Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Wingertszahn

Raum: | 74-250 |
Telefon: | +49 (0) 631 / 205 – 3462 |
eMail: | Patrick.wingertszahn(at)mv.rptu.de |
- Fachgruppenleiter: Wälzlager
- Forschungsschwerpunkt: Dynamiksimulation von Wälzlagern
Zur Person
- 2011-2019: Diplom Maschinenbau, Vertiefungsrichtung Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus, TU Kaiserslautern
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am MEGT seit: Juli 2019
- Müller, F.; Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.; Sauer, B.: A Minimal-Data Approach for Film Thickness Prediction in Tribological Contacts. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses 2, 4 (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/jeta2040012
- Kramer, V.; Atalay, O.; Rüth, L.; Wingertszahn, P.; Bartz, M.; Goetz, S.; Schleich, B.; Koch, O.; Wartzack, S.: Method for the consideration of statistically distributed geometrical deviations in the design of cylindrical roller bearing arrangements. Forschung im Ingenierwesen 88, 30 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s10010-024-00749-z
- Wingertszahn, P.; Schmitt, S.; Thielen, S.; Oehler, M.; Magyar, B.; Koch, O.; Hasse, H.; Stephan, S.: Measurement, Modelling, and Application of Lubricant Properties at Extreme Pressures. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik 2023, 70(4-5), pp.5-12, DOI: 10.24053/TuS-2023-0017
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.; Maccioni, L.; Concli, F. Sauer, B.: Predictiong Friction of Tapered Roller Bearings with Detailed Multi-Body Simulation Models. Lubricants, 2023, 11, 369. DOI: 10.3390/lubricants11090369
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.: Vorhersage von Lagerschäden jenseits von Rolling Contact Fatigue.6. VDI-Fachkonferenz Schadensmechanismen an Lagern, 17.-18-04.2024, Aachen
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.: Prediction of Bearing Damage Beyond Rolling Contact Fatigue.78th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (STLE) 2024, 19.-23. May 2024, Minneapolis
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.: Predicting Friction Torque and Kinematics of Tapered Roller Bearings using a detailed Multibody Simulation Model, 4th International Brazilian Conference on Tribology – TriBoBR 2023, 26.-29. November, Vitória-ES, Brazil
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.:Predicting Friction Torque and Kinematics of Tapered Roller Bearings using a detailed Multibody Simulation Model. 2nd International Conference on Machine Design 2023, 7.-8. September 2023, Porto
- Wingertszahn, P.; Koch, O.: Development and Validation of Dynamic Models on Multiple Scales for Reseach of Rolling Bearings. (Posterbeitrag) 2nd International Conference on Machine Design 2023, 7.-8. September 2023, Porto
- Wingertszahn, P.; Thielen, S.; Koch, O.: A new approach for calculating the contact heat transfer coefficient based on real component surfaces. 77th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (STLE) 2023, 21.-25. May 2023, Long Beach
- Wingertszahn, P.; Oehler, M.; Sauer, B.: Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relation-ships for Chain Joints. (Posterbeitrag) International Conference on Microscale Morphology of Component Surfaces MICOS 2023, 6.-8.. March 2023, Bad Dürkheim
- Wingertszahn, P.; Schmitt, S.; Thielen, S.; Stephan, S.; Oehler, M.; Koch, O.; Hasse, H.: Measurement and Modelling of Lubricant Properties at Extremely Highy Pressure. Nextlub - 1st International Conference on Tribology and Systainable Lubrication 2023, 18.-19. April 2023, Düsseldorf
- Wingertszahn, P; Koch, O.:Betriebsverhalten von Kegelrollenlagern in Abhängigkeit der Belastungssituation im Antirebssystem. Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben FVA 625 III – Dynamikmodelle verschiedener Wälzlagertypen. FVA-Informationstagung 2022, 06.-07. Dezember 2022, Würzburg
- Wingertszahn, P., Atalay, O., Sauer, B., Koch, O.:Modelling geometrical raceway deviations of roller bearings in multi-body simulation and analysis on its effects in experiment. 76th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (STLE) 2022, 15.-19. May 2022, Orlando