Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Hondliakh

Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 44 / Raum 467
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 2768
Fax: +49 (0)631 205 3055
Email: oleksandr.hondliakh[at]
- Strength and fracture of nanocomposites, Carbon nanotube-reinforced polymers, multiscale model, dispersion, strength and fracture of nanocomposites, numerical simulation
Zentrales Forschungsprojekt
Work Experience
Since 2021 07/-12/2023 | Research follow of RPTU, Institute of Particle Process. Engineering (Prof. Sergiy Antonyuk). Research topic: nanoreinforcement of polymers |
01/-06/2023 | Scientific employee in the DFG project at the RPTU, Institute of Particle Process Engineering (Prof. Sergiy Antonyuk). Topic: Spreading of granular pastes: from the particle to end use properties |
07/-12/2022 | Gast Professor in a project of Carl Zeiss Stiftung „Auxiliaris“ program for Ukrainian refugee scientists „Biopolymer products for sustainable plastic production“ at the RPTU |
Since 2021 | Professor of the Chair of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Mechanical Engineering. (NTUU “KPI”) |
2019-2021 | Head of the Department of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Engineering of NTUU “KPI” |
Since 2004 | Professor. Chair of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Mechanical Engineering of NTUU “KPI” |
1992-2004 | Senior Lecturer. Chair of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Mechanical Engineering of NTUU “KPI” |
1988-1992 | Senior Scientific Employee. Chair of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Mechanical Engineering of NTUU “KPI” |
1984-1988 | Scientific Employee. Research and Development Laboratory of Thin-walled Spatial Constructions at Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute, Kiev, Ukraine |
- Scherbyna, V., Gondlyakh, A., Sokolskiy, A., Shilovich, Y., Bulavina, N. (2023). Failure Analysis of Refractories in Rotary Kilns. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, . ISSN 2195-4356.
- Gondlyakh, A., Chemeris, A., Kolosov, A., Sokolskiy, A., Scherbina, V., Antonyuk, S. (2022) Iterative-Analytical Model of Nonlinear Deformation and Fracture of Multilayer Composite Panels. Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 33-51. Springer,
- Gondlyakh, A., Kolosov, A., Scherbina, V., Mamchur, O., Shilovich, Y. (2022) Crack Resistance Parameters of Nanoreinforced Rubber Products in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, pp. 272-281,
- Gondlyakh, A., Chemeris, A., Kolosov, A., Sokolskiy, A., Antonyuk, S. (2021) Simulation of Delamination Processes of Multilayer Mechanical Engineering Structures. I Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, pp. 129-138,
- Gondlyakh, А., Sokolskiy, A., Shylovych, T., Shylovych, Y., Chemeris, A., Antonyuk, S. (2021) Numerical Determination of the Strength of Nanomodified Ceramics, 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi.org10.1109/NAP51885.2021.9568580
- Gondlyakh, А., Sokolskiy, A., Kolosov, A., Chemeris, A., Shcherbina, V., Antonyuk, S. (2020) Modeling the Mechanisms of Fracture Formation in Nanomodified Polymers, IEEE 10th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), Sumy, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 02TM06-1-02TM06-7.
- Gondlyakh, А., Sokolskiy, A., Kolosov, A., Chemeris, A., Shcherbina, V., Antonyuk, S. (2020) Modeling the Mechanisms of Fracture Formation in Nanomodified Polymers, IEEE 10th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), Sumy, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 02TM06-1-02TM06-7.
- Kolosov, A., Gondlyakh, A., Sivetskii, V, Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Sidorov, D., Sokolskiy,A., Shcherbina, V., Ivitskiy, I. (2020) Modeling the Structures of Oriented Macrofiber Polymer Composites as Capillary-Porous Bodies. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 1360523, 13 pages, 2020.
- Kolosov, A., Gondlyakh, A., Kolosova, E., Sidorov, D., Kazak, I. (2020) Ultrasonic Technology of Impregnation and Dosing Application of Liquid Epoxy Binders on Fabric Fiber Fillers. In: Ivanov V., Pavlenko I., Liaposhchenko O., Machado J., Edl M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III. DSMIE 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 191-200. Springer, Cham.
- Kolosov, A., Sivetskii, V., Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Gondlyakh, A., Sidorov, D., Ivitskiy, I., Symoniuk V. Use of Physicochemical Modification Methods for Producing Traditional and Nanomodified Polymeric Composites with Improved Operational Properties. (2019) International Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 2019, Article ID 1258727, 18 pages, 2019.
- Kolosov, A., Sivetskii, V., Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Gondlyakh, A., Sidorov, D., Ivitskiy, I. (2019) Creation of Structural Polymer Composite Materials for Functional Application Using Physicochemical Modification. Advances in Polymer Technology. Volume 2019, Article ID 3501456, 12 pages.
- Kolosov, A., Gondlyakh, A., Kolosova, E., Sidorov, D., Khan, A. (2021) Energy-Efficient Technology of Epoxy Polymers Producing by Using Ultrasonic Treatment. In: Tonkonogyi V. et al. (eds) Advanced Manufacturing Processes II. InterPartner 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, pp. 290-299,
- Kolosov, A., Gondlyakh, A., Sivetskii, V, Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Sidorov, D., Sokolskiy,A., Shcherbina, V., Ivitskiy, I. (2020) Modeling the Structures of Oriented Macrofiber Polymer Composites as Capillary-Porous Bodies. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 1360523, 13 pages, 2020.
- Kolosov, A., Gondlyakh, A., Kolosova, E., Sidorov, D., Kazak, I. (2020) Ultrasonic Technology of Impregnation and Dosing Application of Liquid Epoxy Binders on Fabric Fiber Fillers. In: Ivanov V., Pavlenko I., Liaposhchenko O., Machado J., Edl M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III. DSMIE 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 191-200. Springer, Cham.
- Kolosov, A., Sivetskii, V., Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Gondlyakh, A., Sidorov, D., Ivitskiy, I., Symoniuk V. Use of Physicochemical Modification Methods for Producing Traditional and Nanomodified Polymeric Composites with Improved Operational Properties. (2019) International Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 2019, Article ID 1258727, 18 pages, 2019.
- Kolosov, A., Sivetskii, V., Kolosova, E., Vanin, V., Gondlyakh, A., Sidorov, D., Ivitskiy, I. (2019) Creation of Structural Polymer Composite Materials for Functional Application Using Physicochemical Modification. Advances in Polymer Technology. Volume 2019, Article ID 3501456, 12 pages.