04. Mai 2023 Congratulations to M.Sc. Shaban Guma on successfully defending his thesis! Congratulations to M.Sc. Shaban Guma on completing his PhD and successfully defending ...
04. Mai 2023 Project AORTA in SWR news! How police and rescue vehicles should get to the scene of an accident faster?
11. April 2023 The end of a journey: Project ReMix concludes with great success! We are delighted to announce the successful completion of ReMiX, a project focusing on the development of a design methodology for verifiable system architectures in intelligent automation.
11. April 2023 Making a difference: Project DESPRIMA ends with positive impact! Last month, we successfully completed our DESPRIMA project on Demand-Side-Management (DSM). DESPRIMA showcases ...
21. Februar 2023 Auftaktveranstaltung des Projekts ZEBRA EINLADUNG zur Auftaktveranstaltung am 03.03.2023 um 10.00 Uhr, Online-Videokonferenz