Dr.-Ing. Marek Smaga

Academic Councilor
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Room 44-369
P.O. Box 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631-205-2762
Fax: +49 631-205-2137
E-Mail: m.smaga(at)mv.rptu.de
Research Projects
- Research on the influence of self-healing, organic-Inorganic sol-gel layers on the corrosion resistance and fatigue of steel in the VHCF range
- Influence of deformation-induced martensite formation on the mechanical properties of metastable austenite
- Surface condition influence on the quasi-static and cyclic deformation and damage behavior of TRIP / TWIP steels
- Strain induced spin phenomena in electrical steels
- Specific surface conditioning of 100Cr6 during cryogenic hard turning by model-based process pre-control and process control
- Investigation of the fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steels and their welds for reactor internals under very high cycle (VHCF) operational loading conditions
- Fatigue monitoring system with electromagnetic acoustic-transducers (EMATs)