)

M. Böhle, A. Lieseberg, J. Maul: Results of Sensitivity Analyses for Establishing a Shock Tube Measuring Program, EUROMECH 296, Real Gas Effects in High Enthalpy Fows, Sept. 1992

M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, E. Laurien: Numerical Simulation of Chemically Reacting Reentry Flows, Inter. Conference on Methods of Aerophysical Research (ICMAR 92), Novosibisk (Russia), August 1992

M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, E. Laurien: Zur Sensitivität von Wiedereintrittsströmungen gegenüber aerothermodynamischen Modellparametern, DGLR-Jahrbuch I (1992)

E. Laurien, M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, J. Wiesbaum: Finite-Element Algorithm for Chemically Reacting Hypersonic Flows, AIAA 92-0754 (1992)

E. Laurien, M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, J. Wiesbaum: Numerical Approximation of Hypersonic Shocks in a Finite-Element Method, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 72, T320-T322 (1992)

E. Laurien, M. Böhle, H.Holthoff, J. Wiesbaum: Reentry Aerothermodynamics Simulations using the Taylor-Galerkin Finite-Element Method, Proc. 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics (1991)

E. Laurien, M. Böhle, H. Holthoff, J. Wiesbaum: Modelluntersuchungen zur numerischen Berechnung von Wiedereintrittsströmungen, DGLR-Jahrbuch I, 613-620 (1990)

U. Stark, M. Böhle: Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen an ungestaffelten Gittern aus Profilen mit mechanischen Klappen Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, VDI-Verlag, 6/90 , (1990)

U. Stark, M. Böhle: Diskussionsbeitrag zum Vortrag von U. Schmidt-Eisenlohr: Variable Geometrie bei Hochleistungsverdichtern, Vor- und Nachteile, DGLR Jahrestagung, Fachausschuß: Luftatmende Antriebe, 1989