The Metastability group deals with experimental investigations and modeling of phase transformations and their influence on the mechanical and physical properties of metallic materials. We undertake interdisciplinary, fundamental, and application-oriented research.
Metastable austenitic steels, high-strength steels, electrical steel sheets and additively manufactured soft magnetic materials are analysed

Solid state phase transformations in CrNi and TIRP/TWIP steels
Transformation of magnetic domains in electrodeposits and novel materials
SiO2 based organic/non-organic self-healing coatings

Mechanical fatigue in the LCF, HCF and VHCF range
Functional fatigue: change in magnetic properties as a result of mechanical stress
Surfaces with specific morphology for fatigue and wear-resistant components
New damage parameters
based on machine learning and electro-magnetic
Ultrasonic sensor
Current research projects
Research on the influence of self-healing, organic-Inorganic sol-gel layers on the corrosion resistance and fatigue of steel in the VHCF range
Influence of deformation-induced martensite formation on the mechanical properties of metastable austenite
DFG-CRC 926 - Component Surfaces: Subproject B05/03
Surface condition influence on the quasi-static and cyclic deformation and damage behavior of TRIP / TWIP steels
DFG-CRC 926 - Component Surfaces: Subproject B10/03
Strain induced spin phenomena in electrical steels
DFG-CRD/TRR 173 - SPIN+X: Subproject B08/02
Specific surface conditioning of 100Cr6 during cryogenic hard turning by model-based process pre-control and process control
DFG-SPP 2086 – Surface Conditioning
Fatigue monitoring system with electromagnetic acoustic-transducers (EMATs)