- Surface area
- Adhesion energy distribution of surface
- Zeta potential of surface
- Contact angle
- Roughness
- Collision behavior of particles
- Frictional behavior
- BET analysis (Quantachrome)
- Inverse gas chromatography (SMS) for surface energy distribution
- Statical/dynamical contact angle of droplets with surfaces (self-developed)
- High-speed cameras (max. 200.000 fps)
- Scanning probe microscopy for roughness analysis (Hysitron, Bruker)
- Electrokinetic analyzer for solid surfaces analysis: Zeta potential (Anton Paar)
- Single particle collision test (self-developed)
- Nano and Tribo-Indenter Hysitron (Bruker) with temperature chamber, temperatures up to 800°C, forces from 30 nN to 2 N