- Crossflow
- Dynamic microfiltration
- Cake filtration
- Electrophoresis
- Membrane filtration
- Crossflow and dead-end membrane tester for tubular or flow-channel membranes/with superimposed electric field (self-developed)
- Single or multi-shift disc filters for dynamic filtration (Novoflow)
- Compression-permeability cell (self-developed)
- Pressurized housing cell (VDI 2762) for characterizing of cake filtration
- Filtration minicell in analytical centrifuge LUMiSizer (LUM)
- Single pass and multi pass tests in liquid according to ISO 16889
- Hydro/gas cyclone test setups for separation efficiency (self-developed)
- Pressure drop (bubble point) test and pore size distribution in porous media: woven and nonwoven filters, membrane, particle layer (Topas)
- Pressure-induced deformation test of filter media (self-developed)